Getting in Shape

Re: Look good in a tutu?

PlayDoe said:
Well, from a guy's perspective, I can't say much about belly dancing or ballet. If you want to get into shape and stay that way you need to combine two types of exercise:

Strength and conditioning.

Myself, I run 3-4 times a week anywhere from 3-5 miles. I mix in stationary biking and rowing. For strength work I do the following: reverse incline situps, regular crunches, crunches on a large ball, pull ups, more abdominals on the pull up bar, pushups where I have my feet on a platform. I do varying degrees of this stuff at least 3 days a week.

At one time I was close to 190 lbs. Now I am at about 176.

One final note: I stopped having a big lunch and usually eat an energy bar of some type instead. Now that I am on a regular exercise program I can occasionaly eat "Big Macs" or hot fudge sundaes without gaining any weight.

Too much work for me. I need a nap just reading this post!

It's not that bad

It sounds a lot worse than it actually is. By the way. Once you get past the obvious pain associated with working out, you actually beging to enjoy it and get a high from it. Hmmm, kinda sounds like S&M doesn't it?
Re: It's not that bad

PlayDoe said:
It sounds a lot worse than it actually is. By the way. Once you get past the obvious pain associated with working out, you actually beging to enjoy it and get a high from it. Hmmm, kinda sounds like S&M doesn't it?

I have to agree with that, lol. And when I'm really into my exercise routine -- it's pretty similar to yours. I just add in yoga classes as well.

But I think a healthy work out program for anyone includes cardio, strength training (for your metabolism and bones, muscles), some form of stretching -- and some form of deep relaxation or meditation.

It's a lot -- but just in the past month there has been a study that came out that said rather than 30 min. a day of moving around -- the average American *should* be getting more along the lines of 80 min. a day of just normal movement (and exercise would be included in this.) Something to think about (or time to get a pedometer, lol.) ;)

I know at 37 -- I've got to get my butt in gear (pun intended). I want to be in better health and shape at 40 than I was at 25.

P. :rose:
Re: It's not that bad

PlayDoe said:
It sounds a lot worse than it actually is. By the way. Once you get past the obvious pain associated with working out, you actually beging to enjoy it and get a high from it. Hmmm, kinda sounds like S&M doesn't it?

Not for me. This is my lazy half century. I was a dance & PE major in college long years ago. My nickname was "Brickhouse".

Now, that childbirth and illness has taken it's toll, I am just wanting to be able to party. I walk, and I lie around.

forgot the stretching

Persephone36 remembered a good point. Stretching is a key part of working out, especially afterward. I usually do quite a bit of stretching after a run. I should do more. Now if I could only do the yoga plough (I think that's what its called)!
Re: Re: It's not that bad

Persephone36 said:

I have to agree with that, lol. And when I'm really into my exercise routine -- it's pretty similar to yours. I just add in yoga classes as well.

But I think a healthy work out program for anyone includes cardio, strength training (for your metabolism and bones, muscles), some form of stretching -- and some form of deep relaxation or meditation.

It's a lot -- but just in the past month there has been a study that came out that said rather than 30 min. a day of moving around -- the average American *should* be getting more along the lines of 80 min. a day of just normal movement (and exercise would be included in this.) Something to think about (or time to get a pedometer, lol.) ;)

I know at 37 -- I've got to get my butt in gear (pun intended). I want to be in better health and shape at 40 than I was at 25.

P. :rose:

Go with God, My child, I am 52, and I am resting! LOL

Eb <whose only viable exercise is the horizontal mambo>

I'm a BBW and you would think by looking at me that I DON'T exercise. But I do. Really.

For the heart/lungs I like to ride my bike - weather permitting.
In the winter I row which is also great for my back.
I don't lift weights like I should. My son weighs 85 lbs. and just getting him in and out of his wheelchair seems like a lot of exercise to me. I really need to start though - or my upper arms will look like a flying squirrell:D

No - I've never done any 'thrusting' exerises but I did start belly dancing a couple of months ago. Not a pretty site but I do it in the privacy of my own home and it has been a lot of fun and I have hopes that it will help me move more gracefully.

Oh yeah - and PlayDoh - I CAN do a plough. :) :rose:
Good one!

Lilly4 it tooks me a sec to get the flying squirrell part , LOL! Maybe if I started practicing the plough, I could change my name to PloughDoe ;-). And by the way EB, you lead me to ponder a question:

Do most doms you know typically like to have their subs be in shape or does it matter?
Re: Re: Re: It's not that bad

Ebonyfire said:

Go with God, My child, I am 52, and I am resting! LOL

Eb <whose only viable exercise is the horizontal mambo>

LOL, you *slay* me Eb -- *never* stop posting, okay? :D

BTW, I spent the summer doing naught -- BUT the horizontal mambo.

That's why I need to get my ass in gear, lol.

P. :rose:
Re: forgot the stretching

PlayDoe said:
Persephone36 remembered a good point. Stretching is a key part of working out, especially afterward. I usually do quite a bit of stretching after a run. I should do more. Now if I could only do the yoga plough (I think that's what its called)!

Personally, I've enjoyed entertaining a lover with the "downward facing dog" -- good exercise for me -- exciting for him, lol. ;)

I don't do the plough as often as I used to -- you have to be careful with that one because your neck can easily be injured. It's the abs that need to do a lot of the work in that one -- and it's hard to learn to keep your neck out of it. Plus your neck's compressed in the position. I'm not a big fan of any inversions in yoga until someone has had a good solid three years of training. In hatha -- that's the way you go. Nowadays with so many people picking up yoga for exercise, without getting the spiritual foundation of it -- there's a rush to get into complicated positions without understanding them...and properly building up to them.

Just all my opinion of course. I say -- take it easy in yoga, get the positions *and the breathing* correct before pushing onwards.

P. :rose:
Re: Re: forgot the stretching

Persephone36 said:

Personally, I've enjoyed entertaining a lover with the "downward facing dog" -- good exercise for me -- exciting for him, lol. ;)

I don't do the plough as often as I used to -- you have to be careful with that one because your neck can easily be injured. It's the abs that need to do a lot of the work in that one -- and it's hard to learn to keep your neck out of it. Plus your neck's compressed in the position. I'm not a big fan of any inversions in yoga until someone has had a good solid three years of training. In hatha -- that's the way you go. Nowadays with so many people picking up yoga for exercise, without getting the spiritual foundation of it -- there's a rush to get into complicated positions without understanding them...and properly building up to them.

Just all my opinion of course. I say -- take it easy in yoga, get the positions *and the breathing* correct before pushing onwards.

P. :rose:

You are absolutely right. I should do the salutation to the sun like I used to. It is a good one for getting your whole body warmed up.

But the lure of sleeping is just too strong.

Re: Good one!

PlayDoe said:
Lilly4 it tooks me a sec to get the flying squirrell part , LOL! Maybe if I started practicing the plough, I could change my name to PloughDoe ;-). And by the way EB, you lead me to ponder a question:

Do most doms you know typically like to have their subs be in shape or does it matter?

I have two subby boys and they are in excellent shape. They are also a lot younger than I am too!

I like my sub to be able to do his chores. So flab would not bother me. I just seem to attractive fit men. I am more rubenesque than anything.

Re: Re: Re: forgot the stretching

Ebonyfire said:

You are absolutely right. I should do the salutation to the sun like I used to. It is a good one for getting your whole body warmed up.

But the lure of sleeping is just too strong.


You know -- I love salute to the sun. And I worked one on one with a private instructer in NY a few months ago (when I had the money, lol) who did the best version of it I've ever found. I suppose he was tailoring it for me because it had been a while -- but damn, it made me feel good. Better than that -- it made me feel inside my body -- instead of inside my head (which is where I spend most of my time.)

Go for it Eb! You don't have to do it first thing of the day anyway -- I used to do it around 5:00 pm (speaking of which...*Persephone feels her ass spreading on the chair at her desk as the hours go by while she posts on LIT*) ;)

P. :rose:
Re: Exercise

Lilly4 said:
I'm a BBW and you would think by looking at me that I DON'T exercise. But I do. Really.

For the heart/lungs I like to ride my bike - weather permitting.
In the winter I row which is also great for my back.
I don't lift weights like I should. My son weighs 85 lbs. and just getting him in and out of his wheelchair seems like a lot of exercise to me. I really need to start though - or my upper arms will look like a flying squirrell:D

No - I've never done any 'thrusting' exerises but I did start belly dancing a couple of months ago. Not a pretty site but I do it in the privacy of my own home and it has been a lot of fun and I have hopes that it will help me move more gracefully.

Oh yeah - and PlayDoh - I CAN do a plough. :) :rose:

Hon, I don't know about moving more gracefully, but after an hour with my instructor in belly dance class, I know I'm getting the conditioning and muscle toning that I need. Besides that, it really is fun and for me that is the main thing that will keep me exercising.

I doubt that your upper arms are gonna flap in the breeze too much if you continue getting your son in and out of a wheelchair. I know exactly how much work that entails. I move patients around all day long.
Re: Re: It's not that bad

Ebonyfire said:

Not for me. This is my lazy half century. I was a dance & PE major in college long years ago. My nickname was "Brickhouse".

Now, that childbirth and illness has taken it's toll, I am just wanting to be able to party. I walk, and I lie around.


hahaha. Im seeing you being like Pam Grier in like Coffey or Foxy brown or one of them
Re: Re: It's not that bad

Persephone36 said:

It's a lot -- but just in the past month there has been a study that came out that said rather than 30 min. a day of moving around -- the average American *should* be getting more along the lines of 80 min. a day of just normal movement (and exercise would be included in this.) Something to think about (or time to get a pedometer, lol.) ;)
P. :rose:

Mmmmrrpph. So I guess riding 100 miles on my bike is over-doing it? LOL. No, I don't do that alot, only a few times a year. Typically the fartherest I ride on a weekend is 70 to 75 per ride. During the week, I only do 25 to 30 per ride. The shortest amount of time I'm on my bike is 45 to 50 minutes.. and then I'm thinking I didn't go long enough. I usually go for at least 2 to 3 hours. A long day is 6 to 7 hours. I commute to work about 3 times per week on my bike (23 miles roundtrip) and it is so great to get to work after a good hard ride and feel totally ready to go.

I did endurance sports going up, so I'm kind of an endurance nut. I'm actually going to do a multi-day ride pretty soon... 184 miles in (hopefully) 2 days, but we might slide back to 3 days. I'm doing it with a golf buddy. I usually do solo rides, but for this I figured I better have someone with me, plus he's done it before (the ride I mean).

If I ever get down to my ideal weight, I want to start doing triathalons. My ultimiate goal is to do a Ironman Triathalon (3mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26 mile run) before I'm 40. Not super realistic, but definitely do-able if I try.

Anyhoo... since I've started exercising again (had about a 4 year stint where I didn't do any exercising), I'm feeling totaly refreshed and rejuvenated. Now if I could just find me a female workout partner... winks... Those biking shorts look sooooo hot on a tight female ass. Hehe... who needs motivation when you are riding behind an ass like that.

Oh... pervy time over... :)

Re: Re: Re: It's not that bad

P. B. Walker said:

Mmmmrrpph. So I guess riding 100 miles on my bike is over-doing it? LOL. No, I don't do that alot, only a few times a year. Typically the fartherest I ride on a weekend is 70 to 75. During the week, I only do 25 to 30. The shortest amount of time I'm on my bike is 45 to 50 minutes.. and then I'm thinking I didn't go long enough. I usually go for at least 2 to 3 hours. A long day is 6 to 7 hours.

I did endurance sports going up, so I'm kind of an endurance nut. I'm actually going to do a multi-day ride pretty soon... 184 miles in (hopefully) 2 days, but we might slide back to 3 days. I'm doing it with a golf buddy. I usually do solo rides, but for this I figured I better have someone with me, plus he's done it before (the ride I mean).

If I ever get down to my ideal weight, I want to start doing triathalons. My ultimiate goal is to do a Ironman Triathalon (3mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26 mile run) before I'm 40. Not super realistic, but definitely do-able if I try.

Anyhoo... since I've started exercising again (had about a 4 year stint where I didn't do any exercising), I'm feeling totaly refreshed and rejuvenated. Now if I could just find me a female workout partner... winks... Those biking shorts look sooooo hot on a tight female ass. Hehe... who needs motivation when you are riding behind an ass like that.

Oh... pervy time over... :)


I should get activesense on this post and then you guys can *really* talk about riding.

Bikes that is.

P. :catroar:

Hi all,

The reason I can still do the plough is that I took Yoga YEARS ago and that's one position I enjoyed so I did it from time to time.

The wheelchair lifiting has been good for my biceps and my thighs but alas - the triceps are not a pretty sight. You would think using a paddle and whip would help wouldn't you.;) Alas it seems not. Must be my age - I'm 46. Anyway - just another something I need to work on - which I would have time for if I threw the computer out the window.

None of my subs are in perfect shape but they are in better condition then I am which is pretty ironic. I've never had anyone who was really terribly out of shape 'apply' for the position. Wonders.......

Got to run - open house with the kids at school. Not only will that NOT burn calories they will probably feed me cookies. :) :rose:
Desdemona said:

It is not nice to make me spew coke on the monitor.:D

You go girl! IN my mind that should do it! thatis my problem. I need more ass to beat!

Where is PBW? PBW, please help a poor old lady with her exercise regimen.

Re: Re: Re: It's not that bad

MzChrista said:

hahaha. Im seeing you being like Pam Grier in like Coffey or Foxy brown or one of them

You are not far from wrong. I had about 3 years where I ate once a day and worked out 5 days a week, 2 1/2 hours a week. I lived in LA, so that is why. I did not want to be the only fat person on my block!

And, I was young, 25. You know how crazy you get then.

Ebonyfire said:

Des, step away from the keyboard.....



nooooooo..... not that, never that. I need it. The keyboard has become an extension of my body.clutching keyboard anxiously :p :p

Des...I gotta get a life. LOL

Desdemona said:

It is not nice to make me spew coke on the monitor.:D

I am watching you drip,,...uhm,...I mean,...I am watching your Coke drip,...Yeah, that's it!!! Your Coke!!! (sorry):eek: