~~Haiku River~~

My Erotic Trail said:
rolled in the sheets
burrito style...

ooohhhh la la
best way to be rolled is
in the sheets
but knowing you.................
there was no sheets or anything else
left on the bed at the end of the roll
well nothing left but smiles that is.......... :devil: :heart: :kiss:
the sun isn't shinning
but a new day has begun
time for doctors, hospitals and
all that fun :devil:
6 steps east.....no west

A poorly placed step
Hoisted by his own petard
Snared, a hunter caught
water's never

her reflection was disturbed

by utter
drown said:
water's never

her reflection was disturbed

by utter

the current
a body of water's blood
the surface, it's soul....
embraces the wind
My Erotic Trail said:
the current
a body of water's blood
the surface, it's soul....
embraces the wind

silence is broken
temperature from hot to cold
still water runs deep
incessant candor:

wellspring of all that he had

she dared not
to drink
they've changed all the rules
from five to seven to five...
to haphazard flow