Free Thoughts~on One word...

u r kidding right...
need I spank your ego...;)
and go girl...

((((((((((((Blue)))))))))))) I missed you gurl !!! I came over to your thread and got all lazy-like when I wanted to write but couldn't find the words. Looking for inspiration is a hard job for a Fairy :eek:... surprised? lol ... I missed you and am tickled ya visited. Come back and write allllll ya want ~~

Which means.....

((((((((((((Blue)))))))))))) I missed you gurl !!! I came over to your thread and got all lazy-like when I wanted to write but couldn't find the words. Looking for inspiration is a hard job for a Fairy :eek:... surprised? lol ... I missed you and am tickled ya visited. Come back and write allllll ya want ~~


You still haven't been to "The Meadow" yet...for inspiration? :D:devil:
Hi RM, it has been a while since we spoke,

I have been lurking here for a while, daring myself to post!

I see you are still writing the most amazing poems, you make it seems so easy; yet when I sit down to write I get half a muse instead of the full ticket lol

Your kidding right? I have attempted ... to write. I've been offline and in outer space for so long, I found/find myself afraid to post a single thing, fear of what others will say or think ... but I realized something the last couple of days. I've been in a bad spot, without my writing for far too long, I'm blessed to be here, now and damned if I won't try ... It's inside Shy, let it go and be free ...

just saying ... people will comment and all it can do is help, if it hurts, well then, that's a whole 'nother write eh ~;)

Thank you for your very kind words ...


u r kidding right...
need I spank your ego...;)
and go girl...

Blue, spank more than their egos! They both write so well, it is insulting to everyone who reads and adores their work!

Spank hell! They need an ass-kicking! They are too good to get off hiding behind anything other than their phenomenal prose!

:kiss::kiss::kiss: To all THREE of you!

* stomps off grumbling about REAL poets who don't appreciate their talent... damn it *​
You still haven't been to "The Meadow" yet...for inspiration? :D:devil:

(((((MF)))))) ... You caught me ... gonna spank me now? lol ~ I did forget to go to the meadow. I thought you were gonna send up a puff or two for me but seems to me I've had a wicked turn the last couple of days ... did your puff for me go South instead of North????? :eek:;)

Going asap, promise ... :kiss:

Blue, spank more than their egos! They both write so well, it is insulting to everyone who reads and adores their work!

Spank hell! They need an ass-kicking! They are too good to get off hiding behind anything other than their phenomenal prose!

:kiss::kiss::kiss: To all THREE of you!

* stomps off grumbling about REAL poets who don't appreciate their talent... damn it *​ where is MET...he has left us all in a slump...:rose:

(((((MF)))))) ... You caught me ... gonna spank me now? lol ~ I did forget to go to the meadow. I thought you were gonna send up a puff or two for me but seems to me I've had a wicked turn the last couple of days ... did your puff for me go South instead of North????? :eek:;)

Going asap, promise ... :kiss:


I puffed for ya....really did. Sometimes it just takes a while for the message to get there, you know how the wind can be. :)

But it will. Trust me. :)
Blue, spank more than their egos! They both write so well, it is insulting to everyone who reads and adores their work!

Spank hell! They need an ass-kicking! They are too good to get off hiding behind anything other than their phenomenal prose!

:kiss::kiss::kiss: To all THREE of you!

* stomps off grumbling about REAL poets who don't appreciate their talent... damn it *​

G R O W L ..... :kiss::catroar:

Aww now Safe .... I have to read your poetry now,
seems you've quirked my "intrest" ;)


I'm telling ya'll, so much going on in here, gotta be inspiration with all these fine people coming to visit ~~

Hi ya Blue where is MET...he has left us all in a slump...:rose:

Been a while since we've spoken too! Actually do have a new poem for ya to read/see at some point, though again I think I'm best at the story side of things, and have several there, though "Aunt Sioux" is one you might actually enjoy.

Oh...and take a quick peek at "The Meadow" in my sigy line, if you're in a mood to do so. But caution...enter at your own risk!"

Blue, spank more than their egos! They both write so well, it is insulting to everyone who reads and adores their work!

Spank hell! They need an ass-kicking! They are too good to get off hiding behind anything other than their phenomenal prose!

:kiss::kiss::kiss: To all THREE of you!

* stomps off grumbling about REAL poets who don't appreciate their talent... damn it *​

If a spanking is on offer, where do I sign up??

I'm not a proper poet
But an improper poet shunned
And when I've finished rhyming
I will say 'Ok, I'm done!'

Now can I have the spanking....please :eek:
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Your kidding right? I have attempted ... to write. I've been offline and in outer space for so long, I found/find myself afraid to post a single thing, fear of what others will say or think ... but I realized something the last couple of days. I've been in a bad spot, without my writing for far too long, I'm blessed to be here, now and damned if I won't try ... It's inside Shy, let it go and be free ...

just saying ... people will comment and all it can do is help, if it hurts, well then, that's a whole 'nother write eh ~;)

Thank you for your very kind words ...


I understand bad spots,

I am not sure I fear what people say, I can cope with the truth and always learn from it; but somehow sharing stuff makes me feel.....naked.

I am glad you keep writing.

Is it in the Fairy Code of Conduct?

If not, it should be
If a spanking is on offer, where do I sign up??

I am not a proper poet
But an improper poet shunned
And when I've finished rhyming
I will say 'Ok, I'm done!'

Now can I have the spanking....please :eek:

properly woven
let the lash
the muse.....
Been a while since we've spoken too! Actually do have a new poem for ya to read/see at some point, though again I think I'm best at the story side of things, and have several there, though "Aunt Sioux" is one you might actually enjoy.

Oh...and take a quick peek at "The Meadow" in my sigy line, if you're in a mood to do so. But caution...enter at your own risk!"


every time I try the sigy asks for password and name and then I am denied access..go figure...another ...wonder whats in that meadow...:D
If a spanking is on offer, where do I sign up??

I am not a proper poet
But an improper poet shunned
And when I've finished rhyming
I will say 'Ok, I'm done!'

Now can I have the spanking....please :eek:

Hmmmm... that didn't seem to work very well. Okay, let's try a different tack:

shy slave, if you submit any more of your poetry, I will smack you ass soundly!

every time I try the sigy asks for password and name and then I am denied access..go figure...another ...wonder whats in that meadow...:D

Sounds like you'd best get that straightened out then before "The Meadow" up and disappears! *wink*
Hmmmm... that didn't seem to work very well. Okay, let's try a different tack:

shy slave, if you submit any more of your poetry, I will smack you ass soundly!

Oh where is my muse when I need it most!

Perhaps if you smack my ass soundly it will return :devil:

So, you enjoyed your visit with us to the Meadow did you?

And be more than happy to take you up there sometime! *grin*

(Now...where is the rest of that rope anyway?)
So, you enjoyed your visit with us to the Meadow did you?

And be more than happy to take you up there sometime! *grin*

(Now...where is the rest of that rope anyway?)

what can I the ring...Turquoise ....such a distraction...
It's taken me forever to get to post here ... Thinking my IE is having a cardiac arrest after all this posting, lol

I reallllly enjoyed my visit, have to say, would love a visit ~~;) *wipes droool off chin, hehehehe

as for the poetry, loving that too, lol !!!!

Shy, thinking your muse, is ready to pop ... let it out and play, you meanie !! :eek::D

As far as mine, well ... it's been watered well and may be making an appearance quiet soon ... *weg*

I am not sure I fear what people say, I can cope with the truth and always learn from it; but somehow sharing stuff makes me feel.....naked.

I relate to the feeling of being naked on paper. Poetry is particularly personal. I tend to reveal more of myself in poetry, than I might in a conversation.

Try to think of it as being a nudist. You might not walk down the street in all your naked glory, because people just wouldn't get it. Well that, and you'd be arrested. :rolleyes:. But if you're at a nudist colony, you're in like company. Suddenly, naked ain't such a big deal.

So, get your feet wet, then go skinny dippin'. It's not so bad once you get used to it. :cattail:
brought over from Spanking Muse thread ~~~

just write
no edit, formatting or thinking
beyond the word, the thought, just
let it be ....


I have this primal, primitive
need. teeth gnarled, hissing.
bare chest, nipples scrape
atop, below
climatic vision, cease - thought.

pinching, nips
biting skin
scathing heights, thighs rubbed
tight. tingle
talons, scraping her path, down - down
fingers gripping, gathering precum.
tasting - evolution, a revelation
revealed. riding strong, hard
harnessing this stallion
stifling screams, moans - begs

more - inside, deep
hard. hedging knee's ground
down, digging
daring - ecstatic delight, denouncing his pull
riding, as he grovels

jus sayin' ~~~~


I spanked my muse, what say you ?????? Errrrr, was a lil rough, but danged if it didn't "feel" good. Had to be said, lol ~ Happy Happy
writing ~~

I relate to the feeling of being naked on paper. Poetry is particularly personal. I tend to reveal more of myself in poetry, than I might in a conversation.

Try to think of it as being a nudist. You might not walk down the street in all your naked glory, because people just wouldn't get it. Well that, and you'd be arrested. :rolleyes:. But if you're at a nudist colony, you're in like company. Suddenly, naked ain't such a big deal.

So, get your feet wet, then go skinny dippin'. It's not so bad once you get used to it. :cattail:

skin seen
we are keen
we are
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