Fuck Me

anna? Did you read bochen's comments to Tihmmnmm? That's who I was addressing. All of his spammy "FuckYouYouMotherFuckers" posts have been deleted from all forum boards, so my references to schitzoid behaviour may seem a little odd, but this person, bochen, that is, is totally whacked. I know the comment begs the question of who am I to say if someone's schizophrenic or not; consider, though, that I merely described a couple of schizophrenic traits, perhaps unfairly but if the person is mentally impaired, then maybe my medication advice was well-pointed.

eta: I didn't quote bochen's post in my earlier one because if someone had him on ignore, odds are they wouldn't want to read his quoted venom either.

Nothing to research - he went pooof!

I cop to poofing him yesterday. Spammy spam spam it was and meanie spam at that!

I think it'd be fun to design sex toys that resembled celebrities and historical figures. The Elvis, the Mick, the Ringo... the Lincoln, the Winston... wouldn't that be fun?

Apparently you are unfamiliar with this site. Rather creepy, imo. Personally I'd prefer Ringo. Or Pacino. Yeah, definitely Pacino of the Serpico era. :D

This is probably the worst poem I've ever read on Lit.

Be nice Mrs. Biotch! You know we've all written total crap here. Well, maybe except Lauren (but only cause I helped her edit heehee).

This is probably the worst poem I've ever read on Lit.

I can write one worse than that in my sleep, watch:

Oh, baby baby
You have the quality
of being so stubbornly
egomaniacal in the sack
I want to get you on your back
and run my tongue up your...

Wait, let me think of something worse.
I cop to poofing him yesterday. Spammy spam spam it was and meanie spam at that!

Apparently you are unfamiliar with this site. Rather creepy, imo. Personally I'd prefer Ringo. Or Pacino. Yeah, definitely Pacino of the Serpico era. :D

Be nice Mrs. Biotch! You know we've all written total crap here. Well, maybe except Lauren (but only cause I helped her edit heehee).


As I think is mentioned somewhere, this thread that opened with such a flourish was a lark-like reaction to the spammer. If you wish to end this thread or move it... but it appears to be growing.
I can write one worse than that in my sleep, watch:

Oh, baby baby
You have the quality
of being so stubbornly
egomaniacal in the sack
I want to get you on your back
and run my tongue up your...

Wait, let me think of something worse.

I like the 'so stubbornly'
but I'd cut out that 'I want to get you'
maybe for something like,
'get on your back, right now'
and the last line is way too tight.
I smell the quivering
of your peachy cunt
because I know you hear
my pickup truck tires
crunch the driveway gravel
um.... who do you think was he talking to? I always assume that when a person posts something in a public forum that they are talking to everyone who reads it.

Am I schizophrenic too?

Ohh, Anna, you give and you give without taking, and I miss you today, oh anna,

I cop to poofing him yesterday. Spammy spam spam it was and meanie spam at that!

Apparently you are unfamiliar with this site. Rather creepy, imo. Personally I'd prefer Ringo. Or Pacino. Yeah, definitely Pacino of the Serpico era. :D

Be nice Mrs. Biotch! You know we've all written total crap here. Well, maybe except Lauren (but only cause I helped her edit heehee).


Ange, that "site" hurt mine eyes


I'm begging for trouble now muawahahah
The Poof! or Poofer.
That's another good one.

A little zapper that you make someone who's getting on your nerves disappear from your awareness. They are not actually harmed or eliminated, just blocked or something. After sufficient time passes you can re-poof them and see how they're doing. If they're cool you let them hang out. If they're still getting on your nerves you re-poof them.

A dimension clicker more or less.

Did you know that poof or poofter is a slang derogatory term for male gays? In cockney rhyming slang used to be horses hoof
As I think is mentioned somewhere, this thread that opened with such a flourish was a lark-like reaction to the spammer. If you wish to end this thread or move it... but it appears to be growing.

I have been sufficently beaten about the head (and butt-kicked) to the point where I no longer wish to move threads anywhere unless the OP (i.e., you) wants me to move it. Well, unless it's spam in which case I will happily move it to the far reaches of Lit!

Did you know that poof or poofter is a slang derogatory term for male gays? In cockney rhyming slang used to be horses hoof

Oooh and I said I poofed him. Now I feel erm unclean. Must go wash...
one of my life long friends

I have been sufficently beaten about the head (and butt-kicked) to the point where I no longer wish to move threads anywhere unless the OP (i.e., you) wants me to move it. Well, unless it's spam in which case I will happily move it to the far reaches of Lit!

Oooh and I said I poofed him. Now I feel erm unclean. Must go wash...

is British and when his wife tries to put flowers on the bar of their pub...he
tells her...that he is not a poofster and get the flowers off his bar...lol...lol...blue
I have been sufficently beaten about the head (and butt-kicked) to the point where I no longer wish to move threads anywhere unless the OP (i.e., you) wants me to move it. Well, unless it's spam in which case I will happily move it to the far reaches of Lit!

Oooh and I said I poofed him. Now I feel erm unclean. Must go wash...

Well I did ermm wonder *giggle*
I have been sufficently beaten about the head (and butt-kicked) to the point where I no longer wish to move threads anywhere unless the OP (i.e., you) wants me to move it. Well, unless it's spam in which case I will happily move it to the far reaches of Lit!

In that case, I therefore and hereby do dub this the Seedy, Sleazy, Horrible, Reject, fingernails/chalkboard, Chamber of Poetry Possessing Extremely Mangled Tortuousness.

Or something like that.
is British and when his wife tries to put flowers on the bar of their pub...he
tells her...that he is not a poofster and get the flowers off his bar...lol...lol...blue

Well I did ermm wonder *giggle*

Stopo giggling at my stupidity both of you. Besides, I'm clean now. See? <Shows hands>

Must go drink orange juice. I am not awake enough for this post.

In that case, I therefore and hereby do dub this the Seedy, Sleazy, Horrible, Reject, fingernails/chalkboard, Chamber of Poetry Possessing Extremely Mangled Tortuousness.

Or something like that.

Uh-huh. And you, as the OP, are its master. :p
<perks> @ Master .... will there be whips n things? Eve will be here soon it's her inbuilt radar
Stopo giggling at my stupidity both of you. Besides, I'm clean now. See? <Shows hands>

Must go drink orange juice. I am not awake enough for this post.

Uh-huh. And you, as the OP, are its master. :p

Hm yes,
It's Master.
I smell the quivering
of your peachy cunt
because I know you hear
my pickup truck tires
crunch the driveway gravel

The worst poem of all-time should have the word 'baby' in it more than once.

Baby, I love your golden sunshine smile,
and I love your silver butt, you know
I need your brass tack nipples,
rubbing up my copper nuts

Baby, you're the glass is half full,
and the L. Ron Hubbard Dianetics,
and the Mary Eddy to my predestined
Tuberculin(which I know is not really there.)
The worst poem of all-time should have the word 'baby' in it more than once.

Baby, I love your golden sunshine smile,
and I love your silver butt, you know
I need your brass tack nipples,
rubbing up my copper nuts

Baby, you're the glass is half full,
and the L. Ron Hubbard Dianetics,
and the Mary Eddy to my predestined
Tuberculin(which I know is not really there.)

Yeah, the copper nuts
and the cultish undertones
now, make this a song,
and the baby ain't so bad
cuz she tries hard,
wants to be good,
wants love
longs to love,
loves to suck off
greasy spoon
short order
elderly and goateed
chefs shouting that burgers
are up, and a tater tot puffs.
But yeah oh yeah,
those copper nuts, they done good.
You didn't say a thing about his wife up and leaving him and his dawg just died so all he's got left is his old guitar that his grandpappy bought him for his 10th birthday
You didn't say a thing about his wife up and leaving him and his dawg just died so all he's got left is his old guitar that his grandpappy bought him for his 10th birthday

And of course there's a cold rain and his mama got run over by a pickup truck ...
this is the thread that won't die cuz it's so popomodern. Dedicated to Bochen's art, that wonderful human being, brilliant computer user, purposeful person.
this is the thread that won't die cuz it's so popomodern. Dedicated to Bochen's art, that wonderful human being, brilliant computer user, purposeful person.

It could die.
One written OP request to the Forum Authorities.
But now that It begins to grow... I think I love It.