
I thought GP was going ahead with hers instead and I have no idea what Central time is. I that like 5pm GMT?
Besides which I'd have to make up a non rhyming form because I open my big gob and said so :eek:
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Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

9 AM to High Noon.

Central Time.


Remec said he was in... :D

Where is that yeller spined cowherd hidin' at?

The tall figure in the long hooded cloak sweeps up with the casual effortlessness of a wind-blown tumbleweed. Two hands emerge from its sleeves and throw back the obscuring hood to reveal, not Death, but a distinctly death-looking Remec. "What's all the shouting about? I'm just sick, not deaf. Anyway, those times and dates work for me...Mon or Tues would be better than Wed."

The tall figure in the long hooded cloak sweeps up with the casual effortlessness of a wind-blown tumbleweed. Two hands emerge from its sleeves and throw back the obscuring hood to reveal, not Death, but a distinctly death-looking Remec. "What's all the shouting about? I'm just sick, not deaf. Anyway, those times and dates work for me...Mon or Tues would be better than Wed."


I dislike Tuesday, because it's like reliving Monday all over again.

That being said, Tuesday works fer me. Monday I has to hitch my wagon over to the General Store and load up on timbers. I need to build an outdoor corral for all the durn cats in my homestead. Then I can just open up a window n drop kick the critters right outside.
Sorry guys we've only got one judge and I've still no idea how your time relates to mine, it's no good if you're writing at 12 o'clock on a Tuesday and I'm asleep in bed on a Wednesday :eek:
Sorry guys we've only got one judge and I've still no idea how your time relates to mine, it's no good if you're writing at 12 o'clock on a Tuesday and I'm asleep in bed on a Wednesday :eek:
US Central Standard Time is the equivalent of UTC -6 hours (UTC=GMT, more or less). Currently, most (all?) states in the Central Time Zone are on Central Daylight Time, which is one hour later (UTC -5 hours).

So if it is 11:00 UTC, it is 6:00 AM CDT.

However, if you are on British Summer Time, which as I understand it is the equivalent of American Daylight Time, then you are at UTC +1 (one hour later), or in the above example: 11:00 UTC = 12:00 BST = 6:00 CDT.
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US Central Standard Time is the equivalent of UTC -6 hours (UTC=GMT, more or less). Currently, most (all?) states in the Central Time Zone are on Central Daylight Time, which is one hour later (UTC -5 hours).

So if it is 11:00 UTC, it is 6:00 AM CDT.

However, if you are on British Summer Time, which as I understand it is the equivalent of American Daylight Time, then you are at UTC +1 (one hour later), or in the above example: 11:00 UTC = 12:00 BST = 6:00 CDT.

Tzara, you just gave me a headache. :D But smartphones have this nifty world clock feature...
US Central Standard Time is the equivalent of UTC -6 hours (UTC=GMT, more or less). Currently, most (all?) states in the Central Time Zone are on Central Daylight Time, which is one hour later (UTC -5 hours).

So if it is 11:00 UTC, it is 6:00 AM CDT.

However, if you are on British Summer Time, which as I understand it is the equivalent of American Daylight Time, then you are at UTC +1 (one hour later), or in the above example: 11:00 UTC = 12:00 BST = 6:00 CDT.

My excuse is, I've been out tonight and had a glass or two of wine and I'm sticking to it!
Sorry guys we've only got one judge and I've still no idea how your time relates to mine, it's no good if you're writing at 12 o'clock on a Tuesday and I'm asleep in bed on a Wednesday :eek:
I'll judge, for sure. Right now, you're 7 hours ahead of me, Annie. That means I'm 7:30-ish pm on the 18th to your 2:30-ish am tomorrow and my time zone is Mountain.

Pacific is 6:30 pm
Central is 8:30 pm
Eastern is 9:30 pm
Atlantic is 10:30 and Newfoundland is 11 pm

Where are the other judges? This is a unique opportunity to have your opinion matter to 2 people in the world. Otherwise, (particularly if you live with teenagers), your opinion isn't worth the price of toilet paper to wipe it.. errr... anyway.

opinions - assholes, I'm sure you get it.
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Where are the other judges? This is a unique opportunity to have your opinion matter to 2 people in the world. Otherwise, (particularly if you live with teenagers), your opinion isn't worth the price of toilet paper to wipe it.. errr... anyway.

opinions - assholes, I'm sure you get it.

This made me LOL for reals! :D
So what we need to work out is what time it is for the two miscreants when it's 1pm for me and get 2 more judges. By the way the judges have to decide which of the two poets have stuck to the criteria assigned to them. (i.e it could be a wonderful poem but if it's not what they've been told to write, it's not a winner) Oh and I've got to decide what that is!
Annie, I'm thinking a similar but different type of challenge would be more easier for you or anyone else to coordinate.

Call it the "Mission Impossible Challenge".

It could happen at any moment. Who the fuck knows when Annie ( or someone else with Annie's permission ) will lay down the challenge.

Once you post the criteria for what you want to see in a poem, any volunteer contestants then have 24 hours from the time you posted to complete said challenge.

If someone ends up going over 24 hours according to the forum timestamp, a bomb sewn in the crotch of their pants goes off. They are blown to smithereens ( and not in a good way ).

Anyone who posts within the 24 hours wins a metaphorical medal for going beyond the call of duty ( provided their poems adhered to the rules of the moment ).

These challenges will be 24 times more difficult than the typical 1 hour gunfight. Annie will make you jump through ridiculous hoops to accomplish your mission if you choose to accept it.

I think it is safe to say that we all check in at least once a day whether we post or not to see what's going on, not likely to miss out on the opportunity.

And you can torture us Americans by posting while we are sleeping, giving us less than 24 hours to work with.
Annie, I'm thinking a similar but different type of challenge would be more easier for you or anyone else to coordinate.

Call it the "Mission Impossible Challenge".

It could happen at any moment. Who the fuck knows when Annie ( or someone else with Annie's permission ) will lay down the challenge.

Once you post the criteria for what you want to see in a poem, any volunteer contestants then have 24 hours from the time you posted to complete said challenge.

If someone ends up going over 24 hours according to the forum timestamp, a bomb sewn in the crotch of their pants goes off. They are blown to smithereens ( and not in a good way ).

Anyone who posts within the 24 hours wins a metaphorical medal for going beyond the call of duty ( provided their poems adhered to the rules of the moment ).

These challenges will be 24 times more difficult than the typical 1 hour gunfight. Annie will make you jump through ridiculous hoops to accomplish your mission if you choose to accept it.

I think it is safe to say that we all check in at least once a day whether we post or not to see what's going on, not likely to miss out on the opportunity.

And you can torture us Americans by posting while we are sleeping, giving us less than 24 hours to work with.

I seem to remember a thread where Annie threw out random torments at poet masochists for amusement's sake.

Maybe that would be a good warm up for a gunfight. Get us pumped up to be shot down...
So, who's fightin' an' who's judgin'? i'll be watchin' an' reportin'.

<tucks "press" card into hat band>
So, who's fightin' an' who's judgin'? i'll be watchin' an' reportin'.

<tucks "press" card into hat band>

Slowly crossing the space to the reporter.
"So, member of the press, eh? Not a judge by any means? Well, shucks, guess I'll just hang here with you and wait to see what happens."
Easing himself onto the couch beside her.
"Ain't nuthin' 'gainst being up close and personal with the press, is dere?

much as i'd enjoy it, i'm just putting it out there that i'm too busy to be a judge. organising viewings for a house-to-flat swap in amongst everything else. looks really promising!

anyway, if i'm able i'll come cheer the fighters on ... well, stand (lurk) by the saloon doors smoking a cheroot and with ma hat pulled lowwwwwwwww downnnn

good luck!
Annie, I'm thinking a similar but different type of challenge would be more easier for you or anyone else to coordinate.

Call it the "Mission Impossible Challenge".

It could happen at any moment. Who the fuck knows when Annie ( or someone else with Annie's permission ) will lay down the challenge.

Once you post the criteria for what you want to see in a poem, any volunteer contestants then have 24 hours from the time you posted to complete said challenge.

If someone ends up going over 24 hours according to the forum timestamp, a bomb sewn in the crotch of their pants goes off. They are blown to smithereens ( and not in a good way ).

Anyone who posts within the 24 hours wins a metaphorical medal for going beyond the call of duty ( provided their poems adhered to the rules of the moment ).

These challenges will be 24 times more difficult than the typical 1 hour gunfight. Annie will make you jump through ridiculous hoops to accomplish your mission if you choose to accept it.

I think it is safe to say that we all check in at least once a day whether we post or not to see what's going on, not likely to miss out on the opportunity.

And you can torture us Americans by posting while we are sleeping, giving us less than 24 hours to work with.

Well I would if I was sure anyone would compete, some of the stuff I've posted of late has gone up like a lead balloon and I've had to ask Angeline to take the post down because of the embarrassment of lack of comments let alone takers.

I seem to remember a thread where Annie threw out random torments at poet masochists for amusement's sake.

Maybe that would be a good warm up for a gunfight. Get us pumped up to be shot down...

Yes I did and very satisfying it was for my sadistic side :D
Well I would if I was sure anyone would compete, some of the stuff I've posted of late has gone up like a lead balloon and I've had to ask Angeline to take the post down because of the embarrassment of lack of comments let alone takers.

Yes I did and very satisfying it was for my sadistic side :D

Annie, i'm sure the lack of responses has more to do with life keeping people too busy right now and no reflection on yourself. As i mentioned above, apart from chasing millions of pieces of paper through countless phone calls and trips, forms coming out my ears, sorting both my at homes for their support/pips (their disabilities), and looking for an interim job till i get fly out to harry, i am now mid-negotiation in swapping us from a house into a flat. I'm bushed. Harry's got similar stuff going on his end, and it's planting season. :rose:
Annie, i'm sure the lack of responses has more to do with life keeping people too busy right now and no reflection on yourself. As i mentioned above, apart from chasing millions of pieces of paper through countless phone calls and trips, forms coming out my ears, sorting both my at homes for their support/pips (their disabilities), and looking for an interim job till i get fly out to harry, i am now mid-negotiation in swapping us from a house into a flat. I'm bushed. Harry's got similar stuff going on his end, and it's planting season. :rose:

Yeah, like I mentioned in the other challenge thread, anything but Spring!

Yesterday, I drove several hours to wrestle six 50-70lb pigs into a trailer. Spent the ride home smelling like pig shit.

And the weasel proof chicken coop I built for the 33 chickens that survived a massacre last month? They aren't smart enough to go in it at night. So I'v been having to round up each of the little peckerheads by hand.

And I'm still building an outdoor playpen for my 14 housecats. :cattail::rolleyes:
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Yeah, like I mentioned in the other challenge thread, anything but Spring!

Yesterday, I drove several hours to wrestle six 50-70lb pigs into a trailer. Spent the ride home smelling like pig shit.

And the weasel proof chicken coop I built for the 33 chickens that survived a massacre last month? They aren't smart enough to go in it at night. So I'v been having to round up each of the little peckerheads by hand.

And I'm still building an outdoor playpen for my 14 housecats. :cattail::rolleyes:

pig wrestling :D could be a new olympic sport!

lol @ your peckerheads - feathery dinos :cool:

if i had a spare hand i'd lend you it!
Annie, i'm sure the lack of responses has more to do with life keeping people too busy right now and no reflection on yourself. As i mentioned above, apart from chasing millions of pieces of paper through countless phone calls and trips, forms coming out my ears, sorting both my at homes for their support/pips (their disabilities), and looking for an interim job till i get fly out to harry, i am now mid-negotiation in swapping us from a house into a flat. I'm bushed. Harry's got similar stuff going on his end, and it's planting season. :rose:

Oh I know you are busy and you're excused boots for the foreseeable future, please pick up a 'Get out of jail free' card at the door :)
Oh I know you are busy and you're excused boots for the foreseeable future, please pick up a 'Get out of jail free' card at the door :)

Can ya fill me in Ma'am? Who all is in this here gun-totin' do, and who all is doin' the judgin'? I done lost tracka the preeceedins. :confused: