~~Haiku River~~

with a beaten down expression
watery eyes
with the
laws of the universe
a karmic responsibility
still have
as a little child of jesus
you picked me
like a rose
from the heavenly garden
brought me to my toes
ZMP~ Temple of the mind
by My Erotic Tale©

A temple is a structure
that houses prayer,
words built from thought
and heart beats shared.

Sweeping spider webs
from the temple's rooms
inside the mind lays
the tools to broom.

For their is no light
within the skull
only enlightenment,
let no mind dull.

Train the body
sharpen the mind
enrich the spirit,
strong temple signs.

Dust to dust or
an idea is sown
for rust may preceed us
watching new temples grown.

Humble when shaking
the hand of another
your opening the door
of someones sacred temple.
when dealing with
the temple of the mind
I am very well taught
to remain..kind

keep my training
that I have learned
so that I...........
can not be burned

but with little ones lives
being at stake
I have to remind myself
not to grab and shake

anyone who tries
to come between
the love we all share
that they are being mean
if the do,
try to come between

what always has been
and what still remains
and that our love
will always control the reins

so from this
let's all
be reminded

you don't mess
with a mothers child
or she might get
a little too wild