General Response

duckiesmut said:

This morning, I have tripped over a flat iron, neglected to rinse the conditioner from my hair before stepping out of the shower, and spilled coffee down my (white) shirt.

It's not a good morning to imply that I don't have a decent understanding of the English language. ;)

I suggest you also reread your post and consider its implications.

Now Lauren's, Lauren's I agree with:

I never implied you didn't have a decent understanding of the English langauge, there you go being defensive again!

And I did explain what you have just quoted, if you don't agree thats fine, I really don't care, but getting bitchy really isn't a good come back argument!

I also agree with Laurens quote but I wont kiss anyones ass just for the sake of it!

Just write and have fun!!
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I don't see how you interpreted either bitchiness or defensive behavior from either of my posts. For the most part, I don't join in the debates about the nature, purpose, etc. of this forum. In this instance, I did, because I strongly disagreed with the points you made.

Being on the opposite of an opinion, to me, is not being 'defensive'. It's being honest. And your mentioning ass-kissing is amusing, mainly because I disagree with Lauren almost as often as I agree with her. That's one of the joys of this site--> you can disagree with someone, and still enjoy their perspectives.

I'm not going to spend my morning quibbling with you, and neither am I going to apologize for questioning the flaws in your logic.

I will, however, wish you a lovely morning. :)
duckiesmut said:
I don't see how you interpreted either bitchiness or defensive behavior from either of my posts. For the most part, I don't join in the debates about the nature, purpose, etc. of this forum. In this instance, I did, because I strongly disagreed with the points you made.

Being on the opposite of an opinion, to me, is not being 'defensive'. It's being honest. And your mentioning ass-kissing is amusing, mainly because I disagree with Lauren almost as often as I agree with her. That's one of the joys of this site--> you can disagree with someone, and still enjoy their perspectives.

I'm not going to spend my morning quibbling with you, and neither am I going to apologize for questioning the flaws in your logic.

I will, however, wish you a lovely morning. :)

I do not wish to quibble with you either, and it's fine that you don't agree with me, it would be a shit debate if everyone had the same opinion.

I do not want an apology from you and do not offer one either, we have a difference of opinion that is all.
You of course, have the right to your own perception, but please do not assign it to others (i.e. "People" etc" ) we have our own. And please do not take this personally. I am not angry.

Jennifer C said:
When did writing stop being fun? At the end of the day if what you want is a serious place to write, critique and learn then Literotica really isn't that place.

Maybe not for you. It was working fine, and still can and does, for some people who are more serious about it. When I say Serious, I do not mean no fun, stuffy, academic. It is a place I have found to be serious but liberal and laid back... moreso than any other place I have worked. I can write fuckin' here and not get my hand spanked by a moderator.

There used to be a lot more people here that were at the professional level of poetry. Yes, they are allowed at erotic sites. :devil:

It's an adult erotic website. People come here to read and wank simple as that.

not true
is anything that simple?

Lit is not poetry based and never really has been.

not true, not here in this forum

there is a big world of literotica out there that is NOT poetry based, but wtf, this is the POETRY FEEDBACK AND DISCUSSION FORUM and has alway had an element of playfulness, but BUT it is not another playground. It is a little corner of literotica set aside for Poets and Poetry.

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Du Lac said:
I also feel NO ONE has the right to tell me how I should vote. That is a dictatorship.... communism .... and not why I came here.

amen, sister!

Wicked and Angeline were some of my favorite poets here on the site. I felt both were fair and handled problems with kindness and intelligence. I no longer feel that is the case here at Lit. I see a darkness falling now with steel bars crashing down around how we can express ourselves.

I noticed this too, and who is innocent of this? It is not us and them, it is everyone. False accusations, breaking privacy by posting private messages, questioning our right to privacy, being told how to vote (or was it just a suggestion :) )

I feel in all honesty the in correct MODERATORS left their positions. Regardless of how I came across at least Angeline and Wicked always answered or acknowledged a response when posted. Rudeness and ridicule seems to be the path now.. or totally ignoring something or someone you do not agree with.

I have one thing to say. The "fluffers" are not leaving.

good. send some my way. I need a fluffer. And a nutter. And some Strohman bread.


And regardless of how we are treated we will try to comment and vote with kind critical thoughts on another poem. I have never one bombed a poem because it takes at least a 1 to have the guts to post here at Lit... allowing yourself to be open to the destructive ridicule that is tossed upon newbies that walk through the door.

damn, I missed all that. I know there are some serious serious differences in opinions, fundamental ways of viewing life and the world and human dignity...but... not to newbies that walk through the door. I HAVE seen some people come through the door with some serious misconceptions about past practices (of course, there is room to change) fundamental guidelines/rules for posting, misunderstandings about the current voting system.... often times, the advice, answers, suggestions etc are totally ignored before even understanding the reasons behind them.

and God forbid i say it, but there is nothing worse then a person who walks in the door, cocky and overly self assured, thinking that they know it all and never think to learn a bit about the culture before judging it and trying to change what it is. I don't mean just here, but anywhere. I am sure we have all be in jobs where the new guy brings many new experiences and ideas, and the new guy who walks in and wants to immediately run the place or the new boss who wants to fix what is not even broken, if he took a minute to look around.

eh hem. I did not mean to say all of that, and certainly not in response to Du's post. This is my own tangent. eh hem

And those are my humble thoughts ....
As usual thank you 1201 for being you!
Du Lac~

yeah, there is no other, an endangered species :)
anna, let me say this again!

I see Lit as a website and the lit forums 2 different places, the poetry forum is for serious writing and for writing just for pleasure. Lit as a website is for erotic stories some of which are very badly written.

Lit is a porn site people come to read and wank lol, the forums are different. thats what I meant.

We are all entitled to our opinions and to express them freely... :)

I may get a little carried away sometimes and can be a tad fiesty but I never mean any disrespect to writers or this site ~ I love Lit :rose:
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The only times a computer should be taken seriously are when it's fucking up your money or when you use it as a tool for your work, all other times it is primarily a toy, a communication toy.

Play, write and play some more. Even the serious side of life can have an element of fun.

Now stop your quibbling... All of ya!
champagne1982 said:
The only times a computer should be taken seriously are when it's fucking up your money or when you use it as a tool for your work, all other times it is primarily a toy, a communication toy.

Play, write and play some more. Even the serious side of life can have an element of fun.

Now stop your quibbling... All of ya!

Right on sister. ;)
champagne1982 said:
Play, write and play some more. Even the serious side of life can have an element of fun.

That's what i've been trying to say!
Jennifer C said:

That's what i've been trying to say!

Jenn, I am not dull, and I know you did not say that, I understood what you said. Thanks for clearing up what you were trying to say. At any rate, the portions of your message that you continue to quote are not the portions of your message I was addressing. I am not going to go into more, that is silly, because you apparently have changed your mind....or realized that you did not mean what you said. Lit has been and can be a place a person can come to be serious about writing. (yeah I know, and to have fun) I did not want to leave those parts of your message out there for new people to see, so that they can determine for themselves what kind of place this is and has been and can be.

tis all.



when you use exclamation points it makes it sound like you are yelling.

when you use exclamation points it really makes it sound like you are yelling!

I do not think this is your intention, or if you realize that is how it comes across, but just a heads up

a hundred times better than all caps and bold ;)


sure is tough to indicate tone in this medium but my original presentation was how I want to present my sentence. :)
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annaswirls said:
Jenn, I am not dull, and I know you did not say that, I understood what you said. Thanks for clearing up what you were trying to say. At any rate, the portions of your message that you continue to quote are not the portions of your message I was addressing. I am not going to go into more, that is silly, because you apparently have changed your mind....or realized that you did not mean what you said. Lit has been and can be a place a person can come to be serious about writing. (yeah I know, and to have fun) I did not want to leave those parts of your message out there for new people to see, so that they can determine for themselves what kind of place this is and has been and can be.

tis all.



when you use exclamation points it makes it sound like you are yelling.

when you use exclamation points it really makes it sound like you are yelling!

I do not think this is your intention, or if you realize that is how it comes across, but just a heads up

a hundred times better than all caps and bold ;)


sure is tough to indicate tone in this medium but my original presentatio was how I want to present my sentence. :)

I'm not explaining myself very well I know. :mad:

Lit is a porn site and it seemed that some people were saying it's not serious enough, my point was 'what do you expect from a porn site'? just write and have fun doing it but go elsewhere if you're not getting what you want here.

I have also said that the forums are a great place to learn and grow.

I have opinions and I express them coz the last time I checked this was a discussion thread! (not yelling) :D

no disrespect intended but i'm standing by what I wrote.

we all have an opinion and it would be pretty boring if they were all the same and that is the last i'm going to say on the matter. :)
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I already touched on this as well

Jennifer C said:
I'm not explaining myself very well I know. :mad:

Lit is a porn site and it seemed that some people were saying it's not serious enough, my point was 'what do you expect from a porn site'? just write and have fun doing it but go elsewhere if you're not getting what you want here.

I have also said that the forums are a great place to learn and grow.

I have opinions and I express them coz the last time I checked this was a discussion thread! (not yelling) :D

no disrespect intended but i'm standing by what I wrote.

we all have an opinion and it would be pretty boring if they were all the same and that is the last i'm going to say on the matter. :)

In a culture with such diversity..we must make room for all spectrum of thought..from critical to mudane ..
Somewhere in the middle there is the learning and growing ...
and each of us have part of the gifts and part of the answers to leave behind for others to learn and so forth..the circle unfolds just as such...
imho...I have much to learn about critical lit the first to say and have said..
and am not going to post any poems on the new poem thread in future...til things are in balance with everyone who has agreed on what is fair...
Jennifer C said:
I'm not explaining myself very well I know. :mad:

Lit is a porn site and it seemed that some people were saying it's not serious enough, my point was 'what do you expect from a porn site'? just write and have fun doing it but go elsewhere if you're not getting what you want here.

I have also said that the forums are a great place to learn and grow.

I have opinions and I express them coz the last time I checked this was a discussion thread! (not yelling) :D

no disrespect intended but i'm standing by what I wrote.

we all have an opinion and it would be pretty boring if they were all the same and that is the last i'm going to say on the matter. :)

Jennifer, one last response as I might not have explained myself very well--- you are explaining yourself very well, however you keep bringing up the same parts of your statement that no one has ever argued with.

No one has ever argued that there shouldn't be a variety. etc etc etc
No one has ever said that people should not express their opinion
No one has ever argued that the forums can be fun AND a place to learn etc.

I am not trying to make this a personal attack or to drag on something that is finished, but I since you have stated that you stand by what you wrote, I wanted to clarify what I was saying.

These are parts of what you wrote, that in the form written, state that your opinions are generalized to others/all.

Jennifer C said:

1. At the end of the day if what you want is a serious place to write, critique and learn then Literotica really isn't that place......

2. It's an adult erotic website. People come here to read and wank simple as that....

3. Lit is not poetry based and never really has been.
okay this last one I agree with In General, but the discussion was focused on the poetry boards.

From your more recent posts, you seem to have changed your mind about some of these things. Obviously ou can stand by your generalizations, but I want to make it clear that they do not apply to many/most people here, here being the poetry boards.

BooMerengue said:
jesuschrist, will it ever end?

we can shove it under the rug just like the rest of jesus christ problems in the world..
Jennifer C said:
probably... ;)

lol oh jeez and I just posted another one!

I like you you keep putting up sexier and sexier AV's -- are you subconsciously hoping to distract me? LOL!

Well it is working. You are quite sexy. I remember when you got your first AV! Was not that long ago!

okay I am finished, stubborn but finished

leaving for vacation, I hope there is peace and flowers here when I get back

annaswirls said:
Obviously ou can stand by your generalizations, but I want to make it clear that they do not apply to many/most people here, here being the poetry boards.
Not only the poetry boards, but on every section of Lit. The stories themselves - yes, there is a lot of amateur, substandard material, but Liter[ature]otica remains has one of the best places for serious pornography writers to explore their craft and develop their skills on the web.

Of course that people have the right to think that there is no serious writing of pornography, but many of the most highly respected mainstream authors today seem to disagree. :)
annaswirls said:
lol oh jeez and I just posted another one!

I like you you keep putting up sexier and sexier AV's -- are you subconsciously hoping to distract me? LOL!

Well it is working. You are quite sexy. I remember when you got your first AV! Was not that long ago!

okay I am finished, stubborn but finished

leaving for vacation, I hope there is peace and flowers here when I get back


lol... :rose:

I know I can't belive I was once trying to get to 100 posts and now i'm over 1000!

Glad you like the av's anna, yes you sprung me i'm trying to distract you, and quite sexy? lol

Finished also, can we put this to rest now? Plsssss :D

Have a lovely vacation... :) :rose:
Just sucked all of the cheerios, popcorn, sand and leaves (mostly atomized) from my car..... next to wash the sticky fruit chew remnants from the seats and check the fluids.....

and stack the car with toys... maybe some ear plugs and an electric wire between the two car seats so they don't torment each other all the way...10 hour drive aye aye aye

see y'all on Tuesday
Jennifer C said:
lol... :rose:

I know I can't belive I was once trying to get to 100 posts and now i'm over 1000!

Glad you like the av's anna, yes you sprung me i'm trying to distract you, and quite sexy? lol

Finished also, can we put this to rest now? Plsssss :D

Have a lovely vacation... :) :rose:

very sexy. I was trying to hypnotize with my AV's but I dont think it worked. Just gave Fly and Pat motion sickness
annaswirls said:
Just sucked all of the cheerios, popcorn, sand and leaves (mostly atomized) from my car..... next to wash the sticky fruit chew remnants from the seats and check the fluids.....

and stack the car with toys... maybe some ear plugs and an electric wire between the two car seats so they don't torment each other all the way...10 hour drive aye aye aye

see y'all on Tuesday

see ya anna, hope the kids let you relax but I doubt

Have a great trip... :rose: