Found video of someone I know...tell them?

Create a fake email and send her the link. If she put it there, she will always wonder who knows that video is there, if she didn't, now she does.
I agree with going the wife route if you are going to do this. Otherwise I would let sleeping dogs lie. It is bound to blow up in your face if you bipass the wife.
Write a story or cycle about it, maybe a RUN-LOLA-RUN-type series of episodes exploring her possible reactions. But I would not tell her.
Don't say a word to anyone. Is it really going to haunt you if nothing is said? You were after all looking at the video with the fantasy of it being your sister-in-law. Say you confess to your wife, now she hates you 1 for looking at porn and 2 she will be jealous as all that you saw her sister in the act. Now if you or your wife tell your sister-in-law how embarrassed is she going to be. If she allowed the video to be put up or not. You or both of you have seen it and know she's a freek and allowed it to be taped and or put up on the internet.

If your wife was into watching porn as mine is I would one night stumble upon it, watch the whole thing with her, love watching her reaction to the end then probably joke about it after.

Keep sneaking your porn time jacks and enjoy the video of her.

Wouldn't mind a pm with the link for the wonderful advice I just gave you:eek::rolleyes:
I think I need to see the video before I can offer advice. What's the link?
lol Just bring a copy of the masturbation video to the next family get together and ask everyone to gather around to watch some clips from the internet that you found, then you can let one...or more, of the other family members recognize her and have THEM tell her...thus letting you off the hook. :D
this is why there are Darwin Awards....

I wouldn't mention it to anyone. It doesn't matter how it ended up on the site. If you film yourself doing something or let someone else do the filming with your knowledge then you should know the possible consequences. No defense or excuse period. The only way you should intervene & say anything is if it was without her knowledge which obviously isn't the case by the sounds of it.
Perhaps she uploaded it herself anyway.

Damn this is a difficult spot to be in...

My gut reaction was to send her an email from a burner account, which I also saw someone else recommend, then the response of 'creeper' shocked me. After two seconds, I nodded my head. Yeah, creepy for her. However, my gut says that it's a 50/50 chance it's a good idea. Unless the SIL gave off other vibes, it would place good odds on a guy posting it without her knowledge. This way she at least knows about it!

Then the comment of having the wife tell her sister came up. Initially this creeped me out, but see above. Maybe an email from the burner account to the wife? I don't know, it's still kind of a creepy thing to do. If you were to tell the wife, and her tell the SIL, you would still get in trouble. Not just for watching, but for seeing the SIL doing her thing. Many women are jealous like that.

Tell the SIL in person? Are you nutzo? Unless there is a really good relationship there (non-sexual of course), this could seriously strain it, not to mention the thought of getting the wife and BIL involved. I don't think I could go that route.

<sigh> Maybe it really is best to STFU and hope no one else recognizes it. Tough call, dude, and I wish you luck either way. If you don't STFU, all of our inquiring minds here will want to know it turned out.
I never kiss and tell. Doing it amounts to burning bridges you may wanna cross some day.

The best example I recall happened in a sex class I took in college. The whole course involved watching porn and discussing the movies. After viewing a movie about anal sex one of the women said, EWWWWW, HOW GROSS! I'D NEVER DO ANYTHING SO NASTY AS THAT! Her boyfriend than said, YOU LIKED IT FINE LAST NIGHT! That was the end of that romance.

Your sister in law will sense you saw the video, and do whatever, plus she'll know you don't kiss and tell.
I would approach it casually and just ask "You do know there is a short movie of you on the internet right? You are family, and I just wanted to make sure nobody was taking advantage of you without your knowledge."

Change the subject. If she knows, she will not ask...if she doesn't she will demand you tell her about it.

Your brother might have some explaining to do!:eek:
Only tell her if you think you will have a shot at having sex with her. If not then don't because everybody wants to kill the messenger.
I don't think you should tell her, but I think she should be made aware in case she did not post the video.

I would suggest either telling your wife and let her discuss the video with her sister, or send her an email expressing your concern via a new email address.
I'd send her an email as others have mentioned. There's a good chance she has an online romance and could be sending more that may make their way online. If she knows this video is out there and it's up without her consent she can go back to the person who posted it and handle it AND she can stop sending him/her videos that will also likely be posted.
If you're allowed to watch porn without the wife getting upset then you should show her what you found and let it be her problem how her sister is onformed, if at all. If you're not allowed then the anon email is a good idea, just send from an internet connection that isn't yours so IP can't be traced. Don't sound like you in the anon email.
There is that one remote possibility and I mean that one in a million chance..... The sister in law might just say "Wanna see the real thing?"

I realize the best thing to do is remember Mum's the word.... but if the sister-in law is HOT..... IT would be difficult not to inquire

If he choose's to let her know.... I think the best way would be to have her over and say let me show you something I found on the internet that I really like :)

You are fucking delusional.
Take the cowardly | prudent approach -- an anonymous letter slipped under her door.
If you are truly concerned, then I would let her know, especially since she can be identified. If she didn't post this herself, she needs to be warned that it is out there. Another person who knows her could see this and the ramifications could be detrimental, such as someone telling her employer. It could open her up to harassment or a situation where someone wants a private show, whether she wants to or not.

I grew up in a small southern town, where in the late 70's, the wife of a local businessman sent a picture to Hustler.. Someone in the town found it, and it spread through the town like wildfire. The outfall from it was horribly stupendous and impacted the entire family.

Tell her!
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Let it die as it will probably not be taken positively.

I had a friend who was in a horrible relationship with a cheater and she knew he was cheating. She asked me, confidentially, what she should do. I told her that she is too nice a person to be treated this way and to move on. She didn't talk to me for three years.

I fear that this could result in something similar happening to you.
Hey OP. With all this advice that has been given is there any update? I sure would like to know if you did anything about it and how it turned out.
You are more worried about what to say to your in-law and yet refuse to even think about talking to yourown wife. You may be surprised that she might already know of your porn secret. You can always say a total stranger showed you the video on the street one day. You know, something plausible.
***edit added below
Just realised after making this note that this is another old thread that had been resurrected fron a dungeon of the past. There are so many new threads why bother with this old crap.
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I say a hell no to the fake email for the following reason--imagine the feeling....#1 the shock of finding out your video is on the internet (if she doesn't already know)...then #2 the tormenting ambiguity if not knowing who sent it....looking at everyone you know and wondering if it was them...wondering who knows your secret...that would be terrible.
I say a hell no to the fake email for the following reason--imagine the feeling....#1 the shock of finding out your video is on the internet (if she doesn't already know)...then #2 the tormenting ambiguity if not knowing who sent it....looking at everyone you know and wondering if it was them...wondering who knows your secret...that would be terrible.
She either does or does not already know of the video. The friend has three choices: 1) don't tell; 2) tell anonymously; 3) tell as a friend.

The friend must decide: is she better off knowing or not knowing? If she already knows, telling in any way won't change things. If she doesn't know, is that better than knowing? Telling anonymously at least alerts her. Telling as a friend either obligates or alienates her.

Which is best? I'll say: telling anonymously. That gives her the most possible benefit and the friend has the least possible pain -- a minimax solution, imperfect, but leaving her ignorant does her no favor.