
The junior member of staff decided to run his mouth in a podcast with the result that my phone, email, etc., started blowing up at 8am yesterday morning, and I was still handling the blow back at 11pm. Thanks to email and cellphones you cannot push off home at 5pm like you used to and let the answering machine take it until morning.

Anyway, I managed to smooth most of the ruffled feathers and get the offending material taken down, but I am going to loose a lot of hours to HR bullshit while this is sorted out. As this isn't his first rodeo, he really should be terminated, but the bleeding hearts in HR probably let the lucky SOB get away with a bollocking and probation.

I lost last night's sleep to stress, and a suspect a couple more will go the same way before this is over.

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Peterborough Ontario is a city of 85,000 an hour or so east of Toronto. It is a quiet resort / tourist town with a University and a small Community College. A bunch of far right loonies / antivaxxers / conspiracy theorists led by the self proclaimed Quanon Queen of Canada tried to start a riot at the Peterborough Police station. (Hey, they may be nuts, but they are Canadian and didn't want to inconvenience the Cops, I guess). They were quickly arrested (duh). The Mayor, Diane Therrien was asked for a comment. Her tweet read:

"I hate giving airtime/spotlight to these imbeciles. Here is my comment: fuck off, you fuckwads.”
YES, we have loonies here too. Yep, she is the real mayor. I want to move there so I can vote for her. I think "Fuck off you fuckwads" sounds like a great campaign slogan for this fall's elections. Search for her on twitter, the comment is still up four days later.
At last, a politician I actually want to vote for! 😍