Free Thoughts~on One word...

And wanted to say...


My dear sweet Rhyme Fairy. :kiss: I know how much you miss us, and it was great talking to you on the phone. *wink* Hurry back when you can. You're very much missed.

A kiss for each ( :kiss: Y :kiss: )
where's the wood nymph?

I mean ryhme fairy (grin

Funny you should ask that ... Here I am ... ~ lol

Sending out belated Holiday wishes to everyone !!! I miss ya'll like crazy and am bursting at the seams to get back here. :kiss:

It's been a crazy couple of months and I am still gonna be hit or miss but I had to come back for a few to let everyone know :

Yes, I'm alive and kickin' .. :cattail:

Ohhhhh, Thank You all .... also for the Birthday wishes, now .... where's my cake, hmmm? hehehhe

Funny you should ask that ... Here I am ... ~ lol

Sending out belated Holiday wishes to everyone !!! I miss ya'll like crazy and am bursting at the seams to get back here. :kiss:

It's been a crazy couple of months and I am still gonna be hit or miss but I had to come back for a few to let everyone know :

Yes, I'm alive and kickin' .. :cattail:

Ohhhhh, Thank You all .... also for the Birthday wishes, now .... where's my cake, hmmm? hehehhe


The cake got stale waiting for you...but hey I can whip up a fresh one real quick

OHHHHHHHHHHHH you have been so missed honey:kiss::kiss:
You're missed RF,
just so you kinow
not a single day goes by
that I don't come here...think of you
and really wonder why.

Why does life seem unfair at times?
Why does it take away
the simple pleasures, loves and needs
that feed us every day?

And especially the holidays,
supposed to be filled with joy and cheer
but instead, I dread the coming days
as I think back upon this year.

Too much sorrow, pain and tears
to be simply swept away,
a heart still broken, even now
though I've made it through the day.

Thanksgivings not a time
that I smile upon it seems
A secret pain that still remains,
in harbored painfull dreams.

Will sorrows pain ever finally fade?
Will the memories finally go?
Only sleep, and endless one...
and maybe then, I'll know.

You're missed RF...
I need you back. Dark days ahead.


for its a reminder deep inside
when li

Just when you least expect it,

the snow falls
converting mountains
to puddles. leaves of sorrow
no longer feal so final,
as another soft spoken word
balances out, bleaching
everything white
once again ~

OK, Iam wayyyy rusty, lol. But I would love some winter poetry, perhaps about snow, sooooo hoping we get some this year.

Love ya'll ~~~

Just when you least expect it,

the snow falls
converting mountains
to puddles. leaves of sorrow
no longer feal so final,
as another soft spoken word
balances out, bleaching
everything white
once again ~

OK, Iam wayyyy rusty, lol. But I would love some winter poetry, perhaps about snow, sooooo hoping we get some this year.

Love ya'll ~~~


COME TO KC we have SNOW!
Funny you should ask that ... Here I am ... ~ lol

Sending out belated Holiday wishes to everyone !!! I miss ya'll like crazy and am bursting at the seams to get back here. :kiss:

It's been a crazy couple of months and I am still gonna be hit or miss but I had to come back for a few to let everyone know :

Yes, I'm alive and kickin' .. :cattail:

Ohhhhh, Thank You all .... also for the Birthday wishes, now .... where's my cake, hmmm? hehehhe


Just cum up here and we will smear the cake and icing all over you and lick it off.:devil::p

Missed you! So glad to see you even if it is just a pop-in! Speaking of pop-IN!:devil: Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!;)

Take care of yourself and hurry back.:kiss::heart:

Funny you should ask that ... Here I am ... ~ lol

Sending out belated Holiday wishes to everyone !!! I miss ya'll like crazy and am bursting at the seams to get back here. :kiss:

It's been a crazy couple of months and I am still gonna be hit or miss but I had to come back for a few to let everyone know :

Yes, I'm alive and kickin' .. :cattail:

Ohhhhh, Thank You all .... also for the Birthday wishes, now .... where's my cake, hmmm? hehehhe


Not sure about the cake, but I do have something else I can put some frosting on for you....:) have safe access to your email yet? :devil:
Not sure about the cake, but I do have something else I can put some frosting on for you....:) have safe access to your email yet? :devil:

lol ....

I am most def. back online now. Told'll it might take a while ~~:eek:

Here's to everyone having a wonderful, happy

New Year ~~

ummm i smell sex and candy.
yummy frosting tricks.

It has been a while since we had a word for the day. Thanks Love ...


Syllables: can-dy

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation kaen di
Inflected Forms candies

Definition 1. a confection made with sugar or other sweetener, usu.
with flavorings such as chocolate or peppermint and fillings such as nuts.

Synonyms confection , sweet , sweetmeat , confectionary
Similar Words comfit , bonbon , fondant

Related Words brittle , nonpareil

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms candied, candying, candies

Definition 1. to cook in sugar syrup or otherwise prepare so as to coat
with sugar crystals or glaze.
Similar Words sugarcoat , crystallize , honey , sweeten , glaze , sugar

Definition 2. to cook (a substance) until sugar crystals form.
Similar Words crystallize

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to become coated with sugar.
Similar Words sweeten , glaze

Definition 2. to become crystallized into sugar.
Synonyms sugar , crystallize

any takers???

Happppy Writing, my friends ~~~

How about a quickie...

It has been a while since we had a word for the day. Thanks Love ...


Syllables: can-dy

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation kaen di
Inflected Forms candies

Definition 1. a confection made with sugar or other sweetener, usu.
with flavorings such as chocolate or peppermint and fillings such as nuts.

Synonyms confection , sweet , sweetmeat , confectionary
Similar Words comfit , bonbon , fondant

Related Words brittle , nonpareil

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms candied, candying, candies

Definition 1. to cook in sugar syrup or otherwise prepare so as to coat
with sugar crystals or glaze.
Similar Words sugarcoat , crystallize , honey , sweeten , glaze , sugar

Definition 2. to cook (a substance) until sugar crystals form.
Similar Words crystallize

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to become coated with sugar.
Similar Words sweeten , glaze

Definition 2. to become crystallized into sugar.
Synonyms sugar , crystallize

any takers???

Happppy Writing, my friends ~~~


Well Candy is dandy
but I'm feeling randy.

Rather than licking a sucker,
I'd rather....(well you know).
His stick of peppermint
I longingly taste. Like before,
I shall not waste.

Dreaming in confetti
wrapped in the illusion
of candy stripped poles
striving for his creamy infusion

it's been a long while. I missed writing,

the feel, the memories
and that longing
has taken over. blew me
to outer space, leaving
stars in my eyes
while the moon, wishes
upon my pink


I wither and play, pay
special attention to your horn
of mischief. Mayhem and naught
to take, deliver
command my every desire.
Spread eagle
wide, tied. Post to post, dried
eyed. Visions pronounce
passion on the currents
as desire
pounces, renounce. Take
my wants, while you beg,
tended knee, slurping every

few writes tonight

I missed the words,
his words. Waking me
from sleep, lightly kissing,
feeling me snuggle down
breathing in his letters,
paragraphs in text
in time, illuminating
our future.


this dull senseless life

has led me a merry go'round.
too many times passing go
and not reaching
the brass ring. check, not mated
like a flower
wilted from drought, when
will my sun, shine again?

year after year, the same stories
were told. waiting has become
a slow death chant. sentenced
from darkened doors as ghostly
laugh through the hallway, sealing
my tomb, with one day,
one day ...

Just wanted to Thank everyone again for the wonderful welcome back. I will be here as time permits, everyday hopefully, lol ... Thanks again ... :heart:

I leave ya'll with this wonderfullllll new song I am tucking myself in with tonight,

nighty night peeps ~~

Colbie Caillat

Will you count me in?

I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin' like a child now
Cause everytime I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place

It starts in my toes
And I crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Where ever you go

The rain is fallin' on my window pane
But we are hidin' in a safer place
Under cover stayin dry and warm
You give me feelins that I adore

They start in my toes
Make me crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Where ever you go

What am I gonna say
When you make me feel this way
I just-mmm..

It starts in my toes
Make me crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Where ever you go

Dada dada dadada dada dum..
Mmm mmm..

I've been asleep for a while now
You tuck me in just like a child now
Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth

It starts in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feelin shows
Cause you make me smile baby
Just take your time now
Holdin' me ti-i-ight

Where ever, Where ever, Where ever you go
Where ever, Where ever, Where ever you go

too cute ya think?
I know but it's sexy and sweet, so there ya go, lol. ~~

another year .....

Syllables: year

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation yir
Definition 1. a unit of time equal to 365 days or, every fourth year,
366 days, reckoned in the Gregorian calendar from January through
December; twelve months. (abbr.: yr.)

Similar Words twelvemonth

Definition 2. see astronomical year, sidereal year.
Synonyms astronomical year , sidereal year

Definition 3. the time it takes any planet to complete one revolution
around its sun.

Similar Words orbit , revolution

Definition 4. about the length of one year.
Example We saw each other two years ago.
Definition 5. a portion of the year that is recurrently set aside for
something specific.
Example the fiscal year.

Synonyms period , term
Similar Words span1 , session , spell3 , space , cycle

Related Words age

What is in store
for you, the next 365 days?
Come on, don't be shy ..... share
what else is there to do
on this cold, cold eve?


Happy Happy Writing ~~~

Just wanted to Thank everyone again for the wonderful welcome back. I will be here as time permits, everyday hopefully, lol ... Thanks again ... :heart:

I leave ya'll with this wonderfullllll new song I am tucking myself in with tonight,

nighty night peeps ~~

Colbie Caillat

Will you count me in?

I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin' like a child now
Cause everytime I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place

It starts in my toes
And I crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Where ever you go

The rain is fallin' on my window pane
But we are hidin' in a safer place
Under cover stayin dry and warm
You give me feelins that I adore

They start in my toes
Make me crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Where ever you go

What am I gonna say
When you make me feel this way
I just-mmm..

It starts in my toes
Make me crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Where ever you go

Dada dada dadada dada dum..
Mmm mmm..

I've been asleep for a while now
You tuck me in just like a child now
Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth

It starts in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feelin shows
Cause you make me smile baby
Just take your time now
Holdin' me ti-i-ight

Where ever, Where ever, Where ever you go
Where ever, Where ever, Where ever you go

too cute ya think?
I know but it's sexy and sweet, so there ya go, lol. ~~


I didn't know you were back until just now. Welcome home. :) Hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday season.

I didn't know you were back until just now. Welcome home. :) Hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday season.


Thank you Ang. ........ :rose:

I am still trying to catch up on the threads, I misssssed soooo much. :eek: Loverly welcome back and a heartfelt family of poets and friends here, I am loved. :)


P.S. I hear your a fantabulous baker. Must be all those sinful ingredients you use ...

*Yellow roses* for you ... sighs*

Last edited:
Thank you Ang. ........ :rose:

I am still trying to catch up on the threads, I misssssed soooo much. :eek: Loverly welcome back and a heartfelt family of poets and friends here, I am loved. :)


P.S. I hear your a fantabulous baker. Must be all those sinful ingredients you use ...

*Yellow roses* for you ... sighs*


Our buddy just wants more cookies. :D

You have to accept the fact
that part of the sizzle of sex
comes from the danger of sex.
You can be overpowered.

~ Camille Paglia
