~~Haiku River~~

Branches burn dreams,
leaving only charcoal.
Memories still live.
vampiredust said:
Branches burn dreams,
leaving only charcoal.
Memories still live.
Rivers portrait drawen
Charcoal lines, smooth and subdude
Tree spirit reborn
My Erotic Trail said:
portrait of a river
drawn with charcoal and pencil
the stillness moves

into the stillness
I was moved
beyond time, beyond spirit.
drawn into another space
where we both
time stood still
and nothing else
mattered ...

( I am not too good at these, me thinks.
So take it with a grain of salt.
Had to write it/bounce it. Nice pen Art ~ )

My Erotic Trail said:
morning dew
the sun shine grew
into the blue

The River of Blue

creation's patchwork
quilted orgone life forms
stitching up the sun
ravens pick at corpses;
tourists take photos -
don't worry, they're dead
RhymeFairy said:
into the stillness
I was moved
beyond time, beyond spirit.
drawn into another space
where we both
time stood still
and nothing else
mattered ...

( I am not too good at these, me thinks.
So take it with a grain of salt.
Had to write it/bounce it. Nice pen Art ~ )


ya know how I like to be bouced <grin
nice pen <grin
bluerains said:
The River of Blue

creation's patchwork
quilted orgone life forms
stitching up the sun

love the pic
seems that illustrations do add to a write
especially when their as intriguing as this one.
vampiredust said:
ravens pick at corpses;
tourists take photos -
don't worry, they're dead

chuckleboned>> witty humor

circles and circles
of buzzards in wait
for dinner to cool
peroxide blondes
swallowed up by iPods;
nobody's listening anymore.
vampiredust said:
peroxide blondes
swallowed up by iPods;
nobody's listening anymore.


you ever read lebroz's poems about blondes <grin

She is not a blonde!
by My Erotic Trail ©

"She's not a blonde." Bill said.
She flung her blonde hair
in a seductive manner.

"How can you tell?"
I had to ask.

"She is too smart.
I bet you a bill,
she is a brunette."

I took the bet.

For she was as dingy
as a tossed about bouy.
She came and stood next to me.
Her blonde hair, I could clearly see.

We chatted about chit
and I bought her a drink.
I think.

I finally got the nerve,
"Can I see your roots?
So I can tell rather your a blonde
or a brunette."

Shyly she replied, "Okay!"

She was a little surprised
but didn't stop me
when I pulled her pants down
and saw that...
she was a Red Head
The Eagle

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring’d with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.

~~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson
My Erotic Trail said:
WOW, This one... I like (~_~)

*you make my pants wanna get up and dance
you make my face wanna grin
you make my knees wanna kneels down 'n say please
honey won't you kiss me again ~

~~ Dr Hook


I did it, I really really did it ~ wooHooo ~~~~~~ :nana:
