For all the Canadians

Roland, Roland .. not to sound like a broken record dear .. ok you didn't get it the first time .. but then i pointed it out to you and you acknowledged the fact .. but now again you refer to Dave as a Canadian ..

i must once again point out to you sir .. Dave is not a Canadian .. we refuse to claim him .. sorry ..
bien sur Xander cheri! ;)
oh btw my dear do they have kit kats in Denmark? lol
i'm sure that by now everyone's heard this:

I'm not a lumberjack or a fur trader,
and I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber or own a dogsled;
and i don't know Jimmy, Sally, or Suzie from Canada
(although I'm certain they're really, really nice);
I have a Prime Minister, NOT a President;
I speak English and French, not American, and I pronounce it ABOUT, not ABOOT.
I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack;
I believe in peacekeeping, not policing; diversity, not assimilationl
and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal.
a toque is a hat; a chesterfield is a couch.
and it's pronounced ZED, not ZEE, ZED.
Canada is the second largest landmass;
the first nation of hockey,
and the best part of North America.
my name is Joe, and
I am Canadian.
thank you.

...well, my name isn't joe, but that's okay. this commercial, if i recall correctly, raised something of a stink down south... i'm not sure why (well, excepy maybe for the "best part of North America" line... :D).

i'm pretty sure the Yanks have Kit Kat, though.

i'm an Aero man, myself... but anyway.
Just wanted to say that I am a Canadian who wants to visit the States. Have found that the ppl I have talked to there are nice....
Can't you get kit kats almost everywhere??
but do you have cherry blossoms?

ok ok so i think i started this whole kit kat thing .. it was just a dumb mistake ... k .. ummm .. i will explain my idiocy and hope it makes some kind of sense to all the kit kat eaters of the world ..

i used to live in the states for nearly 3 years a long time ago .. i remember the chocolate bars being different there .. for instance .. i don't think you have cherry blossoms in the states (but then again maybe a million people will correct me and tell me they have them around the world lol) .. so i mixed up kit kats with that kind of chocolate bar when i saw kit kat's nickname .. that is all ..

whew .. i am glad i got that off my chest lol ..

man you guys .. you mess up the name of a damn candy bar once .. and there are public debates over it LMAO

and btw Rose-buddy .. do you have in the states the chocolate candies "Rosebuds" .. they are a sweet treat that melts in your hands and in your mouth. :)

Xander .. when i saw you wrote IT .. i was thinking who the hell is IT .. thought maybe you meant that character on the adams family ... oh yuck .. the perils of being isabella thorne .. the initials suck .. ;)

[Edited by Isabella Thorne on 07-16-2000 at 02:49 PM]
Now I have a question. What the heck are cherry blossoms?? I have never heard of that; or it could be the blonde hair syndrome happening here.
why Dusk2Dawn .. you say you are a Canadian? In my part of Canada blondes can buy cherry blossoms along with their brunette and redhead sisters at every corner Quickie convenience store .. :)

[Edited by Isabella Thorne on 07-16-2000 at 07:47 PM]
LOL! It was a joke, April, about not reading the whole thread. My fault. If you have to EXPLAIN the joke and all that...
I tell you I have never heard of cherry blossoms.....maybe I am just deprived.
To DCL..Ohhhh, no, it wasn't very good. But that's okay. I forgive you.:)

Cherry blossoms are flowers, aren't they?
ahem i am not roland i am his lawyer he has requested i release the following information Ahem......

"Due to the fact that Dave is not canadian i would like to Recall all nasty thing i said about canada...furthermore i would like to ask why are we still talking about a guy who left 2 weeks ago?lastly i would like to say This to the general population: i know how different american and british (or canadian) candy bars can be, so KIT KAT LOVERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! HURRAH!!!!"

ahem that is all thank you for your time
ENOUGH with the damn kit kat thing!(Except the lady herself) I'm not sure we (Canada) have cherry blossoms anymore anyway. They (americans)don't have that scion of canadian chocolate bar culture THE Crispy Crunch. Ya just can't get em down there and their Clark bar is a poor goddamn substitute.

To get back to the original theme. As neighbours you guys are great. Besides since a LOT of your countrymen can not even find there own home town on a map we feel semi-safe in firing the odd taunt down at you ... if we did piss you off could you find us?:p


[Edited by Expertise on 07-17-2000 at 09:24 AM]
By the way my yankee brethren if you think Jay Leno makes your countrymen look foolish. Ya' haven't seen anything or literally pissed yourself laughing until you have seen "This Hour Has Twenty Two Minutes" weekly "Talking To Americans" feature.
If this is Sliders, where is Quinn?

WTF is going on .. nobody else in Canada can buy a fucking cherry blossom but me LMAO ... k first of all for those who don't know what it is .. it is an incredibly delicous chocolate bar .. but it is shaped like a dome .. with a huge marichino cherry in the middle and sweet syrupy cherry stuff and covered in thick milk chocolate with nuts. it is heaven itself. and still available everywhere where i live .. grocery stores, convenience stores, vending machines .. please tell me another canadian somewhere can still buy them .. or am i living in an alternate Canadian universe .. it's just like Sliders .. LMAO

and i don't know i never liked crispy crunch much ...

but never mind .. i am trying to stay away from all candy bars anyway ...

[Edited by Isabella Thorne on 07-17-2000 at 10:36 AM]
Cherry Blossoms were great/are great and were kinda' sensual to boot. Licking up that pink stuff, yummy. Just haven't seen one in a while.

You might not be in an other dimension. You might just be in Toronto.
oh yea sure .. now you all want me to show you my cherry blossom .. LMAO :)
"At least the blossom if not the cherry" he said, ducking the wicked slap that was deservedly sent his way. It was such a shame he didn't anticipate the knee to the groin that followed.

Since i'm down here can I lick the pink stuff?:p we won't. We are geneticaly predisposed to slightly oversized tongues posessing incredible endurance. You've heard it before .... and yes its true.

[Edited by Expertise on 07-17-2000 at 01:06 PM]