Free Thoughts~on One word...

sometimes too much, really is
too much. I live a life of kids, school
clean and rule, this crazy roost.
I keep waiting to jump back

on my soap box, go my nine rounds,
give'm hell and come out bumped'n
bruised with a smile resting on my face.

to go the distance instead of sitting,
dreading the next day, another night,
struggling with this too proud smile.

to put up or shut up, walk my mile,
and live. really live, in the sunlight.
where one feels, instead of just
surviving, until the next round.

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You must have been reading my mind when you wrote your last poem, because it describes my life to a 'T'. Of course I only have two kids (lol). Thank you, your poetry has inspired me once again!:heart:
bounce... (~_~)

sometimes too much, really is
too much. I live a life of kids, school
clean and rule, this crazy roost.
I keep waiting to jump back

on my soap box, go my nine rounds,
give'm hell and come out bumped'n
bruised with a smile resting on my face.

to go the distance instead of sitting,
dreading the next day, another night,
struggling with this too proud smile.

to put up or shut up, walk my mile,
and live. really live, in the sunlight.
where one feels, instead of just
surviving, until the next round.


one word.....? hummmm......

calgon.... (grin)
My Favorite Thing About Art-

bounce... (~_~)

one word.....? hummmm......

calgon.... (grin)

You can take anything and bring a smile !!
You are so missed , where ya been hidin?
I think yesterday was the DAY of doom
around the world, I can totally sympathize with
RF !! ... and needed my own calgon, lol...

LOves and HUgs to all !!

You can take anything and bring a smile !!
You are so missed , where ya been hidin?
I think yesterday was the DAY of doom
around the world, I can totally sympathize with
RF !! ... and needed my own calgon, lol...

LOves and HUgs to all !!


Owning up to a PMS day, me thinks, lol. Yesterday was a tough one for me for some reason, so I played around on the threads and when I got tired of all tha doom and gloom I was spreading about, I decided to scadoodle my daughters game.

I then, proceeded to play Sims 2 on the PC till 1 am :D... highly recommend that. Fun to play at life and not have to bare the reality of it at times ... Calgon, now why didn't I think of that? lol ...

Art, YOU are MOST DEF. missed !!!!!:(

Just a thought...

You can take anything and bring a smile !!
You are so missed , where ya been hidin?
I think yesterday was the DAY of doom
around the world, I can totally sympathize with
RF !! ... and needed my own calgon, lol...

LOves and HUgs to all !!


We could pour some of that in the hot-tub, then everyone could sit back relax and have a moment together........:D:eek:
Owning up to a PMS day, me thinks, lol. Yesterday was a tough one for me for some reason, so I played around on the threads and when I got tired of all tha doom and gloom I was spreading about, I decided to scadoodle my daughters game.

I then, proceeded to play Sims 2 on the PC till 1 am :D... highly recommend that. Fun to play at life and not have to bare the reality of it at times ... Calgon, now why didn't I think of that? lol ...

Art, YOU are MOST DEF. missed !!!!!:(

me three...
miss all your thoughts ..I have been staying away from computer these days
with busy things and I have tendonitis in both wrists from computer work and
video cases I have to rest the mouse...:cattail: take care all...big
Was that a shade of Blue, that just passed through?
Been missing you too Lady. :rose::kiss:

I remember quiet fondly a few years back. I was a newbie and Art welcomed me. Blue, encouraged me and so many others ...:heart:

So here's tha plan .... give me YOUR shade ... and why ?????

Happy Writing ~~;)

Was that a shade of Blue, that just passed through?
Been missing you too Lady. :rose::kiss:

I remember quiet fondly a few years back. I was a newbie and Art welcomed me. Blue, encouraged me and so many others ...:heart:

So here's tha plan .... give me YOUR shade ... and why ?????

Happy Writing ~~;)



We NEED a reunion,
a playday.
a good old fashioned
rainy days
or snowdays.
Any day,

Bring on the words.
And lets... play..

blue feet

paint me blue said the woman white
zero thousand and 11
statistically significant
designed as light
Hey Blue...

paint me blue said the woman white
zero thousand and 11
statistically significant
designed as light

Nice to see you again....don;t have any new poems, but I did post a new (very naughty) story you might enjoy reading. See "Camp X-TA-C" in my sigy line for the link. :kiss:
Nice to see you again....don;t have any new poems, but I did post a new (very naughty) story you might enjoy reading. See "Camp X-TA-C" in my sigy line for the link. :kiss:

hum sounds intersting x for xtal ..I shall look into this river flow...:rose:
paint me blue said the woman white
zero thousand and 11
statistically significant
designed as light

paint me, green

mother earth
has taught me well.
as a child, then through
adulthood, I'm soft enough
to throw off your shoes
and wade through
my thick satin. ride

for miles and miles. hair
down, wind tunneling,
thighs warmed by the suns
smiling eyes. just that feeling
of oneness - earth, sun,
wind ...


There's more to this.
It's a feeling that I am working on.
I'll get it, just right, one day. :)
Just a little too tired now, nighty night ~~

mother earth
has taught me well.
as a child, then through
adulthood, I'm soft enough
to throw off your shoes
and wade through
my thick satin. ride

for miles and miles. hair
down, wind tunneling,
thighs warmed by the suns
smiling eyes. just that feeling
of oneness - earth, sun,
wind ... [/I][/COLOR]

earthen eyes engaged
smiling lips lock
warp speed requires password
Mother Earth...

paint me, green

mother earth
has taught me well.
as a child, then through
adulthood, I'm soft enough
to throw off your shoes
and wade through
my thick satin. ride

for miles and miles. hair
down, wind tunneling,
thighs warmed by the suns
smiling eyes. just that feeling
of oneness - earth, sun,
wind ...


There's more to this.
It's a feeling that I am working on.
I'll get it, just right, one day. :)
Just a little too tired now, nighty night ~~


Whispers from
mother earth,

Paint me,
into your world
of make believe
fragrant wood
and colored canvas.
Tired limbs
and dreams that seed
lofty willows
and hearts that bleed.
Let the rain pour then
all the colors
Let her wind
roar through your
soft tangled strands
to catch each glint
a memory
then calm
into each dawn-
for the setting
of the sun.

-forever the one,
a stirring to my soul.

Whispers from
mother earth,

Paint me,
into your world
of make believe
fragrant wood
and colored canvas.
Tired limbs
and dreams that seed
lofty willows
and hearts that bleed.
Let the rain pour then
all the colors
Let her wind
roar through your
soft tangled strands
to catch each glint
a memory
then calm
into each dawn-
for the setting
of the sun.

-forever the one,
a stirring to my soul.


Thank you ladies for warming to my theme. :)
Great creativity !! :rose::rose:

I've been thinking on that feel, the oneness with Earth or just within ones self, for days now. I think it has a lot to do with where one is in there life and how we each can relate to that. Nice stuff eh ~

Saturday is very special
lovemaking at it's best
no matter what the week may hold
this day beats the rest

this is the day when me and mine
make up for all of the toils
the week may hold for us
and then we make up with
all of the spoils

I love my man and always will
no matter what the cost
on Saturday we release our stress
and give ourselves to lust
No matter how much one wants,
sometimes a write just refuses to happen, :( .

Thanks Art for * Saturday * I look forward to jumping it
as soon as my muse permits. ;)

I wear him

on my wrist, coming
and going he begets
my attention to kiss.
A pulse tempting, erratic
systematic, temptation, to palm
down, flinch a fold, grab a bite
and sink as low as I can. I fall
behind in practice - for his french
tickler, and shaved smooth lips
of sin, unbutton my heart
and throw caution
to the floor.


~~ naughty thoughts ~