Five things...

Being a Mom
Being Nurse
cat whisperer

Pass it.
5 things I'm good at?

Not killing people
Producing heat
Metabolizing food
Organising items by colour

I've also noticed that my nervous system is really good at carrying potassium.

I seriously don't know that I can think of any... I do wish they'd bring back some that were cancelled on me:

- Southland
- My So Called Life
- Absolutely Fabulous
- Monty Python
- Mad TV

5 things you're good at

Sucking cock
Keeping my kids alive
Staying calm

*mumbles and stands in the corner*
I can't think of 5 things I'm good at :(

5 things I think NO is good at:

1. Mom stuff
2. Cutting through the bullshit
3. Friendship
4. Hair
5. Juggling 53 things at once and getting them done like a BOSS

Passing it on: 5 things NO is good at. Just kiddin' -

Name 5 things you're good at
*mumbles and stands in the corner*
I can't think of 5 things I'm good at :(

I can, No.

You are good at Sarcasm
You are a Good Mom
You are a Good Human Being
You are a Good Caring Person


You are at heart the most Good Individual I have ever Met! In my opinion.
5 things I am good at,

Finding Talent
Not panicking when the chips are down
Spelling Badly
Loving with all my heart and soul.
5 things I think NO is good at:

1. Mom stuff
2. Cutting through the bullshit
3. Friendship
4. Hair
5. Juggling 53 things at once and getting them done like a BOSS

Passing it on: 5 things NO is good at. Just kiddin' -

Name 5 things you're good at

I can, No.

You are good at Sarcasm
You are a Good Mom
You are a Good Human Being
You are a Good Caring Person


You are at heart the most Good Individual I have ever Met! In my opinion.

Oh you guys *blushes* :heart::kiss:
Okay okay 5 things I'm good at:

1) being a mom
2) procrastination
3) cooking
4) baking
5) handling business while in scrubs (they make me feel like super woman)

5 Things I am good at

Roller skating....though it's been a while, I'm sure I can pull off some tricks.

Solving puzzles/riddles.....I won a contest easily during the midnight launch of Batman Arkham City.....only one riddle managed to stump me.

Fixing things/learning to fix new things.....I've fixed a handful of items around my house simply by tinkering on my own/briefly watching a youtube video.

Being an all the kids to bits and would do anything for them.

Painting.....either rooms/household items or models. A good brush certainly helps.

Passing it on.....

By the way, MD.....definitely agree with your sentiment on shooting. There is something quite therapeutic about it....whether it is firing real rounds or playing a game....hey it's a good enough substitute when you can't go to the range/have the space to shoot at your own place.
5 Thing I'm Good At

I am a great mom. I'm not perfect, but neither is she. We agreed it just keeps it interesting, and we laugh a lot at ourselves and each other.

Martial Arts and Shooting - both for body, brain, and self defense. Like MD, I find shooting cathartic and fun.

Sewing - I can whip up the cutest little girls dresses with no patterns in a short time frame. I Looooove to make pretty things.

Listening - Sometimes people just need to be snoogled like a burrito, stuffed full of yummy things, and have a friend sit quietly and say nothing.

Photography - I picked up a cheapo digital camera about ten years ago and got hooked. Nature photography is what I'm best at and my real passion, but architecture is a close second.

Pass it :rose:
May i propose a new topic?

five things you'd have on targets for shooting:


1) my ex's picture
2) my husband's picture
3) cactus (we shoot a lot of cactus here)
4) I like the zombie targets
5) picture of ... he knows

Pass it
May i propose a new topic?

five things you'd have on targets for shooting:


Picture of my old bosses wife
Cans, I love shooting cans:D
A picture of my younger brothers old doctor. Idiot almost killed him.
All of my maternity clothes (good riddance!)
I hear watermelon are fun to shoot.
