Guide me, Im a newbie


a gentle girly girl!
Jan 24, 2023
I'd try this as my first post,
see if I can be called a host,
but wait, I'm a newbie,
that's all I say, if you can see.

I look to see, how'd things work here,
what am I allowed to put on here
is there a limit to certain things?
or is it anything as quick as a blink!

another question id like to ask
how does one get on the high task,
I talk of the ladder from virgin
to further on,
and to the top as high as the tip.

my rhymes aren't rhyming though
but. I guess the message is across so!
we never know, but is this gonna wait for moderation too!
let me see, I'll post it now!

I'm Goddess of Glee,
aah, ofc, in my pic, that's me
meet me for more to see!
all the best, from me to thee!
I know it,
I am not a poet.

Just an old dude,
at times fairly lewd.

Here for the fun,
love to see sexy bum (s).

Not much else to say,
but welcome to the Lit way....
ash, so this is the way
to see your posts go higher...
it says, post is 1...
that's interesting
I'll have more interesting things to think of,
see and bring them to be posted here!
I look forward to see your number go higher.
Your interesting things will be fun to see.
I'll search and find out
so it'd clear my doubt!
rope bunny? I guess,
I ain't into that, no fuss!
I just talk in peppy rhymes
it's my style, lively fragile!
Let me know when you discover.
I wouldn’t want you to fuss.
The rhymes are good.
an actual robot wrote this:

Reaction scores, like stars in the night
Each one a measure of delight
A tap on the screen, a simple action
Can bring joy, or incite reaction

Some scores are high, some are quite low
But all are subject to change, as you know
One day it's up, the next it's down
Such is the way of the reaction round

Like a tide on the shore, they ebb and flow
A reflection of the thoughts and feelings we show
So let your reactions be true and real
And the scores will follow, a natural deal

In the end, it's not the numbers that matter
But the thoughts and emotions they scatter
So let your reactions flow, with grace and ease
And the scores will come, like the leaves on the trees.
wow, that's so beautiful
im already your fan
needless to say,
you've left me speechless
with your talent.
im still learning.
I've yet to learn,
a lot more then I think.
thank you again
rather absurd one

Rather absurd one,
A stranger at best,
A kind of a joke?
A prankster at rest.

do his shoes match not?
do his socks don't align?
does he tilts his hat?
but proudly he dines.

He talks to the birds,
And laughs at the breeze,
His life's an adventure,
A never ending tease.

He speaks in riddles,
And sings off key,
But he's never boring,
That's what you'll see.

He's a rather absurd one,
But don't you forget,
He's full of surprises,
You'll never regret.