Great Words That You Probably Don't Use

Be honest - did you look it up confirm the spelling?
< @Djmac1031 >


< / @Djmac1031 >
I recall reading a novel that was sort of on the pretentious side to begin with, that described a character crying as having a "lachrymal event." Seems unnecessary.
I recall reading a novel that was sort of on the pretentious side to begin with, that described a character crying as having a "lachrymal event." Seems unnecessary.
I seem to recall using lachrymal in an alliterative phrase, but I can’t recall it for the moment.

I seem to recall using lachrymal in an alliterative phrase, but I can’t recall it for the moment.

In the right circumstances it's a good word. But in that particular context - "As I walked down the lane I underwent a lachrymal event" (or something similar) - it just seemed gratuitous.
In the right circumstances it's a good word. But in that particular context - "As I walked down the lane I underwent a lachrymal event" (or something similar) - it just seemed gratuitous.
Yeah - that’s pretty poor.

I like to use haemorrhage a lot in conversation (usually related to my bank account 🤣) but always have to check how it's spelt when writing it.
Yeah - as in necessary but not sufficient. I think I had my space octopus use it when his English was rusty.

More like:
"How was my performance mistress?" He begged for her approval as he licked her juices from his lips.
"Sufficient." the disdain in her voice somehow excited him. "Now do my toes."
More like:
"How was my performance mistress?" He begged for her approval as he licked her juices from his lips.
"Sufficient." the disdain in her voice somehow excited him. "Now do my toes."
As in barely adequate.

I'm careful about this in my writing, and stick with simpler or more common words whenever possible. Long words for their own sake are just irritating. And I especially don't want my readers to have to tab over to a dictionary definition in the middle of a sex scene.

Also: haven't you watched the news and seen some cop come on and use the word "utilize" about 50 times when they could have just said "use" or another simpler word? It comes across like they're trying to sound smart, and it backfires.

There's a time and place for it, though. If connotation is important, or you're going to refer back to the word quite a bit ("palfrey" is a good example), it's worth getting your readers to look up something new.
Also: haven't you watched the news and seen some cop come on and use the word "utilize" about 50 times when they could have just said "use" or another simpler word? It comes across like they're trying to sound smart, and it backfires.

Like "exited the vehicle". I see similar on TV, and have developed a huge respect for the LEOs who speak plainly and in normal words and sentences. They're the ones who clearly make an emotional connection with the communities they're charged to protect.

My favorite words-you-have-to-look-up are "callipygian" and "compersive". I try to use them only once per story, even if they interrupt a sex scene, which they usually do. ;)
My favorite words-you-have-to-look-up are "callipygian" and "compersive". I try to use them only once per story, even if they interrupt a sex scene, which they usually do. ;)
I don’t know either of them. Respect.

Nice thread! (y)

Bedew - cover or sprinkle with drops of water or other liquid

Preternatural - beyond what is normal, natural

Somniferous- tending to induce sleep

Defray - provide money to pay

Delusive - giving a false impression
Like "exited the vehicle". I see similar on TV, and have developed a huge respect for the LEOs who speak plainly and in normal words and sentences. They're the ones who clearly make an emotional connection with the communities they're charged to protect.
Yes, precisely that.

My favorite words-you-have-to-look-up are "callipygian" and "compersive". I try to use them only once per story, even if they interrupt a sex scene, which they usually do. ;)
Uugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh evil. EVIL. And I would (stop to look them up), too. You must be into orgasm denial or something.
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