Does Donald Trump have Dementia?

We needed to break the mold and shake up the system. We got a stark raving lunatic. Now we need to pick up the pieces and put it all back together again before we can try something else.

A good, sane business person could do wonders.
Agree; and on that note do any of you remember H. Ross Perot from 1992? I didn't vote for him (to be honest), but someone with good buisness sense, reasonable (and moderate) views and a compassionate, diplomatic outlook might not be so bad. Trump was an unmitigated disaster- and that should be abundantly clear to everyone. That he still has the support that he has is quite mindboggling and a little unsettling.
Elvis performed his largest concert attendance in Pontiac, Michigan, on December 31st, 1975. 60,500 people attended the concert.

Add another lie to Trump's list of lies. And, yes, still demented.

Cognitive test: Elvis, Guitar, Pontiac, Crowd, TV

Note: Videos of Donald dancing are also evidence he isn't in the same arena as Elvis.
We needed to break the mold and shake up the system. We got a stark raving lunatic. Now we need to pick up the pieces and put it all back together again before we can try something else.
Fair enough. Let’s let Kamala follow Joe to settle things down more

A good, sane business person could do wonders.
Given the differences between governing a country vs always meeting short term goals to satisfy investors, how?
Fair enough. Let’s let Kamala follow Joe to settle things down more

Given the differences between governing a country vs always meeting short term goals to satisfy investors, how?

JaF0 is insane.

The system needed to be shaken up, so a Trump presidency was worth it???




A business person would do wonders for workers???



Given the differences between governing a country vs always meeting short term goals to satisfy investors, how?
That's an excellent point. Ever since Reagan tinkered with corporate law back in the 1980s, a corporate president has focused on Return on Investment to shareholders to the exclusion of everything else.

I cannot think of a single CEO who I would trust enough to lead either political party.
Jesus, this has to be Trump's most pathetic rally ever. His big "crime" speech (because his big "economy" speech went over so well 🤣). Didn't stop Martha MacCallum from trying to put lipstick on a pig turd, but still...

I am so glad that the Democrats told the Deep State to hire Donald Trump to decimate the Republican Party. Great move, Democrats!

As the SS GOP slowly sinks into the briney deep waters, Deep State agent Donald Trump stands on the deck of that ship, with water up to his waist, babbling away to his white supremacist crew.
Venezuela is sending hundreds of thousands of gang members and mentally ill people to the USA, and they are roaming our country. Shouldn't that be reflected in increased crime rates here?

Fox News must have camera crews out tracking them down as we speak to show their faces committing whatever sort of crimes those illegals and mental patients are doing. But I haven't seen any film. Has anyone else?
dementia and alopecia?


this is an unedited photo from getty images from yesterday 😳💩
“THE PRESIDENT: My fellow Americans, I’m speaking to you tonight from behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. “
Is this when he used ‘rump’s words? Does Donny think he thought up “Resolute Desk” or “beautiful”??

I don’t see ‘rump’s beautiful adjective there? He should copyright all his special genius vocabulary like “beautiful” so no one copies him

Who would EVER copy ‘rump’s lovely word concoctions?
The felon is now trying to avoid the vulva-neck look by loosening his collar.

Will Venezuela let ‘rump move there in November? He has repeatedly said he wants to go. Perhaps he and his supporters can take over there?

All good!

Will Venezuela let ‘rump move there in November? He has repeatedly said he wants to go. Perhaps he and his supporters can take over there?

All good!

Venezuela has regulations against letting convicted felons immigrate into their country. But for a $billion they might allow one to hide out in the jungles until the money runs out.
A good, sane business person could do wonders.
No! Businessmen don't make good presidents the skill set needed for each job is different and not convertable

Presidents who were businessmen Warren G. Harding who can forget the Revenue Act of 1921 tax cuts for the rich, sound familiar? His presidency was tied to several major scandals emerged, including the Teapot Dome scandal.

Herbert Hoover father of the Great Depression. In 1929, Hoover assumed the presidency. However, during his first year in office, the stock market crashed, signaling the onset of the Great Depression, which dominated Hoover's presidency until its end. His response to the depression was widely seen as lackluster and he scapegoated Mexican Americans for the economic crisis. Sounds mighty familiar. I’ll be the first to admit I never realized the Republicans have been using the same playbook for a hundred years.

Jimmy Carter is a great humanitarian but a mediocre president and I’m being kind cause I like the guy as a person and elder statesman.

George H.W. Bush I think was a decent president. He presided over the invasion of Panama and the Gulf War, ending the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. The only two recent military incursions I approve of. The only black mark on his record was the appointment of Clarence Thomas. But I cannot see how he could foreshadow Thomas’ corruption.

George W. Bush the fiasco of the Iraq War does anything else need to be said?