Haiku U

Wise Blood: Flannery O'Connor

Motes wears a black hat,
then a white one. He preaches
without Christ. Ends blind.
Carlos Casteneda--The Teachings of Don Juan

A man of knowledge
planted in the Yaqui ways
learns nothing is all
Cat's Cradle--Kurt Vonnegut

Global cooling ends
the world? Nice, nice, very nice.
Love your toes, baby.
Fahrenheit 451--Ray Bradbury

Firemen burn books.
Run away: the woods hide words.
I am born. The end.
clutching_calliope said:
Love this! (and I'm sure your toes are wonderful, too) :rose:

Thanks! Cat's Cradle is one of my all-time favorite novels--I've read it over and over. I think it's one of the funniest books I've ever read.

And my toes are very pink at the moment. Eagleyez loves to watch me paint 'em. :devil:

(But he laughs at me when I walk around with those dopey little toe separators.)
A Recipe for Bees by Gail Anderson- Dargatz

It's brain surgery
fucking bees lose their peni
rural kitchens rule​
Are you being served,
run your fingers through my hair
or don't you care?

A Rhinestone Button by Gail Anderson-Dargatz

Listen to rainbows
Synaesthesia does the trick
Job likes it that way
Cat's Cradle: Kurt Vonnegut

Angeline said:
Global cooling ends
the world? Nice, nice, very nice.
Love your toes, baby.
I thought Bokonon
said soles. Or souls. Anyway,
ice-nine ends it all.
Gravity's Rainbow: Thomas Pynchon

Bananas. Rockets.
Let's track ejaculations!

..........A very dense book.
Tzara said:
I thought Bokonon
said soles. Or souls. Anyway,
ice-nine ends it all.

"Global cooling" was
a metaphor for ice-nine,
toes are sexy, too.

The Conversions: Harry Mathews

Worm races. He wins
the golden adze, then riddles.
Sylvius not found.