~~Haiku River~~

Unbridled_Passion said:
mud wrestling?
sounds like alot of fun
let's try it sometime!
... okay <bigrin... got a yard full of it (~_*)

lobomao said:
torn between extremes
love has too many faces sometimes
to give each it's own
... interesting wisdom

sensualquills said:
would you just shut up
and kiss me all ready? Geeez!
...i didn't matter
... (~_~)
it is freezing out
and you want me to do what?
mud wrestling, I think not!
(at least not until it is warmer)
Unbridled_Passion said:
it is freezing out
and you want me to do what?
mud wrestling, I think not!
(at least not until it is warmer)

no? nodda? none?
get real and religious
get'n Nunn