
sounds to me like you're planning on being a right royal pain in the ass, Charley.
I hope so!
I do know how to handle a whip!

if what you're planning is likely to take more than the agreed upon hour for a gunfight, I certainly hope you'd agree to write one challenge poem from each UYS and myself, in the interests of fairness.
It's not a difficult challenge I have in mind, but a creative one. I'm just trying to think about how much time the two of you need for extreme creativity. Neither of you know the challenge, but I will give this... you should both start thinking about Lear and Carroll and nonsense. Start sussing out new creatures and words, perhaps worlds... this will be a large part of the challenge.
I hope so!
I do know how to handle a whip!

It's not a difficult challenge I have in mind, but a creative one. I'm just trying to think about how much time the two of you need for extreme creativity. Neither of you know the challenge, but I will give this... you should both start thinking about Lear and Carroll and nonsense. Start sussing out new creatures and words, perhaps worlds... this will be a large part of the challenge.

a few trips to the GB will be all kinds of help i'm guessing ;)
I hope so!
I do know how to handle a whip!

It's not a difficult challenge I have in mind, but a creative one. I'm just trying to think about how much time the two of you need for extreme creativity. Neither of you know the challenge, but I will give this... you should both start thinking about Lear and Carroll and nonsense. Start sussing out new creatures and words, perhaps worlds... this will be a large part of the challenge.

If any of these slithy toves think they can outgrabe you, they better have plenty of mimsy in their borogoves.
calloo! callay!
If any of these slithy toves think they can outgrabe you, they better have plenty of mimsy in their borogoves.
calloo! callay!
There's a start! But you don't know what I 'm going to challenge you to do with it. :p
I hope so!
I do know how to handle a whip!

It's not a difficult challenge I have in mind, but a creative one. I'm just trying to think about how much time the two of you need for extreme creativity. Neither of you know the challenge, but I will give this... you should both start thinking about Lear and Carroll and nonsense. Start sussing out new creatures and words, perhaps worlds... this will be a large part of the challenge.

You don't know how weird this is coming right at this moment in time have you suddenly gone psychic Charley? I'll tell you after the challenge
You don't know how weird this is coming right at this moment in time have you suddenly gone psychic Charley? I'll tell you after the challenge
I am very intuitive, which makes me a great choice for running these damn things! :kiss:
Bump for freshness ... NO not virgin fresh, but fresh, nonetheless. :D
Bump for freshness ... NO not virgin fresh, but fresh, nonetheless. :D

Such an odd turn of phrase, I mean, between the sweat and the crying and, gosh, all that fresh could a virg...oh, wait...that was fresh as in before, while still virginal...ok, that works then

So is it on for tomorrow? the suspense is killing me! Do the rules go up in here or do they come in a PM? Oh shit I've forgotten what time ....... panic panic I'm not ready I haven't had time to swat oh lordy!
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So is it on for tomorrow? the suspense is killing me! Do the rules go up in here or do they come in a PM? Oh shit I've forgotten what time ....... panic panic I'm not ready I haven't had time to swat oh lordy!

it's not an exam, lol. have fun with it when it arrives! have a glass of something alcoholic before you start and don't forget to breathe :rose:
So is it on for tomorrow? the suspense is killing me! Do the rules go up in here or do they come in a PM? Oh shit I've forgotten what time ....... panic panic I'm not ready I haven't had time to swat oh lordy!
Tomorrow? I wrote it on my calendar for today! Hm, better double check this.

Yes - today!
Wednesday, September 1st at 11:00am EST/ 16:00 (4:00pm to me and Annie) BST

Just make sure that you and Nerk reply to this post so that we all know that we are on the same page.

Oh and to answer your question ... I will start a new thread here in on the Poetry discussion board called: UnderYourSpell Vs. Nerk: battle to the death. ;) lol - well, okay, maybe not that exact title but.... guidelines will be in the first post. Poems are to be submitted via PM to me so that I can post them anonymously. Poets should initially refrain from commenting on which poem is theirs so that the judges do not know and have an opportunity to guess. Okay, then ... see you in a few hours! :D
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I thought we had revised to tomorrow as well, but for personal reasons, I'd just as soon get it done today, if that works for UYS.