~~Haiku River~~

the new way a true warrior is taught
is to fight, only when fought
but then......do what you have to do
to protect your self and others too.
we have infected
the air, land and sea
so the moon is the last
safe place to be

mrs. art campbell
wife is a four letter word
as is love, kids and life
a body may be gone
the soul lives on

mrs. arthur L. campbell
since i'm the one
he's always loved on top
guess we know who is on the bottom......
the one he says.........
is to big to be on top of him
for he doesn't like one, who triples his weight
anymore than he likes you, using him like bait

and having to use a picture that isn't even you
for you are ashamed to show, what you really look like
from head to toe
for all then will know
you are so fat that you can't even see
where your toes are at

green leaves alive on the tree
sun so warm, against the skin
I just open up and let it all in
and welcome spring
back again
ever wish
you could

just come to
a stalking hault
for you didn't
know what to do

you were like
the top layer
of a rolling sea
being tossed around