
Perched in a fortress
Built from accepted beliefs,
"Assail us!" they cried.

"No thank you, piss off!
We like when you stay inside.
We'll dig you a moat."
Percentile scoring?
Might as well suggest moon trips.
About as likely.
Are you really you
When you can't remember who
Is caring for you?

You bore her for nine
Months and then raised her and now
You don't know her name?

If one is not the
Sum of their memories, then
What are they, instead?

I think losing your
Mind is worse than death if there
Is an afterlife.

What kind of reward
Is Heaven if you don't know
Who and what you are?

How can Hell be a
Punishment if you don't know
Why you were sent there?

I want to cry, but
What good will it do? I must
Go on, regardless.
In a quantum world
Information can't be lost.
Does this include thoughts?

Maybe memories
Are also included and
Preserved for all time.

I really hope so
Because that means there really
Is an afterlife.