Freakin' good titles!

I remember this thread when I first came here back in November 2002, catching K-Dog's attention with two titles of some embarrassing poetry: Key In Hand and Bayous Sleep. I'm glad those poems don't exist anymore!
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I remember this thread when I first came here back in November 2002, catching K-Dog's attention with two titles of some embarrassing poetry: Key In Hand and Bayous Sleep. I'm glad those poems don't exist anymore!

My Disposa Girl poems are safely packed away, too. :D

Maybe we should start doing this again. Arguably, the titles are better than three-quarters of the poems most days. Anyone want a go at it? I will eventually but I'm in tax hell this week. That's why I needed comic relief in the first place. And karmadog always could deliver!

I'm also loving the snips and bits of Wicked Eve and smithpeter poems in the thread. Just their titles are a delight to read.

:rose:'s for you and karmadog and the long life of this strange little world we occupy.
well now, this is an interesting little thread :) and historical, too!

titles - yeah. more importance should be placed on them, they should form an integral part of the write. not that mine always do, but i try - generally they act as the first line/intro anyway for my stuff.

but titles


don't you hate it when a brilliant title catches your interest but the write fails to deliver? or, which may be a sadder state of affairs, the title's so bland you don't bother to read the piece and could have missed something magical! unless it's a good title, or the author's someone i know tends to deliver the goodies, i mostly pass them by. there's only so much time in the day.
looking back through the thread - who was the 'i write only for myself/their loss/not my fault if people don't understand it/i communicate my thoughts very well' person? and why did i find myself reading their posts in an inspector clouseau e-voice?
My data shows that while there is a positive correlation between the attractiveness of the title and the size of its Literotica readership, it is not clear cut or strong. Also, plain titles, even as plain as "My Lover", are actually popular among Literotica's readers. Literotica has its own quirk. Here poems with crude, vulgar, graphic, repulsive titles are quite popular too, possibly they are the most popular.
oh, the possibilities
My Lover's Diamond Vagina has been Pounded back into Coal Dust
or is that a little too long?
Bituminous Box
sounds a little too dark and mysterious, so
Coal Box Crumbles
it is
and it is

not my fault if people don't understand it/i communicate my thoughts very well

but Senna does have a real point, and once again take up a small issue with him

Define: readership
and do we really need the superfluous comma and it?
readership, it is not clear cut or strong.
Literotica readership is not clear cut or strong.

I would rather read the same old pussy poesy
it makes my poetic pudenda nice and cosy
or more poetically
Wouldst I read rather
the same old pussy poesy
for it doth make'st
my pudenda poetically rosy

for those that might complain I might point out that pudenda can be very easily elided to pontang, unless of course you actually live there

I shall now go play with my minkey, butters, and write tons of illerative verse (see Bite me thread, for def.) and submit them in rapid succession and thanks to Senna all titles will end in -ck, except for the few in -nt, and -ng (also an acceptable substitution.

actually do check out the reference to a comment ( in the bite me thread) you made, it blew me away
oh, the possibilities
My Lover's Diamond Vagina has been Pounded back into Coal Dust
or is that a little too long?
Bituminous Box
sounds a little too dark and mysterious, so
Coal Box Crumbles
it is
and it is

not my fault if people don't understand it/i communicate my thoughts very well

but Senna does have a real point, and once again take up a small issue with him

Define: readership
and do we really need the superfluous comma and it?
readership, it is not clear cut or strong.
Literotica readership is not clear cut or strong.

I would rather read the same old pussy poesy
it makes my poetic pudenda nice and cosy
or more poetically
Wouldst I read rather
the same old pussy poesy
for it doth make'st
my pudenda poetically rosy

for those that might complain I might point out that pudenda can be very easily elided to pontang, unless of course you actually live there

I shall now go play with my minkey, butters, and write tons of illerative verse (see Bite me thread, for def.) and submit them in rapid succession and thanks to Senna all titles will end in -ck, except for the few in -nt, and -ng (also an acceptable substitution.

actually do check out the reference to a comment ( in the bite me thread) you made, it blew me away
i blew you and can't remember? damn, age can be cruel.

minkeys rock!

My Disposa Girl poems are safely packed away, too. :D

Maybe we should start doing this again. Arguably, the titles are better than three-quarters of the poems most days. Anyone want a go at it? I will eventually but I'm in tax hell this week. That's why I needed comic relief in the first place. And karmadog always could deliver!

I'm also loving the snips and bits of Wicked Eve and smithpeter poems in the thread. Just their titles are a delight to read.

:rose:'s for you and karmadog and the long life of this strange little world we occupy.

I don't know if I could do it. K-Dog's humor was witty, but didn't come across as mean. I'm sarcastic when I try to be amusing and the sensitive get defensive instead seeing the funny.
I don't know if I could do it. K-Dog's humor was witty, but didn't come across as mean. I'm sarcastic when I try to be amusing and the sensitive get defensive instead seeing the funny.

Well I see the funny in your words (I think: when you intend it), but people miss my humor all the time so I see your point. We need k-dog.....or Evie. :(