Gun Fight!

CharleyH said:
Are you a slinger or one of those town pokes like me, hiding in the saloon? :D

*pushing hat back on head*
No ma'am. 'Tain't dat way at all.
Got myself shot up las' time, an' reckon Ah's needs ta redeem myself.
Know what Ah'm sayin'?

CharleyH said:
I am a bit of a germaphobe, but I will get her out of (weird thing for me to say) bed, soon enough???

Take your time, by all means...even if she was only there for medical reasons, I can't imagine wanting to rush Lauren out of bed. (Well, okay, maybe if it was into a nice hot shower or something, but... ;) )

Remec said:
*pushing hat back on head*
No ma'am. 'Tain't dat way at all.
Got myself shot up las' time, an' reckon Ah's needs ta redeem myself.
Know what Ah'm sayin'?


Well, stranger? As a woman of finery, I don't know who you are really (fans white glove) , but you seem damn fine (um ... stock), and I am offering up my teets for prize ...
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CharleyH said:
Well, stranger? As a woman of finery, I don't know who you are really (fans white glove) , but you seem damn fine (um ... stock), and I am offering up my teets for prize ...
LOL... just the nipples or the whole damned teat? :rolleyes:
champagne1982 said:
LOL... just the nipples or the whole damned teat? :rolleyes:
The whole damn teat! :D Are you going to challenge for my teat(s)? :D lol
Whelp ma'am. I may just do thet lil ole thang. But, I am the runt of the litter so I'll be shore ta be the last pup danglin'. What with chewin' the hind tit and all.

Don't none of yew mean 'n nasty gunslingers be gettin' any idears 'bout pickin' off any stray bitches down t'the Not-So-Okay Corral now. Y'hear?
champagne1982 said:
Whelp ma'am. I may just do thet lil ole thang. But, I am the runt of the litter so I'll be shore ta be the last pup danglin'. What with chewin' the hind tit and all.

Don't none of yew mean 'n nasty gunslingers be gettin' any idears 'bout pickin' off any stray bitches down t'the Not-So-Okay Corral now. Y'hear?

As a sophisticated lady from New England, off the boat from England via France really ...your language abhors me.

I hope you will be a little more articulate when in a fight with REMEC. I am at least certain who is fighting over these voluptuous teets of mine. (fanning)

Any executioners around? Or perhaps in these particular parts, hanging judges?
And so a battle pends between REMEC and CHAMPAGNE. :D Who will get Charlie's teets? What are Charlie's's teets anyhow? These questions and more on the next .... GUNFIGHT!
Unless Remec and Champagne are afraid of fighting over teets - then, well, Jesus, I am no Calvinist (just needed to use the word Calvinist in some context today) lol. :D

Any judges? I think MET has not judged, yet? Nor has Boo. :D
CharleyH said:
Unless Remec and Champagne are afraid of fighting over teets - then, well, Jesus, I am no Calvinist (just needed to use the word Calvinist in some context today) lol. :D

Any judges? I think MET has not judged, yet? Nor has Boo. :D

As teets are involved, I am more than happy to sidle up and take a swig of freshly disitillled word long as it doesn't interfer with my nap time...

Oooo.... please let it be a (maiden) form poem about teats. I've been dreaming about odes to voluptuous bewbies for days and days. (not really, but it is fun to pretend I've a titty obsession sometimes).

( · Y · ) <<< chilly titties
champagne1982 said:
Oooo.... please let it be a (maiden) form poem about teats. I've been dreaming about odes to voluptuous bewbies for days and days. (not really, but it is fun to pretend I've a titty obsession sometimes).

( · Y · ) <<< chilly titties

Why you're a newbie
when it comes to bewbie

I've been attached
to getting latched
since day one

CharleyH said:
Well, stranger? As a woman of finery, I don't know who you are really (fans white glove) , but you seem damn fine (um ... stock), and I am offering up my teets for prize ...

*broad smile*
And a damn fine prize they are, to be sure.. 'Twould be an honor and a pleasure to gun down perty much anyone who would like to try and get between me and them.

Remec said:
*broad smile*
And a damn fine prize they are, to be sure.. 'Twould be an honor and a pleasure to gun down perty much anyone who would like to try and get between me and them.

I don't want to be 'twixt you and Chuckie's bosom, :devil: my goal, is to be 'twixt left and right! :catroar:
champagne1982 said:
my goal, is to be 'twixt left and right! :catroar:

Balls? :D :p

Damn Lauren is a procrastinator if I ever experienced one. If she does not post a gunfight tomorrow? Well, I WON'T spank her - that would be too pleasurable! :D But I will think of something.

By the way? I'd love to see a gunfight between you two, especially one out of your typical elements. :devil:


Edit to: remove one too many emoticons - lol
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CharleyH said:
Edit to: remove one too many emoticons - lol
Just one too many? :p

OK, fine, let's have a damned gunfight. Who's in? Champers and Remec as fighters, Tungtied, Charley and who else to judge? And when would a good time be for the two gun[wo]men?
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Lauren Hynde said:
Just one too many? :p

OK, fine, let's have a damned gunfight. Who's in? Champers and Remec as fighters, Tungtied, Charley and who else to judge? And when would a good time be for the two gun[wo]men?
I leave the time up to my adversary. I can pretty much do this any time. I would prefer earlier over later but that's purely because of the routine I've sunken into. I can adapt. Just remember, I'm mountain zone which is GMT + 6 (I think :p).
champagne1982 said:
I leave the time up to my adversary. I can pretty much do this any time. I would prefer earlier over later but that's purely because of the routine I've sunken into. I can adapt. Just remember, I'm mountain zone which is GMT + 6 (I think :p).

We need one more judge I think - and we can accommodate your hillbilly time. :catroar: Lauren?
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champagne1982 said:
I leave the time up to my adversary. I can pretty much do this any time. I would prefer earlier over later but that's purely because of the routine I've sunken into. I can adapt. Just remember, I'm mountain zone which is GMT + 6 (I think :p).
That sounds good to me as well (the earlier bit).

Remec! Shoot.
humbert50s said:
I am uncertain of your poetic meaning, or is this a bump? I do not wish to venture a semiotic guess here in my oft' rude way...

Editing: double word.
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Lauren Hynde said:
That sounds good to me as well (the earlier bit).

Remec! Shoot.

Alrighty then, I have a fairly regular schedule which has free time for doing something like this as follows:

Mon-Fri anywhere from 11am-2pm Eastern time
Sat 8am-2pm and from 8pm onward
Sun 8am-2pm

It is possible to be available on a weekday later in the afternoon or in the early evening (my time), but I usually have to fix dinner around 5ish and I go crash for a prework nap around 7 or so...
Remec said:
Alrighty then, I have a fairly regular schedule which has free time for doing something like this as follows:

Mon-Fri anywhere from 11am-2pm Eastern time
Sat 8am-2pm and from 8pm onward
Sun 8am-2pm

It is possible to be available on a weekday later in the afternoon or in the early evening (my time), but I usually have to fix dinner around 5ish and I go crash for a prework nap around 7 or so...
I will cross-reference this with my schedule and will get back at you sometime tomorrow. :D