Haiku U

Waiting for Godot: Samuel Beckett

A couple of bums
just sitting around talking
and not saying much.
Hamlet: William Shakespeare

It's rotten. Dad's dead,
and my uncle's humping Mom.

Should I be or not?
The Interpretation of Dreams: Sigmund Freud

Life is just a dream—
one filled with snakes and vases.

Tell me about Mom.
True West by Sam Shepard

Momma ain't home, so
steal a toaster, or thirty.
Phone chord assassins.
The Sun Also Rises: Ernest Hemingway

They drink and they fish,
go to Pamplona, watch bulls.
Jake misses his thing.
clutching_calliope said:
"Why can't we?" she said.
"War wound," I said. "Oy," Cohn said.
Back to Harry's Bar.

Okay, I haven't read the thing <tongue in cheek> yet...but I'll have to say yours is better.

I suppose.

After he hit me,
Cohn cried on the bed. Princeton
teaches boxing well.

Ah, Missy, your example from the book or is it you? 'S better'n mine, 'cuz it emulates (parodies?) Papa's style.

As for reading? I'm just older. You'll get there. :kiss:
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Still Life With Woodpecker by Tom Robbins

Puget Sound peachfish princess
pee champagne stars
while a bomber waits patient.
The Waste Land: T.S. Eliot

Geez, April's cruel.
Waste and water; death, and fire.
"Nice" ain't in the cards.
champagne1982 said:
Puget Sound peachfish princess
pee champagne stars
while a bomber waits patient.

yey for tom robbins! :)

i still haven't read his skinny legs and all, and jitterbug perfume, but im getting there.

sorry i dont have a haiku
clutching_calliope said:
It’s a weird hotel.
It’s a weird boy. Weird father.
Things are really weird.
What's in the freezer?
You know, Jack's not a dull guy.
He's been here before.
The Old Man and the Sea: Ernest Hemingway

I hooked a big fish.
Yeah, I'm old. What about it?
I hate those damn sharks.