Form Poetry, please help me learn!!!

Re: Re: Re: uh oh

Maria2394 said:
I'm sitting here, in all honestry trying to think of just ONE American poet who was born into wealth...Im sure someone can remember one,..but not me. All my literary heroes and heroines have started off rather, cb9, we are in pretty good company :) cuz I'm poor too! BUT...I'm relatively happy, despite what most of my poems reveal bout me behind my back...


Stay happy. Just as something silly, Frost could be said to have been born into wealth, but then again, his contemporary, Sandberg, was a street urchin at 19 (hobo), or so they say. I wasn't there, so I can't say it was so.

Trivia. Nothing else to do. Bye.


His dad came over frm Eurpoe, Norway or someplace like that, to work on the railroad and discovered there were already lots of people with thier last name, so he changed it to Sandburg :) and Carl did live like that,..I admire him, but what else was there to do, really, back in the depression days..lost of famous writers were/are students of of Angelines links for the jazz guy in Louisiana, ( sorry, cant remember the guy, but he's an anthropologist) he has an awesome site and lots of stories about life in th e bayou..I hate brain freeze!!! c ya later, M
For The Empress of Poetic Form

As has been implied elsewhere, forms force you into a box where you get to try and create something that you like anyway

My darling JUDO! Only you would put it that way, hehe. Here's the inspiration seeing you around again inspired. :) :rose:

For JUDO (With apologies to Sh're #18)

Shall I compare thee to poetic forms?
Thou art more rhythmic and more full of grace.
Rough drafts beat our aesthetics down in storms,
But your return heralds a measured pace.

Sometimes when wild hearts of poets dream,
Precision wanes and logic waxes dim,
Then words may flood forth a chaotic stream
Of verses free of naught but writer's whim.

But thy keen sense of order doth not fade,
Nor ever lose possession of the beat,
And if thy lively themes are less than staid,
Thy lines still caper on trochaic feet!

The music in thy words sings and we see
How careful cadence brings forth poetry.

Ange-Not-On-Avon :p

I do Elizabethan sonnets. See JUDO for more difficult forms.
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one of Angelines links for the jazz guy in Louisiana,
(sorry, cant remember the guy, but he's an anthropologist) he has an awesome site and lots of stories about life in th e bayou..

Ok Maria. Now you're scaring me. :) Not only are we writing the same poems, but I read that and instantly knew who you meant. You mean Junior, of Junior's Juke Joint, the university prof and cultural anthroplogist from the Mississippi Delta who is a total blues freak. Right? Lol. The site is great--his love for the music and the whole delta blues culture just shines from it.

So are we possibly the same person? Do you love bluesy jazz, especially Lester Young, read poetry (well anything, really) obsessively, and have a secret desire to be Billie Holiday (but no drugs or abusive boyfriends) just long to do one set at Cafe Society? Do you hate lima beans? If so, I think you might be me, and we must determine how we were separated. :p
Re: For The Empress of Poetic Form

Do Not Hide Mental From My Plain Sight
(apologies to Dylan Thomas)

-- a blessing on those whom I cherish --

Do not hide mental from my plain sight
Figures lush should bare and laugh at others' play
Shush, shush, take away this silly plight.

Young mothers broad by child know Nature's right
Because their breasts hold desksets upright they
Do not hide mental from my plain sight.

Good girls, their looks swollen with aging firelight
Wonder what could have been had choices been fey.
Shush, shush, take away this silly plight.

Wild ones, defiant with deeds unknown late night
Who loved and lusted til bones were sore by day
Do not hide mental from my plain sight.

Brave smiles, laughing aginst the mores they fight
Chuckling and jiggling in their most gracious way
Shush, shush, take away this silly plight.

And you, my sister, blessed with a body not slight
Kiss and please me with your beauty I love, I pray
Do not hide mental from my plain sight,
Shush, shush, take away this silly plight.

Angeline said:
My darling JUDO! Only you would put it that way, hehe. Here's the inspiration seeing you around again inspired. :) :rose:

For JUDO (With apologies to Sh're #18)

Shall I compare thee to poetic forms?
Thou art more rhythmic and more full of grace.
Rough drafts beat our aesthetics down in storms,
But your return heralds a measured pace.

Sometimes when wild hearts of poets dream,
Precision wanes and logic waxes dim,
Then words may flood forth a chaotic stream
Of verses free of naught but writer's whim.

But thy keen sense of order doth not fade,
Nor ever lose possession of the beat,
And if thy lively themes are less than staid,
Thy lines still caper on trochaic feet!

The music in thy words sings and we see
How careful cadence brings forth poetry.

Ange-Not-On-Avon :p

I do Elizabethan sonnets. See JUDO for more difficult forms.
still th e other end

Angeline said:
Ok Maria. Now you're scaring me. :) Not only are we writing the same poems, but I read that and instantly knew who you meant. You mean Junior, of Junior's Juke Joint, the university prof and cultural anthroplogist from the Mississippi Delta who is a total blues freak. Right? Lol. The site is great--his love for the music and the whole delta blues culture just shines from it.

So are we possibly the same person? Do you love bluesy jazz, especially Lester Young, read poetry (well anything, really) obsessively, and have a secret desire to be Billie Holiday (but no drugs or abusive boyfriends) just long to do one set at Cafe Society? Do you hate lima beans? If so, I think you might be me, and we must determine how we were separated. :p

Ok, first off I Love lima beans...LOL my mom said she craved them when she was pregnant with me..and all I know about jazz is what I have learned from you!!! :rose: so, I guess we arent identical twins, and I think Iam about 6 months older than you too hehe...I did love that site though, some of the things he said about being in certain places on saturday night, well, its like that here, you're better off in a juke joint than a redneck bar anytime in SC :)

going back to bed, trying to sleep but I thik its hopeless...see ya later M