~~Haiku River~~

RhymeFairy said:
*you make my pants wanna get up and dance
you make my face wanna grin
you make my knees wanna kneels down 'n say please
honey won't you kiss me again ~

~~ Dr Hook


I did it, I really really did it ~ wooHooo ~~~~~~ :nana:


I like it when
your panties are on the floor
around your ankles
fishermen lay traps,
collecting stars in morning;
sun spits out rage
vampiredust said:
fishermen lay traps,
collecting stars in morning;
sun spits out rage

awesome... I like that~

cages riddle a river
holding its bounty captive
to feast from its soul
cedars release seeds
gliding on the evening air
landing only in ice, never soil
silent donkeys pump oil;
nobody notices them stopping,
until life starts to dry up

My Erotic Trail said:
the showering rain
bathes trees, leaves and forest
with out soap

lathered surface clean
feeling the sparks of raindrops
a soul feels released...
impossible read.

falling waters:

the sound that's heard,

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bluerains said:
swift currents
moving our river onward
stony banks sleep

inspired by a poem I read today in the new poems list today 'prosperity'

skimming stones
across the river's surface
one, two, plop!
sign up list is where?

gotta pee!

we will
share a laugh.
a chick falls out of its nest
clouds start to rupture
rockets start to fall like rain
vampiredust said:
a chick falls out of its nest
clouds start to rupture
rockets start to fall like rain

rain a faded memory
plucked whole
in its entirety

? -I know its not proper but it was what came to me. --HKS
HotKittySpank said:
rain a faded memory
plucked whole
in its entirety

? -I know its not proper but it was what came to me. --HKS

rain pelts the river
natures drum beating loudly
thunder rumbles

probably ninety percent of the poems I post here aren't worth a second glance, but every once in awhile one fits just right and I'll submit it <grin Welcome!
My Erotic Trail said:
rain pelts the river
natures drum beating loudly
thunder rumbles

probably ninety percent of the poems I post here aren't worth a second glance, but every once in awhile one fits just right and I'll submit it <grin Welcome!

Hola! Ok here goes : )

rumble through
like silent thunder
your words emerge
and tear asunder

hmmm... better?
Many thanks for the welcome and encouragement. --HKS
Pillars, mushroomed tall.
White fire that machs past hearing me.
I'm wet now.
