For all the newbies....

oops, did I say all that out loud? <g> hey I guess i need a spanking then huh? Teehee.
Hello, all. I am a newbie who registered a couple of days ago. I'm no stranger to BB's, but this is the first sex-oriented board that I've joined. I've been reading the threads here for a couple of weeks, and I like what I've seen. But once I joined, a strange thing happened: an unexpected attack of shyness!

Like LadyChance, I have also been reluctant to jump into a thread (especially a role playing thread) for fear of "messing it up." But now that I've broken the ice by making my very first post, I think I can discard that fear.

I'm looking forward to making some contributions and having some fun. :)
Ok so who's Lasher and should I run? hehehe spanking sounds fun but not to hard I like to sit down sooner or later prefer sooner then later lol anyway thanks for the vote of confidence will try it I am tempted to try but not exactly sure where to begin and with what story lol. But look for me I will be there soon.:p
Welcome to the BB, LadyChance.

Now, I mean this in the nicest way I can. Please, can you use more punctuation in your posts, 'cause they are hard to read as they are written. Sorry. :)
Jeez... this is tough....

can you imagine how difficult it would be to read post after post that just went on and on and on like this without punctuaion i don't know what we would do seems like after awhile it would drive you fucking nuts good thing you pointed that out april otherwise we'd all be insane here fairly soon whew
damn lasher you really do make me laugh but i too hate it when people do not use punctuations and keep going and going and pretty soon their little thread runs together and makes my little eyes hurt but at least i wasn't as blunt about it as you were i would never point out anyones mistakes
Gosh, I was just trying to be nice. I even said please! And added the little smiley face. :) Like that.
just playing with you april...and helping to get your point across
Ahh. *nods head wisely* I thought there might be some messing around, so did not get mad. If I knew how to make a raspberry, I would. So consider yourself raspberried! LOL
How is this April?
bronwen.gif didn't even say Bless Your how were we to know you were only kidding?

LOL...I crack me up
Can movement cease?

I'm sorry April but you really have over stepped the mark on this occasion - I'm so offended that I might just have to leave this board forever ... you lot should be so lucky!

oops, did I say all that out loud?

I might be eccentric but that line is really beginning to get on my nerves.
As long as you concede that Lasher is the omnipotent and omniscient god of all he surveys you'll all get along just fine.

Yes Lasher that would be blatant sucking up. Ya see i'm hoping to get the franchise rights for Canada and carry on your good work.

I am sir, as always, your obedient servant or is that savant

Sorry !

HA! I got I will try I promise. I get so use to having my grammer checker, I sometimes forget that my sentences run on. So is this better for you all to read? No hurt feelings I hope. I will try to rememeber next time...I hope. Bless your all's hearts!

[Edited by LadyChance on 07-06-2000 at 10:04 AM]
Did you know that at one point in them good old Middle Ages there were no lower case letters, no punctuation, and, get this, NOSPACESBETWEENWORDSHOWHEHELLDIDTHEYREADANYTHINGWITHOIUTGOINGBLIND
Hey, are you all a bunch of optician's trying to drum up business?
Rosebud, I was going for something simple, but that will do nicely, thank you.

Just for you, SS. Bless your heart. LOL

Flagg, I don't know what to say!

LadyChance, here's a truly southern word to replace "your all's." Try "y'all's".
Check with Simply Southern, though, as I'm a Yankee! (well, actually, I'm not sure what I am)
oops I did it again!

Ok well since I am not from the south, but wish I could have been. I will put in everyone from now on. Deal? Deal! Ok hope that's better? Everyone here seems to be a critic! LOL...Brightest Blessings.
Honey pie sugar dumplin'

We are a tad bit critical...but it truly is all in jest. should use the word "Ya'll" as often as you can to make yourself sound like a true southern woman. If you end all of your sentences with honey or darlin...that helps too. Stay tuned for lesson number 2!
Here I Go Again

"Merry We Meet, Merry We Part, Until Merry We Meet Again" sounds good also. lol So "Brightest Blessings" and thx SS for lesson #1 waiting.....on #2 darlin' hows that? hehe Oh yes and thank you to Dixon Carter also.

[Edited by LadyChance on 07-06-2000 at 10:29 PM]
Lady Chance,

I'm going to suggest a tip for you that will enable you to convince even the most skeptical that you are from Dixie. And since I'm from "The Magnolia State" myself, you can trust me when I say that the "power to convince" this tip gives its user is absolute.

Ready? Please use the following only for Good, not Evil.
Only as often as you feel comfortable with its use, use the statement "I'm fixin to" in your normal, day to day, conversations. For example, had I chosen to use it in the first line of this post, the proper usage of this tip would have been, "I'm fixin to suggest a tip for you...."

Please be careful if/when you decide to use this power I've given you.

Hey Simply Southern,
I beat you to this one didn't I?