Freeing the Muse (Closed for Serenity30822)

Calliope's smile grew as she watched Anton settle and get into the bed with her. She laid her legs out and moved down on the bed a bit to lay back with her head on the pillow beside him. She turned on her side to face him as he pulled the blankets over himself, looking at him as he spoke.

"I'll be alright, Anton, it's been a long day and we could both use some good rest." she said quietly, smiling and reaching one hand out to gently place it on his upper arm over the blanket. It was a silent thanks, just a simple touch to assure him of her trust and gratitude to him.
Of all the things that could have made Anton smile in that moment, the feeling of Calliope's hand coming to rest on his upper arm as she said she'd be alright was certainly one of them. He wasn't normally a back sleeper, but couldn't bring himself to move if it meant that she might end up moving that hand from it's resting place. So he simply took a long and slow breath as he let his head sag to the side, letting the last thing he saw, even in the dark, be the outline of her, and the faintest hint of purple from her hair.

Anton slept long and deep that night, his sleep effectively dreamless and uninterrupted. In fact, the only time any one watching would notice anything amiss from him was when Calliope's hand moved from it's place on his upper arm for a brief second in the middle of the night, causing him to subconsciously groan in dismay. When it returned shortly afterwards though, he sighed just as subconsciously with content.

Given that Anton had the better sleep of the two, it likely wouldn't be a surprise that he was the first of them to stir the following morning. He was still in no hurry to disturb or otherwise abandon Calliope though. So rather than move or get up, he simply turned his head, which was as much movement as he'd done during the night, back towards her, and opened his eyes. He watched her as she slept, her breathing making the the blankets slowly rise and fall as he watched with a small half smile on his face.
It didn't take long at all for Calliope to slip into unconsciousness, her hand still resting lightly on Anton's arm. Like most nights, she didn't really dream. Normally if she did, it was horrible, more akin to a night terror than just a nightmare or bad dream. She slept soundly, until around midnight when a particularly horrid dream plagued her. She dreamt that despite her trust and belief in Anton, he betrayed her. She yanked her hand back as she woke, bringing her fingers to her lips to quiet herself and not wake him. When he groaned, she held her breath, not wanting to disturb his slumber.

Once she'd gotten her breathing under control again, Calliope placed her hand back on his arm, her fingertips barely brushing his skin as the blanket had shifted when she moved. She found comfort in the warmth of his flesh, and was able to find sleep once again.

Calliope flexed her fingers as she woke, feeling Anton's skin beneath her fingertips, seeing the sunlight peeking through the curtains even through her closed eyelids. Her lips curled into a small sleepy smile as she blinked a few times to clear the fog from her eyes, finding Anton watching her.

"Good morning..." she said quietly while debating whether she should move her hand or not. He didn't seem to mind, so she left it where it was.
Anton felt Calliope's fingers flex as she woke, and saw her eyelids flutter against the sunlight peeking through the curtains. He even saw the sleepy smile that came to her lips before her eyes had even opened. His smile was waiting for her as she blinked a couple of times to clear the sleep from those big violet orbs, and after she offered up the first greeting, he happily followed suit.

"Good morning to you too." Anton said softly, almost in a whisper, as though he were afraid to shatter the tender atmosphere of the morning. "How did you sleep?"
Calliope's smile widened when he returned the good morning greeting, and she briefly considered telling him the full truth about how she'd slept, but decided against it. She didn't want to make him feel like she didn't trust him, because she did. It was just the traitor in the back of her mind telling her it was just another trick.

"I slept well, how about you?" She said quietly, tucking her legs up closer to her body in preparation for getting up from the bed, but settling once again. She didn't want to move her hand from his arm.
Calliope's widening smile made Anton's smile widen as well. Her already beautiful face was made that much more beautiful when she smiled, even if he did understand why she had so many reasons to frown. Her question though, made him chuckle before responding.

"It was the best night of sleep I've had in a long time if you can believe it." Anton said a little sheepishly as he nuzzled his head a bit deeper into his pillow. "It was far from the most physically exhausting day, but say that it was draining would be an...understatement."
"I understand that," she said quietly, feeling her cheeks heat ever so slightly when he responded and buried himself in his pillow. "I'm glad you slept well despite how yesterday went."

Reluctantly, she drew her hand back from his arm, letting her fingertips linger against his skin as long as possible before disrupting the contact and sitting up with her legs folded beneath her. She raised her arms up over her head and stretched, feeling the towel that had miraculously stayed tucked around her through the night begin to slip. She was still covered but it was definitely loose around her torso.

Modesty had never really been a concern of hers, especially before she'd been captured, finding that the female form was often enough inspiration for many. As a result she didn't pay much mind to the loosening towel, remembering the robe had been placed on the bed but never put on. As she began to relax from her stretch, she let out a quiet groan of satisfaction, the relief in her muscles almost euphoric.