~~Haiku River~~

I toss my grief in the river,
a heron skips past it.
It will flourish downstream.
projectile tofu

what i feel is so heartfelt
my open hands
immediately grasp
my lower tract
MyNecroticSnail said:
what i feel is so heartfelt
my open hands
immediately grasp
my lower tract

sensing utopia
mind locks senses of time
yet time itself is unlocked
she pulled the whistle

erupting now
a then

queen of the rivers
I asked for some help
posted-"Looking for Feedback"
Some help, no votes. Why?
On impulse, I wrote
Seeking feedback from authors
Read, vote, comment. Thanks
Bad haikus are fun
My poems must be less so
No votes, do they suck?
jomar said:
I asked for some help
posted-"Looking for Feedback"
Some help, no votes. Why?

there is a movement among some here to not read nor vote on poems from the new poems list but to only disect poems in the poetry forum. I do not totally disagree with this concept so I read and comment on them when I can but hopefully that may explain the lack of comments and votes. (~_~)