fingers crossed for you, Vrose

We do get the odd earthquake. One wiped out the city centre of Newcastle when I was in my teens and there's a family legend about me and my mother sleeping through an earthquake when I was a baby.

Yes it can be climatically extreme. We are subtropical here but 150 or so kilometers away it snows and 100km, the climate is like England. We seem to swing wildly between drought and flood too. The soil around Coffs Harbour is craptastic but we grow nice bananas and 40km away there is absolutely fabulous soil for agriculture. Fun fact: I live 1km away from the eastern most point of the great dividing range.

That happens here, too. Both New Madrid, Missouri and Charleston, South Carolina are far from plate edges, but have had significant earthquakes since US became a nation.

Some data I saw recently indicates a definite trend to increasing temperatures there. I'll probably continue to poke around a bit for a bit.
That happens here, too. Both New Madrid, Missouri and Charleston, South Carolina are far from plate edges, but have had significant earthquakes since US became a nation.

Some data I saw recently indicates a definite trend to increasing temperatures there. I'll probably continue to poke around a bit for a bit.

so where's the safest place on earth to live?
so where's the safest place on earth to live?

That's a good question, but not sure there's a good answer.
I guess one could answer it in terms of statistics of some sort, for nowhere should be free of both weather and geo-hazards.
I guess, if you have a choice, what benefits some place offers against its risks.
Perhaps the bottom of the sea, far from both land and mid-ocean ridges would be the most stable, but we're not quite built for that.
Fricken wet weather seems to be heading south again. There's a couple of cyclones heading for Queensland. Like we need more rain. Fuck a duck we had the side ways rain today in buckets.
I've always thought I should have been born in warmer climes but they seem to have more of their fair share of eruptions etc and England does have some lovely summers occassionally, although I once got called a liar by an American guy in a chatroom who was under the impression that England was all freezing rain and smog! Come to think of it the same guy got very upset when I pointed out that both Bob Hope and Cary Grant (great Americans he informed me) were in fact born in England!
I've always thought I should have been born in warmer climes but they seem to have more of their fair share of eruptions etc and England does have some lovely summers occassionally, although I once got called a liar by an American guy in a chatroom who was under the impression that England was all freezing rain and smog! Come to think of it the same guy got very upset when I pointed out that both Bob Hope and Cary Grant (great Americans he informed me) were in fact born in England!

That's funny cause I always felt the reverse. I am pale as a ghost. I burn everyday each summer because the sunscreen ain't strong enough. I love it cold and damp. It was 23 celcius today. If every summer day was like that I think I could stand it. It's been like 35 and horribly humid even at night.
That's funny cause I always felt the reverse. I am pale as a ghost. I burn everyday each summer because the sunscreen ain't strong enough. I love it cold and damp. It was 23 celcius today. If every summer day was like that I think I could stand it. It's been like 35 and horribly humid even at night.

Were you born in Australia?
Were you born in Australia?

Yep, in Sydney but my great grandma came out here during WW1 and I am about 85% scots descent, so I have usually glow in the dark white skin (though I do tan, it unfortunately comes out very red looking and not quite right). MY family was actually acknowledge by the clan chieftain of the Roses when I was a kid and I always wondered why the relationship was recognised so easily—until I saw her. She looked like my dad in very good drag!:D

I'm not a big fan of the environment here, except the rainforest. I could live in rainforest.:D
Yep, in Sydney but my great grandma came out here during WW1 and I am about 85% scots descent, so I have usually glow in the dark white skin (though I do tan, it unfortunately comes out very red looking and not quite right). MY family was actually acknowledge by the clan chieftain of the Roses when I was a kid and I always wondered why the relationship was recognised so easily—until I saw her. She looked like my dad in very good drag!:D

I'm not a big fan of the environment here, except the rainforest. I could live in rainforest.:D

At least you won't get offended by my flea poem about convicts getting shipped out to Oz !
At least you won't get offended by my flea poem about convicts getting shipped out to Oz !

I almost suggested you could have titled the poem Down Under. The double meaning made me laugh, but I thought maybe it's not as funny as I think, so I refrained, until now. :)
I almost suggested you could have titled the poem Down Under. The double meaning made me laugh, but I thought maybe it's not as funny as I think, so I refrained, until now. :)

Lol very funny and never crossed my mind it only got called an ode because I already have an ode to a dung beetle!
At least you won't get offended by my flea poem about convicts getting shipped out to Oz !

It's actually the reverse. Every Aussie hopes to have a convict ancestor. I just recently discovered a relative a long way back who quite possibly could have been one and I am very excited.
It's actually the reverse. Every Aussie hopes to have a convict ancestor. I just recently discovered a relative a long way back who quite possibly could have been one and I am very excited.

Didn't used to be like that though did it?
Yep, in Sydney but my great grandma came out here during WW1 and I am about 85% scots descent, so I have usually glow in the dark white skin (though I do tan, it unfortunately comes out very red looking and not quite right). MY family was actually acknowledge by the clan chieftain of the Roses when I was a kid and I always wondered why the relationship was recognised so easily—until I saw her. She looked like my dad in very good drag!:D

I'm not a big fan of the environment here, except the rainforest. I could live in rainforest.:D

That's funny cause I always felt the reverse. I am pale as a ghost. I burn everyday each summer because the sunscreen ain't strong enough. I love it cold and damp. It was 23 celcius today. If every summer day was like that I think I could stand it. It's been like 35 and horribly humid even at night.

Don't like the humidity, but OK with a rainforest? Thought they were always warm, if not hot, and invariably humid.
I have to deal with heat and humidity here, but think I could go for desert mountains
Didn't used to be like that though did it?

No it didn't but we now wear our convict heritage with pride. It's funny, I heard this comment that went some thing along the lines of 'we sent our religious fanatics to the US and our convicts to Australia; why are we surprised that these countries are filled with religious nuts and thieves...'
Don't like the humidity, but OK with a rainforest? Thought they were always warm, if not hot, and invariably humid.
I have to deal with heat and humidity here, but think I could go for desert mountains

I was actually refering to my local rainforest which actually occurs at a very high altitude and is so cold that antarctic beech grows there. It's humid but it is cold humid, which I like. Similar to Tasmanian rainforest. It is classified as cool temperate. Google Dorrigo National Park. It is so beautiful. I also spent a lot of time tooling around lower land rainforest as a kid and there's a lovely patch of littoral rainforest near the beach about 2kms from where I am and that's where I saw those glow in the dark mushrooms I wrote about.
No it didn't but we now wear our convict heritage with pride. It's funny, I heard this comment that went some thing along the lines of 'we sent our religious fanatics to the US and our convicts to Australia; why are we surprised that these countries are filled with religious nuts and thieves...'

I was actually refering to my local rainforest which actually occurs at a very high altitude and is so cold that antarctic beech grows there. It's humid but it is cold humid, which I like. Similar to Tasmanian rainforest. It is classified as cool temperate. Google Dorrigo National Park. It is so beautiful. I also spent a lot of time tooling around lower land rainforest as a kid and there's a lovely patch of littoral rainforest near the beach about 2kms from where I am and that's where I saw those glow in the dark mushrooms I wrote about.

Thanks - quite interesting. I guess more like the Pacific Northwest here in the US.
The rain, which looked like it had set in, has buggered off but the first of two cyclones is meant to cross the Queensland coast about 10pm this evening, followed by a second huge one later in the week, so I'd say all bets are off as to what the weather is going to do...

The rainforest here really depends where you are. I grew up at the bottom of a mountain and we had subtropical forest, but fifteen kilometers up the mountain its cool temperate. I'd love to see the pacific northwest. I'm a big sad Twilight fan.
do you mind if I take a breather in here? ... breathe breathe ... I've just been blowing a radio presenter/journalist out of the water over sexist remarks on FB mind you it did gain me a friend who agreed with me!
do you mind if I take a breather in here? ... breathe breathe ... I've just been blowing a radio presenter/journalist out of the water over sexist remarks on FB mind you it did gain me a friend who agreed with me!

annie, annie, annie ...:devil:

did you do it live on air?
who was it? and good for you, gurl :cool:
annie, annie, annie ...:devil:

did you do it live on air?
who was it? and good for you, gurl :cool:

tut now your bolding has mad that look terribly rude!
Jon Gaunt ..... he's on about the sexist remarks to women referees (one of which women can't do the job because they get too emotional during that time of the month!) and nobody should be sacked for them as everyone has freedom of speech. So I told him he can shout about his freedom of speech all he wants but it's still sexism and women have been running their homes, raising their children and holding down a full time job whatever time of month it happens to be. Told him women were good enough in the war to work in the factories to drive ambulances into war zones even fly out the planes and put out the fires so please don't go telling me they are not good enough to referee football games!!
tut now your bolding has mad that look terribly rude!
Jon Gaunt ..... he's on about the sexist remarks to women referees (one of which women can't do the job because they get too emotional during that time of the month!) and nobody should be sacked for them as everyone has freedom of speech. So I told him he can shout about his freedom of speech all he wants but it's still sexism and women have been running their homes, raising their children and holding down a full time job whatever time of month it happens to be. Told him women were good enough in the war to work in the factories to drive ambulances into war zones even fly out the planes and put out the fires so please don't go telling me they are not good enough to referee football games!!


quoted for posterity and truth.

bloody condescending twerps and their moronic stereotypes. thank goodness not all guys are like that, and some are even well-enough equipped with a modern brain to realise women getting into those kinds of jobs are often brought up with the game (a father being a manager, for instance) and are probably more au fait with the damned offside rule than a commentator. :rolleyes:
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Oh forgot to say no it wasn't on air but on Facebook but I've locked swords with him on air before now ..... he used to cut me off regularly! A lot of it is to get people riled on purpose (makes for good air time) and he is a pussy cat in the pub lol
Oh forgot to say no it wasn't on air but on Facebook but I've locked swords with him on air before now ..... he used to cut me off regularly! A lot of it is to get people riled on purpose (makes for good air time) and he is a pussy cat in the pub lol


and yeah, i get what you're saying about deliberate controversy - a bit like James Whale, as i recall.

and in that case, he owes you a drink :)
The rain, which looked like it had set in, has buggered off but the first of two cyclones is meant to cross the Queensland coast about 10pm this evening, followed by a second huge one later in the week, so I'd say all bets are off as to what the weather is going to do...

The rainforest here really depends where you are. I grew up at the bottom of a mountain and we had subtropical forest, but fifteen kilometers up the mountain its cool temperate. I'd love to see the pacific northwest. I'm a big sad Twilight fan.

That 2nd (Yasi - how come the first is Anthony - here in North Atlantic they're in alpha order) does have a fierce forecast.
Both targeting Queensland - do they sometimes come down the east coast and come ashore there often?
And from animated satellite - upside down from what I'm used to with clockwise circulation.