Favorite childhood books

Journey to the Center of the Earth; Nesbitt sounds so familiar...

Gah! I forgot my teen hero Anne McCaffrey!

Pern! Dragons! Tower and Hive! Telepaths!

The reason I write fantasy (not here)
McCaffrey has a gift for twisting a new phrase or word to sound like it just belongs. I have used "hide-bound" as a phrase for somone who just can't think outside the box and had people "get it" who have NEVER read Anne.
Re: Ronald Dahl

Wantonica said:
Has anyone ever read Ronald's erotica? I recently purchased one at the library book sale called "Switch Bitch". Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie and the Glass Elevator and James and the Giant Peach are listed under his previous works at the beginning of the book, along with other books of adult erotica.

I forgot to mention Beverly Cleary, The Mouse and the Motercycle, The Borrowers, Old Yeller, The Prince of Central Park and The Three Toymakers.


Ronald? Thank's a lot. Now i'm going to be picturing him with a red nose on for ever more.

Everyone, if you haven't already You MUST read My Uncle Oswald by Roald Dahl. Fabulous. After discovering the ultimate aphrodisiac man and nymphomaniac tour the world collecting Semen from the artistic greats for sale for fertility purposes.

That book is a revalation if you've only ever read his children's books.

As for my childhood I was profoundly affected by reading 'The Martian Chronicles' By Ray Bradbury at the age of eight. My mother and I were living in France at the time and it was about the only english book in the local library I could read, other than Asterix.

Most of the actual children's books I've read I read as an adult.
Most of the actual children's books I've read I read as an adult

Ahhh, but don't you stilll love them? I still get excited when my 8 year old, who can now read on her own with no problem, comes to me with Where the Wild Things Are and wants me to read it to her. I love that book and the feeling of her stitting beside me, currled up against me waiting to go with Max into the land of Wild Things.

cahab said:
Ronald? Thank's a lot. Now i'm going to be picturing him with a red nose on for ever more.

Everyone, if you haven't already You MUST read My Uncle Oswald by Roald Dahl. Fabulous.

My sincere apologies! By the way, two of the short stories in 'Switch Bitch' are about the infamous Uncle Oswald. If you want to see a really cool website, check out www.roalddahl.com . Without the 'n' in Roald, of course.:D

Happy day,
Edith Nesbit

She wrote:

The Railway Children
Enchanted Castle
Fiery Dragon
Five Children and It
New Treasure Seekers
The Phoenix and The Carpet
The Story of The Amulet
The Story of The Treasure Seekers
The Wouldbegoods

Also I forgot Dodie Smith:
101 Dalmatians
The Starlight Barking
I Capture The Castle

The all of a kind family series by Taylor
The Ramona books by Cleary
Piers Anthony Xanth series because it made me feel smart to get the puns when I was 12.
Mio Min Mio
Bröderna Lejonhjärta
Ronja Rövardotter
Pippi Långström (all the books)
Karlsson PĂĄ Taket (all the books)
Kitty (Nancy Drew)
Svarta Hingsten (Black Stallion)
Vad händer om man vänder på Paris?
Dadlar och dromedarer
Jag går min egen väg
Godnatt Mister Tom
Min Morbror Trollkarlen
Häxan & Lejonet
Hästen & Hans Pojke
Caspian, prins av Narnia
Kung Caspian Skeppet Gryningen
Den Sista Striden
Kulla-Gulla (all the books)
Den lilla vampyren (all the books)

+ all the comics

Lucky Luke
Kalle Anka (Donald Duck)
Starke Staffan
Anything by Heinlein
The Phantom Tollbooth
LOTR & The Hobbit

When I was in 6th grade I found a book in my Dad's sock drawer titled "Eating Stuff" it was the first erotic fiction I read. Very vanilla - road trip of a 19 yr old girl.

Penthouse letters - never missed on from the mid 70's through the mid-80s (Jr Hi through grad school)

You just made me dizzy. Glad to blame it on someone else for once.

Anne McCaffrey started with "The Ship Who Sang" and "Restoree" in the late 1960's before she published "Dragonquest" as a make-up book from four short novelettes.

All this too late for me, to qualify as a children's book, although I did read them -- even the Harper Hall Series.

I did read Burroughs and Verne as a child, but my first modern Science Fiction story was "A Fall of Moondust" by Arthur C. Clarke."

Then, somebody gave me "The Mind Traders" by J. Holly, and finally I encountered "The Puppet Master" by Robert A. Heinlein and was hooked.

But none of this was as a child.

Nesbitt, although she wrote magical stories for children, she always included a believable 'technological' problem.

If the 'sandfairie' granted the four (of the five children) wings -- since they didn't know how to control the length of the transformation, wound up spending the night perched on the roof of a church, after the wings vanished.

Actually, Nesbitt was quite an advanced sci-fi fantasy writer, writing expressly for children.

At least that is my opinion.
Svenskaflicka said:
You mean you're an Astrid Lindgren fan, too?

I only wish I knew. Titles, authors, songs, artists... I was culturally overwhelmed as a child and cannot comprehend any of it at this stage of life. :rolleyes:

A Childhood Spent Doing Nothing But Reading...

and the only true piece of kid's Lit I can recall that hasn't already been mentioned is...

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. Awesome. I remember feeling cheated when I learned the poor auther died before he could write the sequel.

Like others here, I devoured Sherlock Holmes, the Hardy Boys, the Earthsea trilogy and The Phantom Tollbooth. I also loved light, fun reads like The Great Brain series, Two-Minute Mysteries and Choose Your Own Adventures. There are many, many more that made a huge impression at the time, but malted hops and bong resin cloud my memory.

Now I just watch TV. So sad.

I love the color of your eye, but the intensity kind of scares me!
