First Rule for Dom/mes

Re: Re: Finesse

Shadowsdream said:

The gentle yet firm touch of the hand, never soft as in hesitation but often light as a reassurance. A warm eye of appreciation that does not falter and show doubt but glistens with caring and pride for a job well done. The caress of the voice that knows its passion is in its modulation not its volume. Sure fingers in the hair showing delight in beauty.

Finesse is not loud or abrasive neither is it meek and apologetic in my opinion.

beautiful post :rose:
Re: Finesse

Soron said:
Call it finesse or patience or subtle dominance or whatever. I relate it to playing a guitar. If you stroke the strings gently, you'll get a hell of a lot more out of the instrument. If you continue to bang away at the strings, sooner or later they're going to start to break.

I agree Soron, a firm, but gentle hand achieves more of a response than one that is heavy.

-kym- responding to My-Sir's stroking:heart:
Finesse, in non-florid me-terms, and yes, this is how I talk:

Not being an asshole to people, to prove a point or gratuitously.

Being calm enough in my Dominance to not have to prove it all the time. Neither with the sub nor with others.

Waiting till the sub wants to do something s/he didn't want to do, enjoying watching those needs and desires shift, the lines change over time. Having the patience to let the sub get there. Being willing to wait till yesterdays' ick, is today's pretty please.

Being able to serve, to have a service mentality, and to recognize that there are people worthy of my respect and humility in the world. Acting as an example with my own sense of service, not only demanding service of others.