Glasses, Libraries, Smart, and Nerds


Contributing a classic :)
I love libraries and use my local library very regularly. I think they are one of the great institutions of democracy. The wonderful posts on this thread add a wonderful, erotic dimension to the libraries that I relish and would love to see more of.
Smart Women are a turn on. Especially if they are: Librarians, hang out in a library, wear glasses, or are Nerds.
I do hang out in libraries, wearing glasses at times and try to look stylish! Like wearing my thickly applied red lipstick by Chanel. Or my latex corset that hugs my body in a tight hot embrace; my red stiletto shoes in his crotch! Dressing for my lovers is like a color and light delineating the contours and movement of my own private fantasies.

In the Mood.jpg Dinner for two.JPGBlue Eyes.JPG

Contributing a classic :)
My stepsister, Heather, is a librarian...and we do have such great times in the library together...after hours. She decided that she wanted me to help make a particularly smart baby inside her womb....I can't say that I disagree...
My cousin Mira is a bit of a New Agey type, so her working at an occult bookstore was no shock....her luring me into the employees' section to fuck me more than once, though, that was a real surprise....a very pleasant one. Evidently, she believes in "free use and free love," to use her own words.