for subs, do you like knowing in advance?

I lie to know what is possible

but expect only what comes. It keeps it spontaneous and fresh and exciting. Sometimes I crave something that doesn't come, disappointed --no grateful for what does come.

i like the anticipation of knowing that something is "up". i think a "written agenda" can have a very powerful effect on a sub's head as he releases control anticipating the events. In some cases, where i have been left to my imagination, i have far over anticipated the events and been disappointed.
I prefer not to know anything in advance. In all circumstances.
WriterDom said:
what is going to happen?

He sends you a very descriptive email about his plans for the evening letting you think about it all day, or is it better not knowing?

As a male sub, I will say this. NOT knowing is very important to me. I will often ask or hint around about wanting to know, but in reality, I don't want to know. I don't know why I do it, the suspense and lead-up to play is a turn on for me too and I guess that's why this occurs with me.

Re: Re: for subs, do you like knowing in advance?

sunfalcon said:
As a male sub, I will say this. NOT knowing is very important to me. I will often ask or hint around about wanting to know, but in reality, I don't want to know. I don't know why I do it, the suspense and lead-up to play is a turn on for me too and I guess that's why this occurs with me.


My kind of sub. I don't tell them nuttin'.

Re: Re: Re: for subs, do you like knowing in advance?

Ebonyfire said:
My kind of sub. I don't tell them nuttin'.


:D Yep, that's the way I prefer.
being told what to have ready, to wear, preparations....a subtle hint of what MAY be to come...thrills me.

otherwise...i generally don't want to know. BUT. all things considered, if i am serving a Dom whose way was to have me know every detail in minutae...well then...that's my place, now isn't it?


:devil: :rose: :devil: :rose: :devil: :rose: :devil:
Details, details

I occasionally chat with a sub who wants all these details about "scenes" as if I have spent hours and hours writing a play.

They ask question after question, to the point where I have to stop them and tell them I am not that type of Domme. I have submissives to serve Me and make my life easier. What he is asking is a lot of work. I do not want to work that hard, I want service not a second job. Especially one that does not pay.

That usually gets rid of the fantasy kinksters.

I don't like to know before hand. Part of the fun is the journy there. If I know how and where I'll end up, it's just not the same.
WriterDom said:
what is going to happen?

He sends you a very descriptive email about his plans for the evening letting you think about it all day, or is it better not knowing?

Will a half and half answer seen wishy-washy? A very descriptive email that just stops and leaves most of the evening (or day) to my imagination. Hopefully sent a few days before the evening so i have time to let my imagination run wild. Anticipation can be so torturous!!

I go for information overload...I suggest so many things that the sub goes past knowing what I plan, to having too much info to figure out WHICH things I've got planned.
Varies. Sometimes just a hint, like what part of my body he's going to concentrate on, is enough to get me hot and leave me in that state for the rest of the day. Like when we're walking around shopping together and he leans over and says "Your ass is gonna get it as soon as we get home." Kay!

But I think I could take that down one more step and say that as long as I know he's wanting to do SOMEthing, I'm thrilled.

I could see potential arousal in hearing a very specific plan, but not often; I value his spontaneity more than his scriptwriting.
my Master and i are both more spontaneous kind of people. the only thing i like to know about in advance is a major punishment i may have coming that i can prepare for it mentally...otherwise, i don't like to know every detail. and my Master's not the kind to plan every detail...even if he has something particular in mind for us, EXACTLY what will happen is still always up in the air.
WriterDom said:
what is going to happen?

He sends you a very descriptive email about his plans for the evening letting you think about it all day, or is it better not knowing?

For me, it's not knowing the exact details.

However ... R has a habbit of dropping hints that at 'some stage' ... maybe we will try ... or ... this would be good, wouldn't it? ...

that leaves me wondering if today will be the day He will try this or that - so I do enjoy a little anticipation too.

(maybe I am just greedy!)
I love the anticipation. Especially if ther are a few frustrating and dark and murky hints along the way.
I like to tease with alot of options, while never revealing the specific details. It is also good for exploring limits verbally, beforehand.
I like the not knowing, but the hint of something is going to happen . It keeps your mind wondering all day of what He has in mind for that evening. But the little hints of what to wear, or of what He wants you to do beforehand. But not really knowing what to expect.
To know or not to know, that is the question...

It depends. A lot of times I'll ask him what's on his mind, and he'll say "Do you really want to know?" and then I'll decide from the way he says it. Theres the "Something we've done before that makes you crazy" voice.. And theres the "Something you've never tried before so get ready to panic" voice. If it's the first voice, I usually don't ask. If it's the second I do want to know, and will ask for more info. However, this doesn't mean that he tells me!