Favorite Quotes

from bad-bad TV movie, "Rasputin", BUT starring Alan Rickman as the concupiscent holy man.

Rasputin: You'll always fail because your soul is dead.
Dr. Botkin: I have performed many autopsies in my time, but I've never located a soul.
Rasputin: How many memories or emotions have you found?
- - - - - - - - -

Lovin: it's not a fixation, just pure lust; it's the voice combined with villainy that does it for me; though Flicka says he could read the phone directory and make her climax. Guess I'm a bit less fixated, I'd need full sentences, complex preferred, with semi-colons and dashes, perhaps some onomatopoeia.

Perdy (just woke up from complex dream, going back to bed.)
Re: Re: Re: Another favorite movie quote

oggbashan said:
I like "High Spirits" for Peter O'Toole. His acting is dead pan as if he can't believe he is involved in this rubbish.

I do like Peter O'Toole - I loved "My Favorite Year."

In "High Spirits" I think it is the Daryl Hannah/Steve Guttenberg connection that is so absolutely horrifying!
Re: Re: Re: Another favorite movie quote

oggbashan said:
I still think that "Plan 9 from Outer Space" is the best worst film.
Anyone ever see "Attack of the Killer Tomatos" with the legendary Tracy Lords?
Ps. "Evil Roy Slade" with John Astin has too many wonderful lines to mention. I doubt that anyone else has heard of the movie, but it's a classic. Even had Mickey Rooney. He's a hero to all short people.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Another favorite movie quote

MathGirl said:
Anyone ever see "Attack of the Killer Tomatos" with the legendary Tracy Lords?

Of course! But I think the difference here is that "Killer Tomatoes" was supposed to be bad. The other movies were actually, um, supposed to be good.

But can you sing the theme song?

The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
they'll eat you (something, something, something)

(ok - that's all I know)
Where's the video recorder?

I'll dig out all the old relics from the loft and have an evening watching:

Plan 9 From Outer Space
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
High Spirits
Wild Women of Wongo
Stuff a Wild Bikini
Elvis films - Roustabout etc.

and my all time favorite - a Japanese film "Tampopo" which is a truckers' noodle western with a subplot of 1930s gangsters. Even with Japanese subtitles it is a great film. There are so many references to film classics.

Warning: Do not watch Tampopo on an empty stomach. It is a food movie. They make Japanese noodles look delicious. If they could have done it for hot dogs?

Okay, I know it's silly, but ...

"P.J. Peee-Jaay. I like that, you know, I do. Hiss, put it on my luggage! P.J." -- Prince John, Disney's 'Robin Hood.'

Oh, gawd, Sable, please let's keep Disney out of this. It's invaded every culture in story and on land. If I were to ever (not likely) think of boycotting Chanel lipsticks it would be over the French allowing Disneyterre on shore. Not Lit. now, horrors!

pleading Perdita
Probably my favourite quote comes not from a movie, but during the making of a movie. :)

While filming “Lifeboat” (which was shot entirely within one isolated lifeboat) the cameraman came to director, Alfred Hitchcock, with a problem. :cool:

“Keeping within the confines of the lifeboat where the story is set, we must shoot from some strange angles. That is where our problem arrises. :(

“Miss Bankhead, you must know, wears no underwear. An idiosyncrasy which is being increasingly exposed as one watches the dailies. Whatever can we do?” :confused:

“Ah, yes!” Hitchcock replied, impishly. “I have been considering that, but I am uncertain whether the problem falls within the domain of wardrobe, makeup, or hairdressing.” :eek:
Quasimodem said:
Probably my favourite quote comes not from a movie, but during the making of a movie. :)

Well if that's where we're takin' this then don't forget:

"Anytime you're ready CB!"

Something strange is going on here in this thread... I can't quite put my finger on it... wait, that's it! Nobody's made any personal attacks on anyone! Don't you know people are dying out there?!
Terry Pratchett quote

Ancient letters chiseled into the stone above the police station door:

rhinoguy said:
V=C? yes?
Make my day, Punk?
Dear Nosey,
Yes. I'm reading a novel for about the third time, and it's the first time I noticed it.

I'm sorry- are you experiencing personal attack withdrawal?

Favorite movie quote from "Brain Candy":

The President of Roritor Pharmeceuticals, explaining to a scientist why his clinical depression drug has suddenly been declared non-prescription.

"Ye-es, but you've created a marvelous drug, and right now only certain people have access to it. We want everybody to have access to it- like- oh, you know, ghetto children. Apparently their lives are horrible- did you read that thing-?"
Best TV line: either "Nobody expects the Spainish Inquisition." by M. Python, or a golfing scene from The Avengers (with Diana Riggs as Emma Peel) during which the villian says, "I wouldn't mind stroking a round or two with you, Mrs. Peel."

Best Movie line: damn near any line by Groucho Marx, W.C.Fields, or Mae West, or "...Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." Patton

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Perdita > aww, that was _classic_ Disney! Just wait, though; I'm sure they'll get around to making Robin Hood II any day now. Company's gone entirely to hell in a handbasket. With one saving grace. Can I quote Pirates of the Caribbean? "I'd kill you in a fair fight." "Now that's hardly reason for me to fight fair, then, is it?"

Okay ... okay ... other movies. Sticking with the Alan Rickman theme, he has many wonderful Galaxy Quest moments. "I see you managed to get your shirt off." The way he icily snaps "Next!" at the line of Lazarus wanna-bes.

Also from Galaxy Quest -- "Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!"

Fellowship of the Ring: "You have my sword." (Aragorn). "And my bow." (Legolas). "And _my_ axe!" (Gimli, conveniently forgetting that he just smashed his axe to smithereens trying to destroy the Ring.

"You are a god among insects." -- Magneto, one of the classiest screen villains of all time.

"He's got a knife!"
"Of course he's got a knife. You've got a knife. We've all got knives. It's 1183 and we're all barbarians."
(probably unexact, from "A Lion in Winter."

Sable: 'Pirates' is fine with me, anything with Mr. Depp is verrry fine with me.

"Galaxy Quest" cont.; Rickman as Sir Alexander Dane before meeting the fans one more time:

"I played Richard III. ... There were five curtain calls. I was an actor once, damn it! Now look at me. Look at me! I won't go out there and say that stupid line one more time!"

The best tv line is either

Sideshow Bob
"Attempted murder. Now honestly, what is that? Do they give the Nobel Prize for attempted chemistry?"

Leonard Nemoy
"Hello, I'm Leonard Nimoy. The following tale of alien encounters is true. And by true, I mean false. They're all lies, but they are entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer... is No

both from the simpsons
Marge: You like Rashoman.
Homer: That's not how I remember it.
perdita... I'm lost too!

can't get email through to you... got rejected 3 times..

I post the pics here...

send me an email and I'll reply to yours... maybe that will work!
Horseman: I got them, thanks. Will reciprocate tomw.

Perdita :rose: