Five things...

... Every time... You're like a vulture... A vulture comprised of unhappiness, rusty nails, and Indian food. Swooping down to carry off another chunk of my SOUL!

* giggles * I do it because I like you :D
Worst part of being an eagle scout; that paralyzing fear that your greatest accomplishment is long behind you. That and the yearly newsletter that keeps up with the other 30+ eagles from your troop... most of them hyper-accomplished.

Several of the more accomplished names on that list are also divorced already. Life accomplishments are over-rated... also the grapes are very sour.

I purposefully said 'personal accomplishment' (so something I'd personally regard as one rather than measured against somebody else) because whenever we get that personal disappointment after seeing somebody who we would regard as accomplished we're just letting inferiority complexes run roughshot over us over something that we probably wouldn't even want if we knew the nuances.
Sounds an awful lot like common sense except it took me years to get that. Silly brain.
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All the Philly love is touching the cockles of my heart....perhaps even the sub-cockle region. :roll eyes: But seriously folks, if you're going to visit, make sure you know how to order right when you get a if you want spray can cheese without onions it'd be 'whiz without'. or mention whatever toppings you want thrown on. In no particular order my 3 places to choose from would be - Geno's, Tony Luke's or Jim's on South St. Also recommend getting some pretzels afterwards, Philly Pretzel Factory has a good price, last I checked it was 35 cents a pretzel.

Also the commentary between Necro and Con is great. Necro, it's nice that you were so supportive of Con and I thought what you wrote was awesome, man.

Anyways, don't have any answers for the current 5, so I'll play again when it's relevant for me.
Unfortunately, I don't know you well enough to properly gauge how serious you are about that. So you leave me no choice but to assume that you do mean it to some extent.

" Not dislike myself "
You're too smart to actually believe that there is something so irredeemably wrong with you, it warrants punching your own clock. I guarantee there isn't a single person amongst us that doesn't feel fundamentally flawed in some capacity. You don't like yourself, well, it takes effort not to. It's easy to be cynical about your own worth, but I can tell you that you are worth something, certainly more than you seem to think you are.

" Have money "
Well, you've got a roof over your head, a cat that is actually some kind of monstrous eldritch entity bent on cosmic annihilation, and an internet connection ( hence electricity ), and presumably working plumbing, so you can't be that broke. Let alone enough for it to be soul crushing. You want more? There's plenty of ways to go about that, most are legal, they just require some form of planning and frugality while you save towards whatever goal you have in mind. Easy.

" To have completed some sort of personal life accomplishment "
Get in line mate, right behind the rest of earth's population. Again, that requires work, and a hell of a lot more than saving money does. You're too intelligent and logical to possibly ever believe that shit like that just magically happens. Your subdued state can't possibly be that mind numbing, otherwise you wouldn't even bring it up. If you haven't done anything worthwhile in your own eyes, it's because you've either been too busy, or just lazy. Neither of which are wholly debilitating situations. Pick something, start on it, and don't let yourself drop it. Exercise some self discipline and you may just be surprised how easy it is.

" Be smarter "
... Duh.
In case you haven't noticed,
* Ahem
" Us are all thunk yer smart, Con."
There, I spelled it out for you. The only thing you seem to be ignorant of, is exactly how brilliant your posts are, and that despite your obvious intellect you've never, to my knowledge, ventured into the realm of pretense or came off as a know it all. I can only speculate at how many people get your jokes and references without the use of a search engine :cool:

" Find a compatible partner "
Pardon my abrasive tone, but how hard have you actually tried? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I find it hard to believe that someone as scathingly apathetic as you present yourself to be, has put forth the kind of effort it truly takes to seek something that rare out. Not that it's hard to find someone, but something ideal is not so easily obtained, it's something exceptional we spend our short lives seeking out. You have to know yourself well enough to either be willing to compromise some of those standards I KNOW you have, or make peace with the fact that it's going to be that much harder to do if you're not willing to budge on them. Again, you're smart enough to know that the only place perfection exists, is in the fiction section of the library. But you can find an ideal, someone that makes you happy, that you click with, with whom's flaws ( real or self perceived ) become completely inconsequential in the face of how much you love them, it just requires a hell of a lot of time, searching, and yeah, you will be lonely. But take it from the formerly emotionally dead who struggled everyday for years over whether or not the end of a gun barrel would taste good, it gets better and is not hopeless, my friend.

And if all else fails?
I like cats, will watch anime, and can make fun of both america's political circus as well as Schrödinger's paradox. I'll fucking marry you bro, let's do this :D
Just don't go checking yourself out, few things are worth even seriously considering that. Trust me.

Edit: Forgive any redundancies or errors, my phone sucks and I'm supposed to be working :devil:

*crush* 😍

And yes, Con, you know the Cobain thing is waaaay too soon, but I still fucking love ya. :heart:
<selfishly snipped because I'm jonesing for a wedding> I'll fucking marry you bro, let's do this :D
Just don't go checking yourself out, few things are worth even seriously considering that. Trust me.


So umm, the wedding's off?

Name 5 things you've derailed a thread with.

hahhahaha. I'm not sure I've derailed a thread but I've killed a few.

1. inappropriate glitter
2. asking a question, hoping for a conversation instead of another gif (coming from the gif girl)
3. calling someone dude when I'm trying to make a cogent point
4. coming late to the party and making a post when the conversation's clearly over
5. being the den mother at the pool


Ok, inspired by pm with a friend.....

Five fetishes you do n't share but could tolerate and share with for a partner. :)

You mean like things I don't like but would learn to like,

Or things I haven't shared here but would share with a partner?
hahhahaha. I'm not sure I've derailed a thread but I've killed a few.

1. inappropriate glitter
2. asking a question, hoping for a conversation instead of another gif (coming from the gif girl)
3. calling someone dude when I'm trying to make a cogent point
4. coming late to the party and making a post when the conversation's clearly over
5. being the den mother at the pool


1 repeating what has already been said, and in a much better, funnier, more intelligent way by someone else
2 making what I believe to be a joke but is actually tumbleweed
3 starting a conversation when it's not allowed
4 replying to an earlier post when the thread's clearly moved on because everyone's bored with the subject
5 destroying game threads by not being quick enough.





Things I find related in abstract but others do not

The contents of my handbag and why there is usually a rope slip lead in there.


I'd do an erroneous handbag contents right now but it's rude to the gentlemen.

Ok, inspired by pm with a friend.....

Five fetishes you do n't share but could tolerate and share with for a partner. :)

Needles. Not something I've tried, or in a rush to try, but I wouldn't say no if pushed.
Incest. Again, doesn't do anything for me really, but I'd play out the fantasy for Him if he wanted.
Feet. I have no desire to put any part of his feet in or around my mouth or pussy. But if he wants to play with mine.....i guess that's ok...
Water sports. This grosses me out, but if he needs it, *sigh*, ok.
Rubber or latex wearing. I'm not sure what or why, it just looks extremely constrictive and sweaty to me, but whatever.

Rubber or latex wearing. I'm not sure what or why, it just looks extremely constrictive and sweaty to me, but whatever.
I hear that the interest people have in it comes from that constrictive element. I haven't tried it either so this is just conjecture, but I guess if you like rope it might be similar?
I hear that the interest people have in it comes from that constrictive element. I haven't tried it either so this is just conjecture, but I guess if you like rope it might be similar?

I imagined as much. I would feel especially strange about it around my throat or face. But that kink isn't my kink AND THAT'S OK! :D
You're doing sexuality wrong if you don't adhere to my exact narrow and hyper-specific expectations of true and proper kink etiquette!
For I am Duke Ferdinand Von Prétentieux, BDSM connoisseur.
Five fetishes you do n't share but could tolerate and share with for a partner. :)

letting them spank me....I do the spanking thank you.
Ball worship....
Handcuffs....I get a little fear of being bound, but I'll do it for the right woman.
Cuckold.....again it has to be right.
whip cream or other food.....not my thing, but I'll do it for her.

Things I'd do for a partner

1 get pegged

2 food, I don't eat in bed for a reason.

3 collar either way

4 cosplay

5 needles

5 life changing experiences(not in any order)

1 east bay stand down (

2 deploying to Afghanistan

3 refinding lit in 2012

4 the loss of a child

5 getting dumped this year.

5 life changing experiences
5 life changing experiences:

1. getting fired
2. admitting a huge secret to my parents, asking for help
3. realizing I'd never have children
4. my second marriage
5. husband's terminal diagnoses

passing it on - your 5 life changing experiences
Pass it on.:)

The first time I died.

When someone else did.

Literally burning/throwing everything away.

Finally finding something that I've always wanted, changed everything. :rose:

Learning how to not hate myself and be happy.

-- Pass it on again --
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