fingers crossed for you, Vrose

I'm gonna be on roughly the same latitude as vrosej10 tomorrow but about 400 miles further west, no cyclones or floods but the temperature is forecast to reach 45 degrees centigrade (113F) tomorrow with the daily maximum forecast to exceed 39 C for the next 10 days at least.
How is your leg now EO?

Doing pretty well, now.
I put lotion on it in the morning after my shower and wait for it to soak in/dry off before putting on my pants.
And I'm continuing to not smoke - in about a week it'll be 8 months (the first couple on the patch, rest no nicotine).
Not sure if that has anything to do with my muse still AWOL or not.
I almost wish that cyclone would wander down here (or at least send a little cloud cover); it's like 35 celcius here to day and the birds are bursting into flames in mid air (just kidding).
Steady on, vrose and Good on you EO for your victory over nicotine!

Thanks - sometimes the urge still comes up. Seems slower to recede than desire to drink long ago. Could be a couple of reasons:
- smoked for about 3x as long (39 vs 13 years)
- consequences of smoking less severe and smoking more a part of waking actions, while only drink part of the day when was a daily drinker.

I almost wish that cyclone would wander down here (or at least send a little cloud cover); it's like 35 celcius here to day and the birds are bursting into flames in mid air (just kidding).

We'll be glad to take some of your heat for our cold.
And then you can have some of ours when Northern hemisphere summer.;)
you're always saying it's either too hot or too cold, is there any time of year it's just right?
Thanks - sometimes the urge still comes up. Seems slower to recede than desire to drink long ago. Could be a couple of reasons:
- smoked for about 3x as long (39 vs 13 years)
- consequences of smoking less severe and smoking more a part of waking actions, while only drink part of the day when was a daily drinker.

We'll be glad to take some of your heat for our cold.
And then you can have some of ours when Northern hemisphere summer.;)

Fair enough. It"ll be winter then. I'll appreciate the blast!

Kudos on kicking the fags. You'll live longer and your sense of smell will be better, so food will be yummier.:kiss:
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Bird bursting into flame...I see a poem in there somewhere

It's been so hot that the birds are actually hitting the water; I watched a pee wee (magpie lark) spend a good fifteen minutes in our bird bath just splashing around to get cool.
It's been so hot that the birds are actually hitting the water; I watched a pee wee (magpie lark) spend a good fifteen minutes in our bird bath just splashing around to get cool.

Be glad to send you half of the 8 feet of snow and ice in my yard right wonder my poems all seem to be about the "ice age" around here
Autumn. I love autumn, unfortunately its brief here. Spring, even briefer. I wish I was in England...:D

Seems the same here in Houston.
Spring and Fall come and go so quickly.
Winter usually not too long, but summer ...
I've heard it said we have 3 seasons here - summer, July and August.
Be glad to send you half of the 8 feet of snow and ice in my yard right wonder my poems all seem to be about the "ice age" around here

Damn. I've seen the news. It seems like you guys are getting the opposite but just as severe as us. :rose:The ice does sound lovely though, but that's just cause it's hotter than hell here right now...I think I just saw a cat evaporate (joke).:D

Seems the same here in Houston.
Spring and Fall come and go so quickly.
Winter usually not too long, but summer ...
I've heard it said we have 3 seasons here - summer, July and August.

There is actually workable theory that Australia doesn't have four seasons but eight more subtle ones. Most of the indigenous cultures believe in more than the standard four and I gotta defer to them—they been here longer. :DI actually kind of agree. I think we have three short autumn seasons and three short springs, a brief winter and a long arduous summer. Sydney has set a record this week for the most days over 30 in february.
Evaporating Puss...ah... Cat?, sound alot like my single life so far...: (
Damn. I've seen the news. It seems like you guys are getting the opposite but just as severe as us. :rose:The ice does sound lovely though, but that's just cause it's hotter than hell here right now...I think I just saw a cat evaporate (joke).:D
There are several strays who frequently visit us for food and friendship. We usually leave the garage door open half a foot so they can come in and go out.
Last couple of nites my wife had the door closed so one could stay in the relative warmth inside. Not able to get it tonight and so far I haven't seen any since returning home. Expect to see them when it gets better.

There is actually workable theory that Australia doesn't have four seasons but eight more subtle ones. Most of the indigenous cultures believe in more than the standard four and I gotta defer to them—they been here longer. :DI actually kind of agree. I think we have three short autumn seasons and three short springs, a brief winter and a long arduous summer. Sydney has set a record this week for the most days over 30 in february.
The 4 seasons do correspond to specific astronomical events, but temperatures lag. And w have ambiguity in our usage. Is the summer solstice the beginning of summer or midsummer?
And we're pushing records in the other direction over here.