~~Haiku River~~

Going to college
for I know
a criminal that needs
some justice done to him

NIN- :rose:
ZMP ~ Butterfly in a Hurricane

Butterfly butterfly
perched on a flower high,
a storm's rolling in
turning dark is the sky.

What will you do
Butterfly butterfly?
A hurricane is coming
and you live outside.

You show no fear
as the storm draws near
butterfly butterfly
just sitting there.

Consumed in living
and dancing with flowers
as the rain cometh
in a thundering shower.

I watched the wind
blow you away
butterfly butterfly
in a hurricane.
ZMP ~ Butterfly in a Hurricane

Butterfly butterfly
perched on a flower high,
a storm's rolling in
turning dark is the sky.

What will you do
Butterfly butterfly?
A hurricane is coming
and you live outside.

You show no fear
as the storm draws near
butterfly butterfly
just sitting there.

Consumed in living
and dancing with flowers
as the rain cometh
in a thundering shower.

I watched the wind
blow you away
butterfly butterfly
in a hurricane.

Hope all is well with you and yours after this monster storm...just amazing
damage .....blue