Free Thoughts~on One word...

Kudo's again my friends. I keep going back to the last few poems ya'll posted here and this word, jumps out. Tell me, what's your :::::


Syllables: vor-tex

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation vor tehks
Inflected Forms vortexes [or] vortices

Definition 1. a whirling mass of fluid, air, or the like, such as a whirlpool,
that generates a vacuum in the center toward which things are drawn.

Definition 2. any situation that resembles a whirlpool in its violent or
chaotic activity, capacity to attract and engulf, or the like.

Crossref. Syn. maelstrom

Related Words whirl , maelstrom

Derived Forms vortical, adj. ; vortically, adv.

Happy Writing ~~~ :rose::kiss:

Feeling the need to write, who knows,
this might pull me outta my shell. ;)

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Happy Pre-Valentines Day ~~!!!! :heart:

Anyone wanna share a lil steam?? I wanna hear all your juicy gossip and mix in a few old memories of your most romantic - sexy Valentine's Day.

Poetry/freewrite whatever it takes, share tha love my friends !!!!

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bubble bath snorkeling,
wet limbs lounging.
to forgo a trip to town,
for one more second
in his arms, in his bed.

spread eagle, eager
as our mouths mimicking
dance, to devour. delicious
strawberries from his sharp
spear as whip cream

frenzies splurt
splashing, sliding down
tongue, throat. deep planted
seeds nourish. nectar lapped
labia glistens. listening
for that guttural groan,
moan of feverish fulfillment

I just wanna fall asleep in your arms every
night but somehow that dream eludes and teases.
Tunting me with a private viewing of bodies entwined
in visions, leaving sawdust shreds, dry and aloof ...

For love of the older man

I didn't mean to love you
but I found in you
the keeper of my soul,
made it beautiful again.
I could bring hearts and flowers
for you make me sing
my love
my love
my love
Remembering ... g r o w l ... ~~~ Happy Valentines Day ~~

he touched me deep

so deep my nether regions
would begin to drip silken
sap when he spoke. so deep
my bounteous
bosom peaked and pouted
for him to touch,
taste with sliding tongue
those filmy fingers that would
me out. point to point
all pointed south
where I deeply
for his nestling needle to pluck
and infiltrate me to my very core.

*pant pant ...


Mirrors surrounding heart
shapes. Pink bear claw tub
lit by candles glowing
dripping wax into puddles.

Three jasmine drops,
sliding down bubbled
legs. Toes coming up
for air. Hair glistens
roping down, fanning out
into waves of honey.

Strawberries placed
around pool lips, beseeching
a taking into twin teacups.
Tangy tidbits tempt
a lip, a tongue to trespass
past the rosé ring
and deviantly delight
inside a dip ...



panties in hand
a slap, to your bottom,
for bad courtmanship.

come here, my pet.
take a ride and taste
my nectar. nestle among
these briars of semi sweet
peach snops.

take a whiff
and know your master.
your slut is here
to take you in hand
and lead.

await a sip 'n slurp.
baby go deep, bury
yourself in luxuries
paradise. perhaps,
a taste is needed

to warm
the blood. piss 'n stake
your mark. make me
yours, for now.

till morn
when all is heaven
and hell beckons ....

daughters crush .....

golden boy from the hood

I saw him, the first day
he had shaved, daughter
giggled and swooned.

he threw her surprise down
and ran like a scalded cat.
his love spoke volumes, nestled
and incircled with one bright

jewel. his heart she held,
this babyfaced beau
on his first crush filled day ...

soo sweet ~~~ :eek:
four year old
letting me know
she blew a kiss
to a boy

OH NO! I thought
she is too young
to think about

what do I do?
think about this
then something came
in my thoughts

he is cute, for a
four year old
so inocent
virtue intact

I will let her know
boys are trouble
no matter what
and until she finds out

I will keep lying!
I've been reading James Kavanaugh, Pablo Neruda and Billy Collins ALLLLLLLLLL evening. Now that's three men I love to spend time with. ;)

Romance, humor, and nature ... Yummmmm !!!

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This week, all over threads ....

I wonder if, in time this pain

will cease. We have had a full, rich relationship
but we still wait and wonder. Wishing for a time
when all is right. To pull up stakes and let it flow.

I feel there really will be no right time and deep
down, I know our time has passed. But that
doesn't keep me from hoping. I carry a love
so bright and a pain, so hurtful it smothers

while it still grows. Like a down trotted tulip,
ready to bloom but the frost caught her head on
and chilled her to the very roots. To try and grow
only held back from fear of life. I sit, stumped,
hurt and fearful of a life with another, knowing
I was meant, want ... you.


washed away
by the quiet time
between sunrise and sunset
when all hell breaks loose
wishing to turn back time
grab my man, run

through rain, sleet and snow.
enjoy the quiet, relish
what is sown. regroup and come
back, stronger, mightier
ready to take on the world.
just remember next

when all is quiet, mice
are asleep. tip-toe in
slide beside, slow kiss,
tender touches
sly of hand, sleigh
this beast. for one
never knows
when the rain
shall wash away
again ....


I didn't mean to love you

but your voice sent tingles, that sultry waify
laugh sent wiggles. I erupted and came up for air
just as we found ourselves questioning, what if's
and why nots.

So many nights spent chatting, finding answers
to lifes dreams before us, shimmering and just waiting
to drizzle all over. I found you sexy, smart, serenading
and tart. Your boyish charm caught hold and has never left
this sleeve of my heart.

We've overcome abuse, hurt and found ourselves
in tha land of love. You taught me what it feels like to fall
and stay stuck, in love. A place I would not trade
for the world. As I continue on my journey alone, I know
you're there helping lead, with a call away and sometimes
when I'm in luck, a drive to quench our thirst
and reslave these hearts, chained together
shaken and stirred ...


If I could but give
you the prolific
passion that resides, dormant
in this distant
cold heart. To cherish you
from afar, while driving in my car
I detour to whimsy, humming alone
with the music
we made, so long ago.


Making my way to where
the moonlight calls-
on your voice the wind,
gathering, .. me
in its mighty arms and
encases me onto
dry ground
near the place where we
tamed our inner fears
for however brief the moments
and spoke
without words.

huggs RF, :kiss:
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regurgitated ....

Spending days dreaming, nights in torment.
Wishing to fly away into another world. Where
this weighted heart, shall finally be at peace.

The only comfort found in the restlessness,
are in twilight dreams. Glimpse past, the looking
glass, and see, my blemished badge
of honor. This, hides my weakness. Where
my one lone soul, saddens. A hostage, taken
down with spiraling messed up visions, into
a delirious world, I long to stay in.

Some witness these vacant eyes, but only one
knows my heartfelt misery. He sees beyond
this boarded up cell, knows what I know,
and he too, feels every pin point dragged,
across times distant shore. No wings,
to soar, just feathers at dusk
plucked, in disregard.

Spending days dreaming, nights in torment.
Wishing to fly away into another world. Where
this weighted heart, shall finally be at peace.

The only comfort found in the restlessness,
are in twilight dreams. Glimpse past, the looking
glass, and see, my blemished badge
of honor. This, hides my weakness. Where
my one lone soul, saddens. A hostage, taken
down with spiraling messed up visions, into
a delirious world, I long to stay in.

Some witness these vacant eyes, but only one
knows my heartfelt misery. He sees beyond
this boarded up cell, knows what I know,
and he too, feels every pin point dragged,
across times distant shore. No wings,
to soar, just feathers at dusk
plucked, in disregard.


....two sparrows in a hurricane.....
I'm sorry I missed Art and Blue :( ... :rose::kiss:

New word coming up but first I wanted to share this poem I ran across this weekend.

Some Kiss

There is some kiss we want with our whole lives:
the touch of the spirit on the body.

Seawater begs the pearl to break its shell
and the lily, how passionately it needs some wild darling.

At night I open the window
and I ask the moon to come and press its face against mine,
breathe into me.

Close the language door and open the love window.
The moon won't use the door, only the window.


New word for the day :::

Door :

Syllables: door
Phrases: out of doors , show someone the door

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation dor

Definition 1. an opening, esp. in a room or building, through which
one enters or leaves; entryway.
Synonyms entry , portal , doorway , entranceway , entrance,
Similar Words threshold , gateway , access , wicket , ingress ,

Definition 2. a comparable opening or means of access or entry
into vehicles or furniture.
Example a car door ; a cabinet door.
Synonyms hatch
Crossref. Syn. entrance
Similar Words entry , access , entrance

Definition 3. the movable panel that covers such openings.
Synonyms hatch
Similar Words portiè,re , panel , gate , trapdoor

Definition 4. the building, house, or room to which a door
is attached.
Example My best friend lives three doors down the street ;
the bathroom is the second door on the left.
Similar Words house , building , room

Definition 5. any means of access or entry.
Example the door to financial success.
Synonyms gateway, entry , portal, entrée
Crossref. Syn. approach
Similar Words threshold , access , entrance

Related Words egress , exit

Phrase show someone the door

Phrase out of doors

Hope you enjoyed the poem. Now, go write .... :D

Happy Happy .... :rose:
I've lost the key, like my mind
I dropped it off at your door.

Forgetting to call first, driving
like a mad woman. Lane surfing,

and shadow talking I ran
down the street, stopped

looked and felt the breeze,
like your whispering

promise, upon the wind. Stumbling
to your step, misconstruing

memories mocked and laughed.
I had made it this far but forgot

why I had come. What is there here
for me? Lost, I strolled back

in a dream, back to my home. To lick
my wounds and boltlock my heart.

... just a thought ~~~
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Good morning my friends ... I hope this chilly morning finds you well. New word .....

Book :

Syllables: book
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb , adjective
Phrases: by the book , like a book

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation bUk
Definition 1. a collection of bound paper sheets, usu. containing written
or printed words.
Synonyms volume , edition
Crossref. Syn. album
Similar Words folio , booklet , tome , handbook , album , notebook ,
journal , diary

Definition 2. a literary work such as a novel or volume of poetry.
Crossref. Syn. album , novel
Similar Words literature , opus , edition , publication , manuscript ,

Definition 3. (pl.) financial or business records.
Example He keeps the books.
Synonyms ledger , daybook , journal
Crossref. Syn. account
Similar Words blotter , record , transcript , log

Definition 4. (cap.) the Bible (prec. by the).
Synonyms Word , scriptures, Good Book , Bible, Holy Scriptures
Similar Words New Testament , Holy Writ , Gospel, Old Testament

Definition 5. a set of similar things bound together into one unit,
such as matches, stamps, or tickets.
Similar Words pad1 , packet , roll

Related Words brochure

Phrase by the book

Phrase like a book

Part of Speech transitive verb
Inflected Forms booked, booking, books

Definition 1. to reserve or engage for use or services; make an
appointment for.
Example I booked a table at your favorite restaurant.
Synonyms engage
Crossref. Syn. reserve
Similar Words reserve , charter , schedule

Definition 2. to list or enter in a book.
Synonyms register
Similar Words record , post , log , list , enter

Definition 3. to enter formal charges against in a police blotter.
Example They booked him for robbery.
Similar Words indict , charge , arrest
Definition 4. to hire, esp. entertainers.
Example We booked a jazz band for the party.
Similar Words enlist , contract , hire , slate , schedule

Related Words engage , put down , program

Part of Speech intransitive verb
Definition 1. to engage or reserve.
Similar Words engage

Part of Speech adjective
Definition 1. of or pertaining to books.
Example a book store.
Similar Words literary , bookish , bibliographic, reading
Definition 2. based on books or the information in them.
Example a book knowledge of South America.
Similar Words speculative , theoretical , bookish , academic ,

Happy Writing ... :rose:

He is the book

I never finished. I keep beginning
again, on the first page. Back
when my life was bad, really bad.

I needed a friend, he gave me
love. I cherished every word
dropped, every sentence uttered
but along the way, he forgot
our ending. Our lives did change

forever. From there to here,
another page turned, another
day spent loving a man, a character
in my life who cannot commit, nor
wishes to stand. I have
enough strength,
but not enough time
to turn the last page,
for fear of a not so happily
ever after.

The best thing about your book
is the binding.
Tooled all over in gold leaf
on sensuous leather
begging fingertip caresses
down the spine.
Each letter raised
in pristine perkiness.
Opening your leaves can wait
lovingly fondled
thread ... free thoughts ~~


we know everything, why could I not
see that tomorrow would be a lifetime
of waiting. I love and mourn

in the same breath. Not knowing
is a slow killing disease,
eating away my innards
like decayed love. Resist

no not I. I keep
going back for more, waiting
for the moment when he steps
from behind the curtain and lives
like a your butterfly, wings spread
just waiting to fly. ....


I picture you on my dining
room table. Cuffed by legs, smiling
that smile. You know, I have
a secret yearning to taste
every pore that pouts
and pleads for my

tongue to trail, down your chest
through those curls, springing
to action on impulse from
your stick, of desire. Licking,
tasting your manhood
moulding your mound till all else
floats away. Always coming back
to explore your lips, giving
you a sample of what

I have suckled dry. Fingers dance,
body waves, surfing your form. I catch
sight, drench your thighs with lounging
licks, quenching my thirst
on your nipples by pinching

and ploughing. Accosting
nether regions with fast firm
slaps, rimming your member
with tongue lashing
laps. Seeking a union, I straddle
you swiftly. Strong, urgent, unyielding
casting my lure. Riding rough,

nipping, biting, taking all
you possess. Pondering this,
for a lifetime, yes, I must.
It's time to give in. Let me,
let me
dine ...
Good morning, new word????


Syllables: en-rich

Part of Speech transitive verb
Pronunciation ihn rIch
Inflected Forms enriched, enriching, enriches

Definition 1. to increase the wealth of.
Synonyms aggrandize

Definition 2. to provide with an increased quantity of any valuable
or desirable thing or quality.
Example The teacher enriched the students' understanding of
philosophy. ; The cook enriched the sauce with cream.
Synonyms enhance
Crossref. Syn. improve , fortify
Similar Words heighten , improve , increase , ameliorate , elevate ,
fortify , better , upgrade

Definition 3. to cause to be more interesting, important, or rewarding.
Example They enriched the school's curriculum.
Synonyms enhance
Similar Words improve , better , upgrade , sweeten , ameliorate

Definition 4. to increase the attractiveness of, as by decoration.
Synonyms decorate , enhance , embellish
Crossref. Syn. adorn
Similar Words adorn , ornament , improve , sweeten

Related Words round out , embellish , manure , complete ,

Derived Forms enrichingly, adv. ; enrichment, n.

Happy Writing .... :rose:
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I want some sun.

To sit, plant my roots
and feel the sun
wake me up.

Warm kisses
teasing rays
and tummy tanning
fun, counting the days.

love is ... enriching ~~~

Go From Me

Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand
Henceforward in thy shadow. Nevermore
Alone upon the threshold of my door
Of individual life, I shall command
The uses of my soul, nor lift my hand
Serenely in the sunshine as before,
Without the sense of that which I forbore--
Thy touch upon the palm.
The widest land
Doom takes to part us, leaves thy heart in mine
With pulses that beat double. What I do
And what I dream include thee, as the wine
Must taste of its own grapes. And when I sue
God for myself, He hears that name of thine,
And sees within my eyes the tears of two.

-- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Free Thoughts ... Threads ...

I see you ...

table topped,
your member.
while I ride,
your tongue.


mouthing my mix,
sharing the glow
lips meet,
tasting twofold .


mountain streams,
tall talking trees,
nymphs water dancing,
rhyming sex ...


slow climbing turns
erect wiggles, weigh
in. burning clit
sought out. finger flips
tilting my foundation.
Mouth to mouth
locked in memories
of here and now.


take it, give it.
sublimely spread,
cream on toast,
gruff meeting smooth
as smoke signals ring

playing with words .... and bubbles ~~

pearl toes dangling, like earrings to heavy
for the hole. sagging, to sink in deep
red wine carpet. my scooped scallion stilettos
slung carelessly aside.

a free carpet ride from bed to bath
feeling tha silken slide of burping bubbles
slowly teleport this weary mind, away.

copper red hair, coiled like a snake
atop this angelic face. free ranging
worry lines rescind, forgoing another trip
from waxed brows to elfin chin.

descending into pure bliss, my soul floats
to aroma therapy land. feeling pink rose petals
lightly swish down, decorating my bath
into a smooth satiny sin upon golden tanned skin.

honey glazed freckles, blossom and bloom
mapping out twin pouty breast
playing peak-a-boo, atop an ever flowing tub
of fizzing foam.

sparkling froth decorates colt like legs
lifted high and gracefully arching,
catching the rosy ray reflection,
from the happy valley, nestled neatly
between the finger slides of tawny thighs.


still needs a bit of work ....

if anyone wants to post a new word, go for it ~~~
