Free Thoughts~on One word...

Um uh....

The new season for TV is kicking off and I am all jazzed up about quiet a few of the season premiers. After work, dinner and clean up, there's nothing quiet like sitting down and watching a great comedy or daring drama .... jus sayin'

So ..... anyone get any inspiration from a TV show ? Movie?

Bring'm on .... :rose:


Porno....maybe? :eek:

Actually, I've been working on a new story, all week long, which is a rarety for me. Usually I can knock out a new story in a day or two, this new one I'm doing has taken on a life of its own. Even I am indentifying with the characters, just letting them, whatever they want to do...or be. Been a fascinating experience writing this one as I honestly had NO clue where I was going with it. But....finally today I finished it, so we'll see how well it's recieved. Called "Limits" which was about the fourth title I had considered, then this one just seemed to fit...perfectly. :D
Porno....maybe? :eek:

Actually, I've been working on a new story, all week long, which is a rarety for me. Usually I can knock out a new story in a day or two, this new one I'm doing has taken on a life of its own. Even I am indentifying with the characters, just letting them, whatever they want to do...or be. Been a fascinating experience writing this one as I honestly had NO clue where I was going with it. But....finally today I finished it, so we'll see how well it's recieved. Called "Limits" which was about the fourth title I had considered, then this one just seemed to fit...perfectly. :D

Sweet !!! Let'me know when it post, I def. want to read this one !! Thank you for the heads up and the porno idea ... sounds very interesting ;) Maybe that's where I'm going wrong. I have yet to write anything I feel, that's good ... in a while but I still swim, jus' keep swimming eh ~~

Exactly babe...

Sweet !!! Let'me know when it post, I def. want to read this one !! Thank you for the heads up and the porno idea ... sounds very interesting ;) Maybe that's where I'm going wrong. I have yet to write anything I feel, that's good ... in a while but I still swim, jus' keep swimming eh ~~


Lately, I really haven enjoyed writing, though have been trying to meet a personal goal before I hang it ip...because unfortunately, I'm going to for reasons I won't go into now. But anyway...writing has been driving me as of late, but this new one yes..."Limits" was something different for me. I mean I had an idea in the beginning, then created the people, characters in the story. The difference was in this one (still sends shivers up and down my spine when I think about it), was they became real to me in a way, started acting, becoming, and finally doing...what THEY wanted to do, not me. I know this doesn't make a lot of sense, but it didn't to me either. I finally let them, let them evolve and become the people, personalities they wanted to be, and then let them write the story. I just wrote the words......that's all, that's it...for real.

I am excited to post and present this one, see how it's recieved.
Lately, I really haven enjoyed writing, though have been trying to meet a personal goal before I hang it ip...because unfortunately, I'm going to for reasons I won't go into now. But anyway...writing has been driving me as of late, but this new one yes..."Limits" was something different for me. I mean I had an idea in the beginning, then created the people, characters in the story. The difference was in this one (still sends shivers up and down my spine when I think about it), was they became real to me in a way, started acting, becoming, and finally doing...what THEY wanted to do, not me. I know this doesn't make a lot of sense, but it didn't to me either. I finally let them, let them evolve and become the people, personalities they wanted to be, and then let them write the story. I just wrote the words......that's all, that's it...for real.

I am excited to post and present this one, see how it's recieved.

I've had poems do that to me. I write till I drop, get it all out then BAM, I sit back and say, what the heck? lol. It is most def. an experience to be had. I see things that interest me and it becomes it's own ...I do understand my friend and I have to say, I loved the ride ~~

Yeah RF....

I've had poems do that to me. I write till I drop, get it all out then BAM, I sit back and say, what the heck? lol. It is most def. an experience to be had. I see things that interest me and it becomes it's own ...I do understand my friend and I have to say, I loved the ride ~~


THIS story was one of those, though I will say, "Because I love you" which I recently posted, was the "muse" that got me to writing the way I used to write, and when I finished that one...I was ready to take on this one, and let it have it's own life. Which hopefully, I did. :)
THIS story was one of those, though I will say, "Because I love you" which I recently posted, was the "muse" that got me to writing the way I used to write, and when I finished that one...I was ready to take on this one, and let it have it's own life. Which hopefully, I did. :)

Big Teddy Bear ... with a sexy-ass spirit. :D

I better hobble off to bed. 5am comes tooo early in this house and I have way to much on my plate tomorrow ~~ Have a great night and remember to let me know when your new one comes out. I have a bunch of catching up to do. Love ya ~~

I love you too...RF

Big Teddy Bear ... with a sexy-ass spirit. :D

I better hobble off to bed. 5am comes tooo early in this house and I have way to much on my plate tomorrow ~~ Have a great night and remember to let me know when your new one comes out. I have a bunch of catching up to do. Love ya ~~


And am NOT just sayin...:D (that). You know that I really do. Me thinks about you a lot, still day we'll meet, sooner here...than over on the other side. But I know, either way, we will. And I truly do...look forward to that day.

Sleep well my dear sweet friend...sleep well, and I will send you a thought tonight. Promise..............

The...sandman. *wink*
And am NOT just sayin...:D (that). You know that I really do. Me thinks about you a lot, still day we'll meet, sooner here...than over on the other side. But I know, either way, we will. And I truly do...look forward to that day.

Sleep well my dear sweet friend...sleep well, and I will send you a thought tonight. Promise..............

The...sandman. *wink*

a fairies rhyme
a good night tale
a long long time ago
a fairies rhyme
a good night tale
a long long time ago


I still miss you my friend !!! I am hoping life is treating you well. I have sooo many good friends here, I am one lucky LilFairy and don't I know it. :D:heart:

I come for inspiration. I want, need to write and usually a friend like Art, MF, TT2U, Blue, Beam .... so many of you here --- you all help me through tha dark into the sun to find a write, a hope, a vision of what life, love - really is.

Thank you - to allll my most wonderful friends !!! :rose:

today I watched the movie...

Lady in the Water

movie of a sea nymph
in an apartment complex
(the movie was moving and complex)
I thought of you (grin)

today I watched the movie...

Lady in the Water

movie of a sea nymph
in an apartment complex
(the movie was moving and complex)
I thought of you (grin)


I have yet to see that movie but you can bet I'm gonna go and rent it, lol. Thank's for thinking of me in a most deeply felt manner ... ;)

never have I seen a day
where I haven't mixed work with play
and how I always seem to find a way
to look forward to...
another day!

never have I seen a day
where I haven't mixed work with play
and how I always seem to find a way
to look forward to...
another day!

And never have I seen a night,
when everything felt so right.
When I but could just marvel then,
and aroused once more to begin again.
And never have I seen a night,
when everything felt so right.
When I but could just marvel then,
and aroused once more to begin again.

never have I felt a moment
filled from his passions pulp.
tangible by seconds of euphoria
eatin' with such - delight

wayyy from tha right but my my what a taste ~;)
waves of lava, rising
to top - heated inferno,
of limbs and skin.

eruption halted, a slow burn
blast. spewing a stream,
strumming past.

mouths mimicking mayhem
chasing the flow. tasting
temptation, the volcano
grows ...

today I watched the movie...

Lady in the Water

movie of a sea nymph
in an apartment complex
(the movie was moving and complex)
I thought of you (grin)


madam narf is hidden
from self and the blue world
under protection of guardian
and guild, she resides

she heralds the future
through crystal-ball eyes
an interpreter speaks her fate
with the purity of a child

a peddler of words, introduced to Story
fate of a generation, scribed
holds the recipe for change
between the lines

seven sisters in summit, a call to arms, join
a man with no secrets and a man of respect
with oracle and healer
all meld minds

to illuminate winged warrior's path to madam
and see Story play out, to safe end
her destiny written long ago
queen of the blue world

I picture you on my dining
room table. Cuffed by legs, smiling
that smile. You know, I have
a secret yearning to taste
every pore that pouts
and pleads for my

tongue to trail, down your chest
through those curls, springing
to action on impulse from
your stick, of desire. Licking,
tasting your manhood
moulding your mound till all else
floats away. Always coming back
to explore your lips, giving
you a sample of what

I have suckled dry. Fingers dance,
body waves, surfing your form. I catch
sight, drench your thighs with lounging
licks, quenching my thirst
on your nipples by pinching

and ploughing. Accosting
nether regions with fast firm
slaps, rimming your member
with tongue lashing
laps. Seeking a union, I straddle
you swiftly. Strong, urgent, unyielding
casting my lure. Riding rough,

nipping, biting, taking all
you possess. Pondering this,
for a lifetime, yes, I must.
It's time to give in. Let me,
let me
dine ....

was worth another visit ~~~

I wrote this one a long while back. I've not been writing at all, to my liking and the inspiration just comes and goes - mostly goes *sighs* But I did find this, and I love it ~~

you do not want my words, for they
are to volatile to express outloud.
for the world
to hear
actually grasp
that I want you. just you.
to awaken with every morning
to help carry your load when all
seems lost. to love you
appreciate every lil smile
word, whisper that escapes those
thin lil lips
those two curves of half moons
that show and share with me the light
that shines from every flower, tree
and brook that streams down
icy mountains gaze
upon adam and eve
as they truly were meant to be.
no leaves, just hot spring water
pouring, caressing every curve. splashing
across his tiny nipples as she leans in
to partake of his earthy offering.
taking and giving
sharing and loving
respecting all this world has to offer
I am not allowed to say it.
I cannot honestly even think it.
long in the dark
I have stayed, wishing
knowing it is all for naught.
stupid snake ...


Hmm, maybe the ending needs a bitta work ... the flow and the imagery is what caught me ~ Jus' sayin'

Good morning my friends.

I have been thumbing through threads here for days. Rehashing the old times and I have to say - Damn

we have had some realllly good writes. I am a very lucky lil fairy to have had so many good times with ya'll. I miss ya'll like crazy and still am in a rut. A lot is going on in my life and I just am having a hard time getting to where I need to be to write - that's why the thumbing and dreaming. :D:kiss:

I also think we need to get back to One word .... so here goes.

New word coming up ~

Enjoy ~:rose:

New word for the day:

Altar :

Syllables: al-tar
Phrases: to lead to the altar

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation awl tEr

Definition 1. a raised structure, often a table or platform, upon or at
which sacrifices or other religious ceremonies are performed.

Phrase to lead to the altar


For those who are new to the thread ... There are no rules except: Just bounce off the word. Whatever comes to mind. Free write, play, think, dream ... just go with it and enjoy the write ~

Happy Writing ~~ :rose:

Since pussy is my altar, then your example "to lead to the altar" takes on whole new meaning from the traditional one.
Thank you.
Since pussy is my altar, then your example "to lead to the altar" takes on whole new meaning from the traditional one.
Thank you.

I prefer to think of the altar as the surface, a table, mantel, rock, or even the ground. On this surface I place the symbols what I worship for use during the ceremony of worship. With the Black Mass of Satanic worship, the celebrant stands between the open legs of a woman lying on the altar. Her pussy is right there before his eyes as he conducts the ceremony.

I suspect that prior to Christianity contorting this into the evil of popular mythology (a result, no doubt, of the fevered sexual hallucinations of monks in denial), the ancient pagan Goddess religions might have used a naked woman on the altar as symbol of the fertility in nature that our existence depended on. Think of a situation long before the scientific method made an appearance when society had no idea that male sperm was what made women pregnant. A time when the cunt was the only discernable source of creation. The cunt was the source of life in addition to being the supreme source of pleasure for males allowed entry into this heavenly place.

It makes sense to imagine that people understood the deity to be a universal cunt that gave birth to the universe and provided bounty to all her creatures. Sometimes, however, the deity allowed famine and harsh dryness to overtake the world and so her people had to resort to finding ways of pleasing her so that her nourishing juices would flow in abundance once more. All the women upon the earth carried a symbol of the goddess in their own cunts. Every female cunt was a particular expression of the universal cunt and thus the shortest route to the Goddess. To worship at any woman's cunt was to please the deity. To kiss a cunt to overflowing was symbolic of complete devotion to the Goddess and sure to please the Goddess into allowing her abundance to flow over the Earth.

It is only natural, then, that we have in our midst the Sons of the Ancient Temple who thrive on worshipping at the gates to heaven. Men who are at one with the universe when their lips are in tender contact with an instance of the deity's symbols on earth.
Thank You .... Sqoodd, lorencino & MF

for the commentary and thoughts ~:rose:

As stated I haven't written in a while but I'm sure I have a write just waiting to burst out. Give me some time. Until then feel free to play ... ;)

Ooooo, RF, love the AV. Hot shoes and kryptonite. I'm sure they'll be my downfall someday (at least financially) :)