Free Thoughts~on One word...

RhymeFairy said:
I was reading online and ran across this poem. Very erotic without being cheezy. I love it. My pick for the day ~~


Ode to a Naked Beauty

With chaste heart, and pure
I celebrate you, my beauty,
restraining my blood
so that the line
surges and follows
your contour,
and you bed yourself in my verse,
as in woodland, or wave-spume:
earth’s perfume,
sea’s music.

Nakedly beautiful,
whether it is your feet, arching
at a primal touch
of sound or breeze,
or your ears,
tiny spiral shells
from the splendour of America’s oceans.
Your breasts also,
of equal fullness, overflowing
with the living light
and, yes,
your eyelids of silken corn
that disclose
or enclose
the deep twin landscapes of your eyes.

The line of your back
separating you
falls away into paler regions
then surges
to the smooth hemispheres
of an apple,
and goes splitting
your loveliness
into two pillars
of burnt gold, pure alabaster,
to be lost in the twin clusters of your feet,
from which, once more, lifts and takes fire
the double tree of your symmetry:
flower of fire, open circle of candles,
swollen fruit raised
over the meeting of earth and ocean.

Your body – from what substances
agate, quartz, ears of wheat,
did it flow, was it gathered,
rising like bread
in the warmth,
and signalling hills
valleys of a single petal, sweetnesses
of velvet depth,
until the pure, fine, form of woman
and rested there?

It is not so much light that falls
over the world
extended by your body
its suffocating snow,
as brightness, pouring itself out of you,
as if you were
burning inside.

Under your skin the moon is alive.

~~~ Pablo Neruda


*fans self* .... amazing eh ~


(~_~) now that is erotic poetry (bows humble)
New Word ...

Melt :

Syllables: melt

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb , noun

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation mehlt

Inflected Forms melted, melting, melts

Definition 1. to change from a solid to a liquid state through heat
or pressure.
Synonyms dissolve , liquefy
Crossref. Syn. thaw
Similar Words deliquesce , fuse , thaw

Definition 2. to fade, merge, or blend, as from one state to
another (often fol. by away, in, or into).
Example Our fortune is melting away ; He melted into the crowd.
Synonyms dissolve , fade
Similar Words merge , fuse , dissipate , blend , vanish , disappear

Definition 3. to experience a sudden feeling of gentleness or
emotional helplessness.
Example Her smile made him melt.
Synonyms soften
Similar Words mellow (vt, vi) , relax , dissolve

Related Words relent , wash , merge , warm

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause to change from a solid to a liquid state.
Synonyms liquidize , dissolve
Similar Words unfreeze , smelt , fuse , liquefy , flux

Definition 2. to cause to gradually blend into solution;
Synonyms dissolve
Similar Words solvate

Definition 3. to trigger a sudden feeling of gentleness or emotional
helplessness in.
Example He melted her with his singing.
Synonyms move , soften , gentle
Similar Words mellow , disarm , relax , touch , mollify , affect ,

Related Words dissipate , warm , thaw , render

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. the act or state of melting.
Synonyms dissolution
Crossref. Syn. thaw
Similar Words liquefaction

Definition 2. an amount of something melted.
Similar Words liquid

Derived Forms meltable, adj. ; meltingly, adv.

There are things in life, times
when we must face the music
and just .... melt.

Come join in the fun, tell me, what melts ... in your life??


Happy Writing ~~

Summer snowflakes
cotton candy
flamed sugar
toasted marshmallows
crumpets dripping butter
me in your smile.
UnderYourSpell said:
Summer snowflakes
cotton candy
flamed sugar
toasted marshmallows
crumpets dripping butter
me in your smile.

Thank You Annie ... :rose:

Summer snowflakes? Nice imagery there ... ;)

Free Bird

I have shed the chains, that drag
shackle me down. Now time
to move on, up
in the world. MY planet
where all is a peaceful, easy
feeling. He is
my pet, my every thought
My slave, pussyboy toy
who worships and retains
at my

and command. I, his
turn on, crank it up, me
up. To make this party
come alive. As he
makes me feel like, flying
in into the sunset
of erotic urgings. Ultimatum unhinged
two twin souls singed, set free
to binge. Free fall into my lap, tasting
my nectar of heaven. Chase away
the every day hum drum
life seems, to

offer. Willing, wanting
escalating demons
tail in, drag out
every dream possible
AS we two ones free bird fall
taking everything life


volcanic core, melted
simmering juices
justified in a simple drive, work,
home. then play. come here
my pet, perhaps a slow
ride shall get your juices
flowing. lips, nips, bite


nipping caresses tag you. one end drops
to another on top
tied and tried. your showing
is but a blessing
to behold. held within, milking
begins. up, then down. take
what is mine. we have time, to ride
torrents of temptation, taking
what I what. giving pleasures
demand. on your knees. suckle
every drop. don't stop, till I
command. hand to hair, grasping you
up. lick
take, my offering of hard
loving, as temperatures rise. defy,
me not. slurp my crop, your cock
has flopped, I shall begin a new reign
of rod and cuffs. corrupt
and tease. nipples tweaked, pinching
out, every emotion. every notion
I demand. lick me
bottom to top. pay, play particular
attention to this extension
from my midriff of pink
of soft, silk. your honey pot
overflows, awaiting
your growth. shall I taste
or suck? take you,
as mine. first behind then we begin
again. Nipples pinched. tasty cock
not a sound
to be heard. slow moans erupt
groaning out pleasures, free
hand. heartily instigated
as actions are fornicated.
come my pet, enjoy my growing
with your gelding, sweltering

I'm on a new med :eek: . All I can think of is tomorrow. :D ;) :nana:
Me, my one ... taking every moment as it cums.
Jealous, you all should be. :p ;) :nana:

I'm gonna tie, be tied
up. As he feathers every spot, tickles
my fancy, dances every tune
that my heart desires. Some chocolate
so sweet and strawberries shall drip
as he engorges my inner
all. Tasting

my melting point. Till all of me,
is had. Flip flop drop, I turn tables
and ride him rough, take what I demand
from my ONE toy
boy, I love and look forward
to my every beck
and command.


Watch Out Baby, I'm partaking
the baking
of hide and slide ....


allll my love ~~~~~

me ~~
edited to submit to sept. challenge ::::

Volcanic core, melted.
Simmering juices
justified in a simple drive
to work, then home. Play.
Come here, my pet. Perhaps a slow
ride shall get your juices
flowing. Lips, nips, bite. Bite,

nipping caresses, tag
you. One end drops
to another on top,
tied and tried. Your showing,
is but a blessing
to behold. Held within, milking
begins. Up, then down. Take
what is mine. We have time, to ride
the torrents of temptation. Taking
what I what. Giving pleasures
demand. On your knees. Suckle,
every drop. Don't stop. Till I
command. Hand to hair, groping

you up. Lick, taste. Take, my offering
of hard loving, as temperatures rise. Defy,
me not. Slurp my crop. Your cock
has flopped, I shall begin a new reign
of rod and cuffs. Corrupt
and tease. Nipples tweaked. Pinching
out, every emotion. Every notion
I demand. Lick me
bottom to top. Pay, play particular
attention to this extension,
from my midriff of pink, soft, silk. Your honey
overflows. Awaiting
your growth. Shall I tease, taste
or suck? Take you,
as mine. First behind ,then we begin
again. Nipples pinched. Tasty cock
submerged. Not a sound
to be heard. Slow moans erupt
as we groan out pleasures, free
hand. Heartily instigated
as actions are fornicated.
Come my pet. Enjoy my growing
of your gelding, sweltering


... good god. I gotta go play now. grrrrrrr :p :catroar:
you this am was hot, just wait mr man ~!!!!!! Just wit till tomorrow. Melowed out and feeling, our/tha love. You naughty naughty man !!!

:p :kiss: :devil: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

:heart: all my love ~~~

me ~~~
I beg you on bended knee please lie with me
I will crawl till my lips lovingly embrace
and devour succulent juices.
Make you rise and accept your every wish,
your stripe of ownership upon my back,
my buttocks, my need your need,
My Lord please lie with me ...
A woman, sensual and svelte
Made my well-worn heart to melt
Falling in her smoky eyes
Never stopped to realize
A one-way street it was I found
Forever captured, forever bound
Yet I vaulted with no fear
From precipice into the clear
Sweet abandonment in flying high
No terror then that I might die

In her caring I now trust
If ever fall to earth we must
What I have tasted lives with me
Secures me in the havens lee
I swelter midst her sweaty thighs
Rejoicing in her passions’ sighs
Her nectar warm upon my lips
Heaven’s scent and bucking hips
Then rigid arch and silent cry
Now soft and sated does she lie

Then shortly giggles at my smile
Playing with my hair a while
Untangled, within my arms she lies
That crazy girl with smoky eyes
Out with Summer, bring on the

Fall :

fell, fall·en, fall·ing, noun

–verb (used without object)

1. to drop or descend under the force of gravity, as to a lower place
through loss or lack of support.

2. to come or drop down suddenly to a lower position, esp. to leave
a standing or erect position suddenly, whether voluntarily or not: to fall
on one's knees.

3. to become less or lower; become of a lower level, degree, amount,
quality, value, number, etc.; decline:
The temperature fell ten degrees.
Stock prices fell to a new low for the year.

4. to subside or abate.

5. extend downward; hang down: Her hair falls to her shoulders.

6. to become lowered or directed downward, as the eyes:
My eyes fell before his steady gaze.

7. to become lower in pitch or volume:
Her voice fell, and she looked about in confusion.

8. to succumb to temptation or sin, esp. to become unchaste or to
lose one's innocence.

9. to lose status, dignity, position, character, etc.

10. to succumb to attack: The city fell to the enemy.

11. to be overthrown, as a government.

12. to drop down wounded or dead, esp. to be slain: to fall in battle.

13. to pass into some physical, mental, or emotional condition:
to fall asleep; to fall in love.

14. to envelop or come as if by dropping, as stillness or night.

15. to issue forth: Witty remarks fall easily from his lips.

16. to come by lot or chance: The chore fell to him.

17. to come by chance into a particular position: to fall
among thieves.

18. to come to pass, occur, or become at a certain time:
Christmas falls on a Monday this year.
The rent falls due the first of every month.

19. to have its proper place:
The accent falls on the last syllable.

20. to come by right:
The inheritance fell to the only living relative.

21. to be naturally divisible (usually fol. by into):
The story fell into two distinct parts.

22. to lose animation; appear disappointed, as the face:
His face fell when he heard the bad news.

23. to slope or extend in a downward direction:
The field falls gently to the river.

24. to be directed, as light, sight, etc., on something:
His eyes fell upon the note on the desk.

25. to collapse, as through weakness, damage, poor construction,
or the like; topple or sink:
The old tower fell under its own weight.
The cake fell when he slammed the oven door.

26. (of an animal, esp. a lamb) to be born:
Two lambs fell yesterday.

–verb (used with object)

27. to fell (a tree, animal, etc.).


28. an act or instance of falling or dropping from a higher to a lower
place or position.

29. that which falls or drops: a heavy fall of rain.

30. the season of the year that comes after summer and before
winter; autumn.

31. a becoming less; a lowering or decline; a sinking to a lower level:
the fall of the Roman Empire.

32. the distance through which anything falls:
It is a long fall to the ground from this height.

33. Usually, falls. a cataract or waterfall.

34. downward slope or declivity: the gentle rise and fall of
the meadow.

35. a falling from an erect position, as to the ground:
to have a bad fall.

36. a hanging down: a fall of long hair.

37. a succumbing to temptation; lapse into sin.

38. the Fall, (sometimes lowercase)
Theology. the lapse of human beings into a state of natural
or innate sinfulness through the sin of Adam and Eve.

39. Slang. an arrest by the police.

40. surrender or capture, as of a city.

41. proper place:
the fall of an accent on a syllable.

42. Wrestling.

a. an act or instance of holding or forcing an opponent's shoulders
against the mat for a specified length of time.

b. a match or division of a match.

43. a hairpiece consisting of long hair that is attached to one's own
hair at the crown and usually allowed to hang freely down the back
of the head so as to cover or blend with the natural hair.

44. an opaque veil hanging loose from the back of a hat.

45. falling band.

46. a decorative cascade of lace, ruffles, or the like.

47. Machinery, Nautical.
the part of the rope of a tackle to which the power is applied
in hoisting.

48. Hunting. a deadfall.

49. the long soft hair that hangs over the forehead and eyes of
certain terriers.

50. Armor.
a pivoted peak projecting over the face opening of a burgonet.

51. Astrology.
the sign of the zodiac in which the most negative influence of a planet
is expressed (as opposed to exaltation).

52. Mining.
rock or ore that has collapsed from a roof, hanging wall, or the sides
of a passage.

—Verb phrases

53. fall away,
a. to withdraw support or allegiance:
The candidate's supporters fell away when he advocated racial

b. to become lean or thin; diminish; decline.

c. to forsake one's faith, cause, or principles:
Many fell away because they were afraid of reprisals.

54. fall back, to give way; recede; retreat:
The relentless shelling forced the enemy to fall back.

55. fall back on or upon,
a. Also, fall back to. to retreat to:
They fell back on their entrenchments. The troops fell back to
their original position.

b. to have recourse to; rely on:
They had no savings to fall back on.

56. fall behind,
a. to lag, in pace or progress:
We are falling behind in our work.
Fatigued, some of the marchers fell behind.

b. to fail to pay (a debt, obligation, etc.) at the appointed time:
She fell behind in her tax payments, and the property was

57. fall down, Informal.
to perform disappointingly; to disappoint; fail:
He was doing well on the exam until he fell down on the last essay

58. fall for, Slang.
a. to be deceived by:
Imagine falling for such an old trick.

b. to fall in love with:
He's not at all the type you would expect her to fall for.

59. fall in,
a. to fall to pieces toward the interior; sink inward.

b. to take one's place in the ranks, as a soldier.

c. Also, fall in with. to become acquainted with, esp. by chance:
We fell in with an interesting couple from Paris.

60. fall off,
a. to separate from; withdraw.

b. to decrease in number, amount, or intensity; diminish:
Tourism falls off when the summer is over.

c. Nautical. to deviate from the heading; fall to leeward.

d. South Midland and Southern U.S. to lose weight, usually due
to illness:
She was sick all winter and fell off till she was just skin and bones.

61. fall on or upon,
a. to assault; attack:
The enemy fell on them suddenly from the rear.

b. to be the obligation of:
It has fallen on me to support the family.

c. to experience; encounter:
Once well-to-do, they had fallen on hard times.

d. to chance upon; come upon:
I fell upon the idea while looking through a magazine.

62. fall out,
a. to quarrel; disagree:
We fell out over who was to wash the dishes.

b. to happen; occur:
It fell out that we met by chance weeks later.

c. to leave one's place in the ranks, as a soldier:
They were ordered to fall out when the parade ended.

d. Slang. to burst out laughing.

e. South Midland and Southern U.S.
to become unconscious; pass out.

63. fall through, to come to nothing; fail of realization:
Despite all his efforts, the deal fell through.

64. fall to,
a. to apply oneself; begin: to fall to work.

b. to begin to eat:
They fell to and soon finished off the entire turkey.

65. fall under,
a. to be the concern or responsibility of.

b. to be classified as; be included within:
That case falls under the heading of errors of judgment.


66. fall all over oneself, to show unusual or excessive enthusiasm
or eagerness, esp. in the hope of being favored or rewarded:
The young trainees fell all over themselves to praise the boss's
speech. Also, fall over oneself.

67. fall or come short. short (def. 47).

68. fall foul or afoul of. foul (def. 38).

69. fall off the roof,
Slang: Older Use. to menstruate.

70. fall on one's feet. land (def. 25).

71. fall out of bed, to get out of bed quickly.

72. fall over backward(s).
a. bend (def. 15).

b. to exhibit great eagerness, esp. in pursuit of one's own advantage:
The candidate fell over backward in support of the issues that would
win votes.


as everyone can see. Fall brings a lot of things to mind. So go with it. The season the act or an idea. Have fun with this one my friends.

Happy Writing ~~~

( nighty night )

I love fall weather, so sweet and cool.
Curtains curtsey, creating my land
of magical lovin'. He comes to me, weathered
by demons from past. I shelter him, in my moist
forbidden caverns, that have awaited him, forever

Winter dragged on, as we dipped in hot springs,
gathered limericks to chuckle by the fire, but he
held my heart cupped in a pina colada vision
of a bright future foreseen by a twin souls,

Spring came, he slashed our hearts, heaving
everyday nightmares around, to bring us down.
We fought it all, with calls of concern and long
dreary nights, dialing digits to lend our helping
hands. A sofa bed dream, snores intermixed
with soft, sultry love words, poems and writes
back and forth. We withstood, took our stand,
hand in hand, yet apart as night and day.

Summer came, still distant and disarranged. Begging
his love, company, a partnership to last eternity.
As she held every breath for one word, one
sigh to escape and finally be back together. To dip
into the shores of a normal life, filled with love,
romance, and his soft, warm body lying next
to her, every night. The assurance that all
was well and he was but a touch away. Under silken
covers, ready to wrap loving arms around, bedbound,
lovin' night into day.

Winter gloomed ahead. Working all hours, barley
making numbers appear to call, be heard or even feel
him close. Yet, their demon still stalked and talked
of threats and regrets. Demoralizing hatred, kindled
leaving these two doves partaking not a crumb.

Spring sprung, again. He had, had enough. Missing
his one, moving back was the hardest decision ever
any one man made. Still no calls, or warm sheltering
words but hope had sprung. Her heart leapt, filled
with joy. Knowing one day, one time, soon. Hopefully
they would have a real chance.

A year passed, then two. These two lived, let live
and tried moving on. The other always in the foremost
front of their mind. Till now. Fall has set in again,
so sweet and cool. Curtains curtsey, creating
their land of magical lovin'. He comes, weathered
by demons from past. I shelter him, in my moist
forbidden caverns, that have awaited him, forever

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Button fly buttons bit, spit.
Growling minx, grabs his wad,
yarn play, swats. Tail whip
fluff, to get him, up. Gripping,
needle sharp teeth, growl, foray
on. To wrap him up, tie him
down, play cat 'n mouse
with my meaty, treat ....

;) :p
A dear, dear friend sent me this on youtube. My 'puter take hours to download youtube, but I got the lyrics and feel, treasured. Thanks beam ....

:heart: :kiss:

Eagles -
Learn To Be Still Lyrics

It’s just another day in paradise
As you stumble to your bed
You'd give anything to silence
Those voices ringing in your head
You thought you could find happiness
Just over that green hill
You thought you would be satisfied
But you never will-
Learn to be still

We are like sheep without a shepherd
We don’t know how to be alone
So we wander ’round this desert
And wind up following the wrong gods home
But the flock cries out for another
And they keep answering that bell
And one more starry-eyed messiah
Meets a violent farewell-
Learn to be still
Learn to be still

Now the flowers in your garden
They don’t smell so sweet
Maybe you've forgotten
The heaven lying at your feet


There are so many contradictions
In all these messages we send
(we keep asking)
How do I get out of here
Where do I fit in?
Though the world is torn and shaken
Even if your heart is breakin’
It’s waiting for you to awaken
And someday you will-
Learn to be still
Learn to be still

You just keep on runnin’
Keep on runnin’

Sarah McLachlan
Arms Of An Angel

Spend all your time waiting for that second chance
For the break that will make it ok
There's always some reason to feel “not good enough�
And it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction, oh beautiful release
Memories seep from my veins
They may be empty and weightless, and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight

In the arms of an Angel, fly away from here
From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of an Angel; may you find some comfort here

So tired of the straight line, and everywhere you turn
There's vultures and thieves at your back
The storm keeps on twisting, you keep on building the lies
That you make up for all that you lack
It don't make no difference, escaping one last time
It's easier to believe
In this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness
That brings me to my knees

In the arms of an Angel, far away from here
From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie
In the arms of an Angel; may you find some comfort here

One of my Fav. songs and so fitting at times.

Bounce any part of it

second chance

So much to be had, with so few words eh ~~~

Write it,
play it,
paint it,

whatever, makes you happy ~~

HHHaaaaaappppyyyyy Writing my friends, ;)

Hugs and snugggly kisses going out to all ~~~

:rose: :kiss: :heart:
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Spending days dreaming, nights in torment.
Wishing to fly away into another world. Where
this weighted heart, shall finally be at peace.

The only comfort found in the restlessness,
are in twilight dreams. Glimpse past, the looking
glass, and see, my blemished badge
of honor. This, hides my weakness. Where
my one lone soul, saddens. A hostage, taken
down with spiraling messed up visions, into
a delirious world, I long to stay in.

Some witness these vacant eyes, but only one
knows my heartfelt misery. He sees beyond
this boarded up cell, knows what I know,
and he too, feels every pin point dragged,
across times distant shore. No wings,
to soar, just feathers at dusk
plucked, in disregard.

Morning baby...

RhymeFairy said:
Spending days dreaming, nights in torment.
Wishing to fly away into another world. Where
this weighted heart, shall finally be at peace.

The only comfort found in the restlessness,
are in twilight dreams. Glimpse past, the looking
glass, and see, my blemished badge
of honor. This, hides my weakness. Where
my one lone soul, saddens. A hostage, taken
down with spiraling messed up visions, into
a delirious world, I long to stay in.

Some witness these vacant eyes, but only one
knows my heartfelt misery. He sees beyond
this boarded up cell, knows what I know,
and he too, feels every pin point dragged,
across times distant shore. No wings,
to soar, just feathers at dusk
plucked, in disregard.


There is a place in the dream world
where smiles arn't plastered on with Elmers...
Where feathered tickles of delight arn't given by oneself.
Where love isn't deceitful or fleeting.

It is a place of hope and promise,
where lovers embrace in truth and pleasure
where the words lie, hurt, pain and abandonment don't exist
In dreams, I hold you in my arms remembering the embrace.

I can smell you
I can feel the softness of your breasts, the swell of desire
I can sense the heat of passion between your legs
and taste the heady sweetness of your nectar

In dreams I can pleasure you beyond words
beyond the measure of description with acts unspeakable, undefinable
for we can float in a myriad of positions, each an artists landscape of delight
each brush stroke a tingling pleasure of lust and passion.

But only in dreams
for in the morn, the colors fade
blues become gray, reds once vibrant now black
where even the brightness of white becomes dingy.

I look forward to the final sleep
where dreams become reality once again
where lost thoughts, hidden hopes and secret desires
become something more, something permanent, something real.
I have found my second chance in love
contentment my heart had found
if only I'd known it could be like this
my love wouldn't have been bound

the man I've met is my soulmate
he fulfills my every need
mental, physical, or emotional
he's always there for me

no matter the time or the place
my man is always there
if I need a shoulder to cry on
or a problem that I want to share

sometimes a person just wants
someone to be ther for them
and my man is the perfect one
when you need someone to lean on

I love him with all of my heart
and this he knows is true
because of everything we have endured
and made it together through

anyone who tries to come
between me and my true love
will encounter more than a brick wall
for we fit together like a glove
Winters approach...

Leaves begin to fall,
colors vibrant, changing.
Just as I am.

They remind me of the moments of beauty
each one unique
just as the memories I keep

For a moment, so delicate
rich in their golden hues, brilliant reds and yellows
just as was the life I have lived

But winters mask, the chill of morn
stands just around the corner
like a thief, a murderer about to strike

I do fear the change
winters approach ominous
though I am resigned to its comming

surving to see another spring
stepping away from the thief on the corner
feeling the warmth of healing on my heart

One last time at least
to feel the suns warmth upon my face
the meadow's final embrace
RhymeFairy said:
Spending days dreaming, nights in torment.
Wishing to fly away into another world. Where
this weighted heart, shall finally be at peace.

The only comfort found in the restlessness,
are in twilight dreams. Glimpse past, the looking
glass, and see, my blemished badge
of honor. This, hides my weakness. Where
my one lone soul, saddens. A hostage, taken
down with spiraling messed up visions, into
a delirious world, I long to stay in.

Some witness these vacant eyes, but only one
knows my heartfelt misery. He sees beyond
this boarded up cell, knows what I know,
and he too, feels every pin point dragged,
across times distant shore. No wings,
to soar, just feathers at dusk
plucked, in disregard.


where's the wood nymph?

I mean ryhme fairy (grin
Hey ET...

My Erotic Trail said:
where's the wood nymph?

I mean ryhme fairy (grin

She's having a bit of a rough go at the moment. Hopefully, things will smooth out soon for her. I hope........
some things are meant to be
and others should be let go
unfortunately, the ones who
know this to be true, will
never let it become
because in their hearts they
will always feel connected,
even though the love has
long since faded away
So true...

Unbridled_Passion said:
some things are meant to be
and others should be let go
unfortunately, the ones who
know this to be true, will
never let it become
because in their hearts they
will always feel connected,
even though the love has
long since faded away

Thanks for this honey...
You're missed RF...

You're missed RF,
just so you kinow
not a single day goes by
that I don't come here...think of you
and really wonder why.

Why does life seem unfair at times?
Why does it take away
the simple pleasures, loves and needs
that feed us every day?

And especially the holidays,
supposed to be filled with joy and cheer
but instead, I dread the coming days
as I think back upon this year.

Too much sorrow, pain and tears
to be simply swept away,
a heart still broken, even now
though I've made it through the day.

Thanksgivings not a time
that I smile upon it seems
A secret pain that still remains,
in harbored painfull dreams.

Will sorrows pain ever finally fade?
Will the memories finally go?
Only sleep, and endless one...
and maybe then, I'll know.

You're missed RF...
I need you back. Dark days ahead.


for its a reminder deep inside
when li
Many Feathers said:
You're missed RF,
just so you kinow
not a single day goes by
that I don't come here...think of you
and really wonder why.

Why does life seem unfair at times?
Why does it take away
the simple pleasures, loves and needs
that feed us every day?

And especially the holidays,
supposed to be filled with joy and cheer
but instead, I dread the coming days
as I think back upon this year.

Too much sorrow, pain and tears
to be simply swept away,
a heart still broken, even now
though I've made it through the day.

Thanksgivings not a time
that I smile upon it seems
A secret pain that still remains,
in harbored painfull dreams.

Will sorrows pain ever finally fade?
Will the memories finally go?
Only sleep, and endless one...
and maybe then, I'll know.

You're missed RF...
I need you back. Dark days ahead.


for its a reminder deep inside
when li

I miss RF...(~_~)