Free Thoughts~on One word...


Jennifer C said:
mmmmm I like this very much :devil:

my dear white wave,
your spirit and words,
touch, as well,


of light and life and faery paths
of long forgotten vow to guard and
protect, to renew an ancient oath
and make whole again the ring of
heart, to bring again the eternal
birth, to rekindle the immortal
flame, to recall to life,
to awaken the land,
of tree and soil, wind and rain,
of deeper older magic and true honor,
i guard this place, i guard the
innocent ones, i guard her for
she is of my own blood and soul,

— shadow —



RhymeFairy said:
defected ... reflected
this heart
is broken
fragmented ... stagmented
to smithereens.

superman without
the super.
... no wonder
when does it all end?

devastated ... needs
nothing can
this pain. shoot me
it takes ...

crazy in love
... dropped,
just another line.
hooked ...
line and sinker
and I never
even fought.

these feelings, loves
intervened ... deemed me
yet again, or so
I thought.

to love, share, and feel
so much
captured ...
my heart, was
reeled in.

in for a love, out of
time ...
now sit ... alone,

blinded by heartache.
my name. my
number is up,
heart has been
blocked ~


had to edit.
think ... re-think.


Crawl~ is my new word ...
I bounced it from the play thread ...
WooHooo *grins*


on your knees
tunneling in
... out
wispy covers,
spread about.

silky sensations,
of lovers glides,
skin to skin ... touch.

morphing maniacally,
trying to troubleshoot,
these damn oppressing

crawling out, the other
side. smiling, laughing
as two bodies ... still hide.

what to do, when bodies
are bound. silken ties,
wrapped ... in whimsical
chaos, and my lovers
treasures, not found.


ya know,
I could take this
soooooo many places.

:p :catroar: :devil:
edited~ me thinks *Smiles*

I wanna run to you.
Fling your arms
Hold me ... tight.
Please ... please,
let me be yours ... again.

If only ...

If only you could look,
into this heart of mine.
Really look ...


You can see,
your sunshiny smile
... there.
Feel my heart,
truly does beat,
for you.
Only y-o-u.

I shall be here, my love.
your next breath.
The curl of your eyelashes,
bowed ... to me,
... for me, in the darkness,
where our love,
... does dwell.

Until then
... open your arms,
Feel me ...
hold tight
... to our dreams,
to us ~

:heart: :kiss:
Last edited:
shadowvoid said:
my dear white wave,
your spirit and words,
touch, as well,


of light and life and faery paths
of long forgotten vow to guard and
protect, to renew an ancient oath
and make whole again the ring of
heart, to bring again the eternal
birth, to rekindle the immortal
flame, to recall to life,
to awaken the land,
of tree and soil, wind and rain,
of deeper older magic and true honor,
i guard this place, i guard the
innocent ones, i guard her for
she is of my own blood and soul,

— shadow —


Ah but what do they touch? ;)
RhymeFairy said:
I wanna run to you.
Fling your arms
Hold me ... tight.
Please ... please,
let me be yours ... again.

If only ...

If only you could look,
into this heart of mine.
Really look ...


You can see,
your sunshiny smile
... there.
Feel my heart,
truly does beat,
for you.
Only y-o-u.

I shall be here, my love.
your next breath.
The curl of your eyelashes,
bowed ... to me,
... for me, in the darkness,
where our love,
... does dwell.

Until then
... open your arms,
Feel me ...
hold tight
... to our dreams,
to us ~

:heart: :kiss:

hey hun

how is you this day?
Jennifer C said:
Ah but what do they touch? ;)

hmmmm ....

work beckons, i will return and respond, later today, when i am more free,

(crawl .... love this word .... later )

hmmmm ...................
RhymeFairy said:
Crawl~ is my new word ...
I bounced it from the play thread ...
WooHooo *grins*


on your knees
tunneling in
... out
wispy covers,
spread about.

silky sensations,
of lovers glides,
skin to skin ... touch.

morphing maniacally,
trying to troubleshoot,
these damn oppressing

crawling out, the other
side. smiling, laughing
as two bodies ... still hide.

what to do, when bodies
are bound. silken ties,
wrapped ... in whimsical
chaos, and my lovers
treasures, not found.


ya know,
I could take this
soooooo many places.

:p :catroar: :devil:

hmmm .... me too .... and i will ...
shadowvoid said:
hmmmm ....

work beckons, i will return and respond, later today, when i am more free,

(crawl .... love this word .... later )

hmmmm ...................

well don't make me wait too long
I Will Crawl To You ~

I would crawl to you,
if you, but ask. Over haggard
hills, through misty mountains.
Yes, even across depleted
dessert floors.

On my hands and knees.
With grasping fingers, dried
and chapped. Worshipping you
all the way. I tried to keep
them supple, and soft for you,
but sand, and grit, had
their own destructive path.

If I could see you, you would see,
the sea of torment, total devastation
in the eyes, of misery and pain. Yes,
I tried to hide that too, but you know
and feel me, as I do you.

Food is not the nourishment,
this body needs. 'Tis you, my love
only you, I need. To feast upon,
your loving eyes. Taste the desire,
of those devilish lips. Drink the
sin out, of that sinfilled riddled
body, you so heinously hide
from me.

Can we share a bath, for two?
Little bubbles, I shall blow, for you.
The kind that sink, slow n deep,
across your bounteous bends and
pricks, blowing as I show you, a lil

My love for you, was never in doubt.
Yours for me, shall never run out.
So, to crawl to you is what I will do,
if only to show
how much I still need you.

4u :heart: :kiss:
RhymeFairy said:
I would crawl to you,
if you, but ask. Over haggard
hills, through misty mountains.
Yes, even across depleted
dessert floors.

On my hands and knees.
With grasping fingers, dried
and chapped. Worshipping you
all the way. I tried to keep
them supple, and soft for you,
but sand, and grit, had
their own destructive path.

If I could see you, you would see,
the sea of torment, total devastation
in the eyes, of misery and pain. Yes,
I tried to hide that too, but you know
and feel me, as I do you.

Food is not the nourishment,
this body needs. 'Tis you, my love
only you, I need. To feast upon,
your loving eyes. Taste the desire,
of those devilish lips. Drink the
sin out, of that sinfilled riddled
body, you so heinously hide
from me.

Can we share a bath, for two?
Little bubbles, I shall blow, for you.
The kind that sink, slow n deep,
across your bounteous bends and
pricks, blowing as I show you, a lil

My love for you, was never in doubt.
Yours for me, shall never run out.
So, to crawl to you is what I will do,
if only to show
how much I still need you.

4u :heart: :kiss:

very very very very very very good (~_~)
a lesson to all my friends~


love should not hurt, or bind
never, tie and restrict your chosen one
(unless in love play, smiles*)
so many things can go wrong with love
never to be spoken, or thought of
choose your life partner well

always kiss and
tell them each and every day,
what they mean, and never
play with their heart, so they will be
true to you, as you are to them.

never take these moments for granted.
always let them know, how much you
trulllllly love them. show them in everything
you do, every thought gesture, so they
will never wonder, this I pray.

I ask this of you, my friends. just
show your love ... your all consuming
love, just how much they mean to you
each second, of each and every day.

for who knows what tomorrow will bring.
good ... bad, we have all been there.
just show the ones you love, just
how much you really care ~

in short, let them know
your heart
as I have shown you ~


had to be said. for those I love and care about.
it has been brought to my attention, how
short, life really is, and can be.

4u~my :heart:

RhymeFairy said:
a lesson to all my friends~


love should not hurt, or bind
never, tie and restrict your chosen one
(unless in love play, smiles*)
so many things can go wrong with love
never to be spoken, or thought of
choose your life partner well

always kiss and
tell them each and every day,
what they mean, and never
play with their heart, so they will be
true to you, as you are to them.

never take these moments for granted.
always let them know, how much you
trulllllly love them. show them in everything
you do, every thought gesture, so they
will never wonder, this I pray.

I ask this of you, my friends. just
show your love ... your all consuming
love, just how much they mean to you
each second, of each and every day.

for who knows what tomorrow will bring.
good ... bad, we have all been there.
just show the ones you love, just
how much you really care ~

in short, let them know
your heart
as I have shown you ~


had to be said. for those I love and care about.
it has been brought to my attention, how
short, life really is, and can be.

4u~my :heart:


Very nice write RF
Hey Hun ~

I found this poem and thought
you might appreciate it...:rose:

Around the Corner
by: Henson Towne

Around the corner I have a friend
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone

And I never see my old friends face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
She knows I like her just as well
As in the days when I rang her bell,

And she rang mine.
We were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.
"Tomorrow" I say "I will call on Jane"
"Just to show that I'm thinking of her"

But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows.
Around the corner!-yet miles away,
"Here's a telegram sir-"
"Jane died today."
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.

If you love someone, tell them.
Remember always to say "what you mean".
Never be afraid to express yourself.
Take this opportunity to tell someone what they mean to you.
Seize the day and have no regrets.
Most importantly, stay close to your friends and family,
They have helped to make you the person you are today,
What it's all about anyway. Pass this along to your friends.
Let it make a difference in your day and theirs.


Someone that can intirque me
capture my mind, make me want
to learn everything there is and
then learn it over again and again

but that's too clinical, cause I love
food and computers and a ton
of other crap like that

Someone I can bond with
we few we merry few
thicker than water
stronger than steel

but that's not right either
that is friends and family
loved yes but not LOVE

Someone who turns me on
pushes all of my hot buttons
shares my fantasies as well as
inspiring new ones I've never known

but then afterwards
in the dark hours and quiet times
where will she be?

All of that and more is love
that my heart calls out to
and knows best how to respond
Where is that love?

Where is that love?
Love ~

Your arm around me
Quiet and alone
I can read your face like an open book
Sweet breaths
And the softness of your hair
Until the end of time
Blood rush
You know this feels so very right
One touch of your smooth skin
What would life be like without you there?
My love is neither dead or sleeping,
Your eyes...
Every beat
Don’t let me dance alone
I adore you, I admire you
Reaching to meet you at the edge of your ocean
Gather me in your warmth
With verse to recite and songs to sing
I imagine what must be there
Beyond the scope of mortal sin
Is this real?
To find you
A hunger unfed


Salvor-Hardon said:

I had a struggle with how open to be about it, and that was the compromise.

Well you did it really well, capturing different kinds of love and how they all make you feel differently.

Really well done...:rose:
Thank You Salvor and Jenn ~!!! :nana:

I enjoyed BOTH writes. :catroar:
I also loved the commentary Jenn.

Manyyyy Thanks !

Happy Writing ~

RhymeFairy said:
I would crawl to you,
if you, but ask. Over haggard
hills, through misty mountains.
Yes, even across depleted
dessert floors.

On my hands and knees.
With grasping fingers, dried
and chapped. Worshipping you
all the way. I tried to keep
them supple, and soft for you,
but sand, and grit, had
their own destructive path.

If I could see you, you would see,
the sea of torment, total devastation
in the eyes, of misery and pain. Yes,
I tried to hide that too, but you know
and feel me, as I do you.

Food is not the nourishment,
this body needs. 'Tis you, my love
only you, I need. To feast upon,
your loving eyes. Taste the desire,
of those devilish lips. Drink the
sin out, of that sinfilled riddled
body, you so heinously hide
from me.

Can we share a bath, for two?
Little bubbles, I shall blow, for you.
The kind that sink, slow n deep,
across your bounteous bends and
pricks, blowing as I show you, a lil

My love for you, was never in doubt.
Yours for me, shall never run out.
So, to crawl to you is what I will do,
if only to show
how much I still need you.

4u :heart: :kiss:

need knee
great write Rf...I may have told you that but it is 2 good
not just once..<grin>