First thought when you see the above poster's username [v2.0]

First thought about Sh75 is that they have been shh-ing people since 1975.
Every time I see valkyrie's name I think, "New AV? Yes! Oh that's a good one."

Because they always are.

Every time I see Taegul's name I think WTF is a taegul and think about Googling it to find out, but then I see a picture of a pretty dress or cute shoes, or a picture of someone in a pretty dress or wearing cute shoes and I forget was I was going to do. :rolleyes:
Her names liz and she’s from Las Vegas. Also she has nice legs
Rainshine’s dream! 😂😂😂💩

lol :D

Every time I see Taegul's name I think WTF is a taegul and think about Googling it to find out, but then I see a picture of a pretty dress or cute shoes, or a picture of someone in a pretty dress or wearing cute shoes and I forget was I was going to do. :rolleyes:

I've Googled it and Google does not have the answer.

Her names liz and she’s from Las Vegas. Also she has nice legs

Well, "fornicate" kinda comes to mind for some reason. ;)