Favourites from various threads

The Wonder that is smithpeter

None of these are posted poems, just musings written in a moment on the forum.

I Hate You

there are strong words
but I hate you
your intent
the way I think you look
and the way you don't look
I hate you
so it is not important
just because
you are wordy
you are airy
you are big and I am
not as big

it is simple
I simply hate you
there are grenades
between my teeth
and dwelling in my gums
between ass cheek
tip of nose
between knees,
just for you
and your expansion

I hate you

-rude switch-
please forgive me
let me back
into your folds
your canoe
be your paddle partner
in blue and green


jump on a bandwagon
of mistrust and incompetence, accusation,
so needed hugs are laid off like
simple layers of honesty
like the bread that is unkneaded
and tossed for lack of sensitive
trustworthiness, yeasty plumpness
other long non existent words
simply sink and deflate


look at me walking away
it is too much

the sedans our parents and others
drove to the brink

my need for freedom
my inability to cope with life
in general
the result
of this large space
with only myself
my dog
a wide mowing machine
nothing spreading her legs
laughing in the early morning
or mid afternoon
with me
being the sage I smell in future
That's lovely, Ange. A true homage, simple yet complex.

This isn't a poem but a voice from the past that I missed the first time and still miss.

Originally posted by tarablackwood22
Good midnight, everyone. :)

I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you, to you all. :rose:

I will no longer be posting poetry here at lit, at least for now.

There are so many I need to say things to that I’d be sitting for weeks if I were to do it one by one right now.

I’m going to lock up for a while and write. I enjoy my time here far too much, love the talk and play with all you wonderful people, but feel the amount of time spent at those activities runs contrary to my own self-interests. I am exploding with ideas and feel I need to get serious about them, give them the hours they deserve.

There are so many glorious men and women here that I have gotten to know as people and more, but I am afraid to start listing them here for fear of forgetting someone important.

When I came here, the only poetry I had written had been in stacks of secret notebooks I stashed under pillows and floorboards. My footing was unsure and my voice hoarse.

That has changed. This place has some sort of magic that makes one’s poetry grow like Jack’s beans, and I find it impossible to fully explain or even understand how it works.

Certainly the quality of poetry here has a lot to do with it – I am still startled at its level every time I see literotica’s homepage! It is not what one would expect to find.

There is so much real literary talent here to feed off of, and I say my beholden thanks daily.

But it’s far more than that – the atmosphere of encouragement, the spirit of good will, a community of caring with so little of the self-serving venom that seems to dominate other places. All the little things that make lit a home.

I really do need to say thank you publicly to Tathagata – he has taught me so many things these past months that extend far beyond poetry, and I am a richer person in so many ways because of him. The things he and I have shared cannot usually be found without drilling equipment.

……and also to Ange, who shares with me such a common past that it is scary sometimes, as if we had been following each other around for years. Thank you, sister, for your help and guidance and kindness. Escape is in the air, and the sea is rolling.

……and Eve, whose poetry has had such an effect on me. I’ve told her so many times it must be boring to her by now, but I still don’t think she believes me. When I can cut words to the bone like that, I won’t have to diet any more.

…..and anna, with whom I shared very human moments that taught me things about pain and recovery and perseverance and kindness – and lipstick is threatening to run away with Seattle and find a plush basement that doesn’t smell of oil and sawdust.

…..and Syndra, who was the first to recognize that my words might have some worth and was kind enough to say so publicly on a thread and draw more eyes my way.

……and Maria, who I share so much in common with, not only style but also the moments of doubt when we both don’t think we are good as we really are.

…..and echoes, who offered her hand to me early when I was unsure and teetering and helped me gain my feet.

…..and JCStreet – who has said so many wonderful things about my writing, both publicly and privately, praise that is overwhelming in its scope and forces me to believe at least partially what he says because he is a man of such talent and experience – Carl, I’ve told you what I think of your skills and you – everything will be ok –just do what you do..…write.

…..and Fawnie, who is a ball and has shown so much spirit and growth, and is in the process of strapping on the wings she craves.

…..and 1201 – my favorite debating partner and a true lover of all art.

…..and tungtied – thanks to the escapade with lipstick in your cyberbed, I am going to have to resort to physical force to get her out the door here.

…….and lostandfounder, who came to me for help and certainly doesn’t need it any more.

…..and Liar, whose poetry and humanity I find inspirational every day.

……and neo, who has been so kind to me and whose unique poetry makes me shiver.

I sometimes have a hard time shaking the vision of those two boys making sandwich meat out of me. :devil:

……and YDD for his (her?) brutal, precious honesty and demands on me for hard work which drove me forward much more than he (she?) knows.

……and Tess, who always seemed to know when I needed an encouraging comment on my poetry.

…..and Min, who made me smile so many times.

…..and Perks, and Mutt, and Outlash, and trendyredhead, and doormouse, who I had just begun to slowly share with and was so looking forward to getting to know better.

….you see!!!!…now I’m in trouble.

……….because there are 20 more names that just ran through my head and the bottle of wonderful yellow liquid I opened to begin this is well dented now and doing magic tricks to my mind just like the worm of Mescal that squirms at its glass bottom is doing.

If I left you out, mea culpa, and please consider it an error of drunken omission and venial. PM me and I will grovel and beg forgiveness for my sin. I can no longer think straight.

Please answer this thread if you wish, and I will PM you so we can say our privates – or, simply PM if you prefer, and I promise to answer as soon as I can. :rose:

You WILL see me around on Tuesdays to do the daily reviews. I’m afraid to cut the cord totally, fearing the shakes might overwhelm me or some foreign force carry me away to far orbits!

There was some trouble with the directness of my reviews today – I want everyone to understand that I am not leaving because of that. In fact, I will continue to review on Tuesdays as I said, and defend my right as a critic that day to perform that responsibility in the most intellectually honest way I can. This is not a move of drama, but one of personal interest.

Champagne – I very much respect your opinion about the reviews..I just disagree. :rose:

I also want to apologize to those of you who I did not reach out to and get to know, even though I saw you there all the time. How can I explain why I didn’t? Stupidity comes to mind. That’s you Lauren…and Boo….and Fool….and champagne.....and many others.

Thank you all for everything – your kind words, your friendship and support, your motivation ….. thank you for all that, and more.

Now for the rest of the tequila…..as soon as I get the courage to press the ‘Post’ button. ;)

………………………well it’s 4:30 in the morning. I chickened out. Here goes another try.

Love everybody. :kiss:

OK -- it wouldn't let me post because it said I had to many symbols....what does that mean?

I had a heart next to every single person's name -- let's try it this way. :heart: That's my own heart, for all of you.

Just think: 40 years ago we would all have been sitting at the Round Table at the Algonquin Hotel in New York

I'm reminded of what the old bear hunter said to Robert Redford in JEREMIAH JOHNSON when they were sittin' round the fire eating chicken up in the cold cold cold

"You've come far pilgrim"

and Redford (who hadn't talked to a living soul for about a year looked up laconically--paused a moment--and said

"Feels like far"

Wishing you well TaraB. :heart:
I keep going back to read this by Champagne on the Happy Fathers Day thread. It is so compelling and poignant it deserves a bigger audience

I didn't know my daddy,
Mom says he was a sailor
the youngest papered
on the Great Lakes.

But what does that mean
when the hand-me-down clothes
are outgrown and siblings
return from a trip to the zoo
and talk about the monkey
and the elephant;
and the one left behind
just feels like another exhibit.

But, that's all right
since he was the only man
you truly loved. So, why did you let him
get away with not loving
his misbegot?
sensuousness from Champagne in the "not sure how many words" thread. Go browse if you haven't already, Ange and e.e's love affair through poetry is well worth a voyeur - er - view. :D
All From the Would You? thread started by Annie

Fricken Frisbees she says :rolleyes:


Same thread different poetess:D


Neo classic from same thread :D


One of my Favourite Harry Hill Pieces the things he does with end of line choices and sonics through out is just plain awesome


This one is just plain sexy

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