Halgrim's Tower (PM to join)

Emmeline kept her focus on the parchment and the desk. She had a job to do and if she just focused on the words she didn't have to think about the rest. She was tense under Tyann's arm.

Her head slowly lifted, eyes wide as he asked her if she could do that now...worship his manliness...

Emmeline felt all the blood leave her face. She grew very cold. He was suggesting that she do that? To him? Here? Her eyes didn't even tear up. She hook her head a little, lips parting as if she was going to protest but she couldn't find her voice. The others in the room could hear him this horrified her more.

Emmeline slowly turned her head to look up at Tyann. "Please..please do not make me...not here..." She was practically gasping as she forced the words out. She couldn't finish the sentence, not realizing that she had essentially told him she would, but not here. It wasn't what she meant but it didn't matter now.

She turned in the chair a little, almost curling into his arm. The quill and parchment were forgotten. "Please, Master Tyann...do not make me do that..please.."

Her eyes glanced to Lark and the guards. The woman was naked. The one guard was wielding a whip, the other still between the woman's legs. Emmeline looked back up at Tyann. Her chin was lifted, head back so her large, blue eyes could look up at him, pleadingly.
He grinned as he saw LaVonda put salve on her hands. "Oh, I see I am getting special treatment here. Thank you so much. You are the best free whore I have ever had."

She really was very good. First, a light grip that only pulled some soft moans from him. Then, more powerful strokes, accompanied by deeper noises, noises that came from the very depths of his soul (if he had had one). He grinned contentedly and, between gasps of lust, panted: "Yes...yes...keep going". He was already close to coming now, but he dug his fists into her hair and gripped it tightly, determined to hang on as long as possible.

He was half-ready to slap her when she suddenly pulled down her shift and exposed her breasts. They were true things of beauty, and he stared shamelessly, wondering what she would do next. "Nice titties you have got there. But keep going!" He slapped her, but lightly, at least by his standards. As fun as it was to ogle her tits, he had something to be taken care of, and he wanted her to do it now. This view was really not helping.

He gasped in surprise when she lifted her chest and gripped his cock with her tits. A wide grin spread on his face as he began letting out nearly inhuman groans of pleasure. His eyes were fixed in fascination on the place where his penis was now firmly stuck, throbbing against the soft, smooth skin of her breasts. Louder and faster groans, louder than ever... he raised his head back and screamed his lust to the sky.

His semen shot out wildly, spraying all over her face and chest. He pulled out and knelt down next to her, rubbing the glistening fluid into her naked skin. "Thank you", he said, and sounded genuinely grateful. He patted her breasts lovingly. "That was a nice trick they taught you in that whorehouse. How much did you charge for that back then? You must have had customers lining up to be serviced like that."

Now that she had obeyed, and he had had such a wonderful time, he was almost friendly. He had clearly expected a terrified, whimpering slave to rape. Not one who took charge and got him off in such a wonderful way. In his evil, twisted way, he was starting to grow fond of this slave, and he expressed his fondness with a kiss on her forehead. "I like you. You know what a man wants, and you give it to him."


Tyann glanced at Lark, then back at Emmeline. To his satisfaction, the threat of humiliation had worked, at least it seemed to have. He should have used it right away.

He addressed the guards: "Put her away in the dark cells for a month. When we take her back out, we will show her just how much worse this can get for her than this." Then, turning to Lark: "Dream well in the dark cells. Dream of all the uses we will have for you. Unless, of course, you want to confess now, and spare yourself either a month in the cells that drive people mad in days, or the...creativity of the guards."

When they were gone, he hugged the terrified Emmeline. "No need to worry. I was just saying that to scare her. When you worship my manliness, it will be because you want to. I felt you had not been frightening enough when you described the pain to her. Thank you for being so helpful in describing the humiliation to her. You truly put the fear of what we can do in her. It was very believable, and will give her nightmares in the dark cells."

"Come, we are done her for today. A guard has confessed, a prisoner is about to confess - I am sure, no one stays silent after a month in those cells - and a slave has survived a triplet birth. She is the one I want you to learn from. Her obedience and eagerness to serve her master are exemplary. If all slaves were like her, there would be no need to whip them all the time. She is a kitchen slave, like you will be."

He grabbed her by the upper arm and led her out of the torture chamber. On the way up, on the first floor, just as they were ascending the stairs, they heard the door open behind them. Tyann turned around and saw Guntar. "Guard!", he said sharply, "what are you doing here? You are not on duty? Explain yourself immediately". He had quite a good idea what he had been doing there, but he wanted to hear what excuse he would come up with.

"A prisoner got sick, my lord."

Really? Guntar was not the sharpest, but he had expected something better than that. "What sickness was it? Pregnancy?", he asked as an ironic smile flashed across his stern face, "You violated Mara's order, didn't you? I normally let you and the others have your fun, you know that, but I had given strict orders to let her rest for a week. Back to the guardroom. I will decide on an appropriate punishment."
"Oh, I see I am getting special treatment here. Thank you so much. You are the best free whore I have ever had."

With all LaVonda knew about pleasuring, this was a better alternative than being ravished in revenge

LaVonda worked gently and Guntar making moans audible gave LaVonda the courage to keep going.

"Yes...yes...keep going".

LaVonda mentally prayed he wouldn't pull her hair that would make her hands slip which would be hard to return to the pace she was using

"Nice titties you have got there. But keep going!"

The pop on skin made her jerk a little, making her breasts jiggle but when she wrapped them along his cock. She only hoped it would please him

Guntar's gasp of surprise was turned into rewards of moans and guttural groaning . LaVonda has to wonder if he had even been served this way. If she ever saw MoHarim she would have to thank him for those Arabic methods of lovemaking

Gunter came with a fury his scream nearly made LaVonda's heart stop

When he calmed a little he came down to her level and surprised her saying "Thank you",

His hands changed from scary to gentle as he petted her like a car or favored dog. ."That was a nice trick they taught you in that whorehouse. How much did you charge for that back then? You must have had customers lining up to be serviced like that."

"Mistress asked for.ten.golden coins or sometimes special goods from the orient. Nay, Master twas only two that received such worship. The man that taught me how to apply this pleasure and the man that seeded my womb with my only daughter,.she is long passed."

"I like you. You know what a man wants, and you give it to him."

LaVonda lowered to her knees then bowed down her belly to the floor. "Thank you Master for your kind words. "

LaVonda slowly rose and began cleaning herself especially of the blood that streaked her legs

Guntar started to leave when LaVonda heard the Master Jailer. LaVonda began mentally praying. no... please heaven Father... please do not let another man be punished on the poking chair... please

"Guard!", he said sharply, "what are you doing here? You are not on duty? Explain yourself immediately".

"A prisoner got sick, my lord."

"What sickness was it? Pregnancy?",

LaVonda winces as they speak in the doorway.

"You violated Mara's order, didn't you? I normally let you and the others have your fun, you know that, but I had given strict orders to let her rest for a week. Back to the guardroom. I will decide on an appropriate punishment."

LaVonda rushed to the doorway and flung herself to Tyann's feet. "Nay Mastrr Jailer he touched not my slut hole. He did ask of the babes. I did remind him of your words. He did not put his manliness within me."

LaVonda spoke the truth which surprised both men. It only remained what Tyann would say next.
Emmeline was still sitting, looking up at Tyann with wide eyed fear as he ordered the woman removed and put in the cells for a month. She wanted to tell the woman to do it, to confess and spare herself the horrible time in the cells but she was silenced by the fear of his threat.

He hugged her and Emmeline pressed her head to his chest seeking real comfort. Then his words hit her ears. When you worship my manliness it will be because you want to.. He believed she would want to offer herself to him as the other woman had? Emmeline couldn't pull away, he was hugging her and she had pressed herself to him.

Tyann grabbed her arm and she was glad he was now focused on leading her out. It gave her time to think on his words. Would she ever offer herself to him like that? She couldn't imagine it.

They ran into the big guard and Emmeline hid behind Tyann as they spoke. She cowered like a puppy, not wanting Guntar to see her. He made her very afraid.
Tyann should not have been as surprised as he was when LaVonda defended Guntar's innocence. Was she telling the truth? Had he intimidated her into lying? She sounded sincere enough, but she was a slave. And the most subservient one he had ever seen, to boot. She was at his feet, pleading for the innocence of the most hated guard of them all. What to make of this? He was a little unsure and looked at Guntar, who was not that much of an idiot and, of course, answered: "You have heard her, my lord. I did nothing."

He was still sure she was lying for...some reason, but decided to let it slide. He did not go out of his way to punish his men for the way they treated their prisoners. It led to them getting ideas.

"The fair maiden has pleaded for your life", he said sarcastically, "off you go to the guardroom and let that be a warning to you." Then, when he was gone, to LaVonda: "I do not know why you are defending him, what threats or promises made you do this... but I will let him go. If you are lying, whatever he did to you will have been punishment enough." More than enough, he added mentally. Even he considered setting that brute on a slave somewhat cruel.

Guntar, for his part, was too glad to have gotten off the hook to do much more than shoot a look at Emmeline that promised more to come in the future, then leave.

One month later. Emmeline's big day. Just after getting up, he kicked the slave, sleeping chained to his bed as always, in the ribs lightly. The usual sign for her to wake up. Then he knelt down and took her hands, carefully unwrapping the bandages around her thumbs. Mara had done good work. Underneath it were pristine, if a little pale, thumbs that looked as if they had never been stuck between two merciless iron jaws.

"Your thumbs are healed. Time to get you to the kitchen. Aren't you happy, slave? This is it. You can use your hands again, and you no longer have to work for a horrible old man. You will now get to cook everyone else's food, and do some very important work. The slave I pointed out to you as an inspiration already works there, so you can begin learning from her how to serve and obey. She will be a good teacher."

He stroked her hair. He would miss waking up next to (well, slightly above) a beautiful woman. She was still beautiful, though she had lost quite a bit of weight and color. Paler, thinner - but still ravishing. And for a month, he had had the privilege of having her in his office. She had been a rather good scribe despite her injured thumb, of course. And waking up to the sight of her had always been a treat.

Now it was time to part. He wondered how she would like her new assignment. It was much harder work, of course, but it was some variety, a change from having to write all day. He would have hated that, and was very glad he had had a scribe. From now on, he would have to do all his own writing, and that was the other reason he would miss her.

The night before, the door to the slave quarters had opened, just as LaVonda and the other slaves had gotten ready to fall into their beds, near-dead from exhaustion after a long day of work. In the doorway, clad in the same slave rags everyone else was wearing, and surrounded by two guards, was Thom. He was pushed into the dark room, but managed to stay relatively dignified as he stumbled inside.

The door shut, and he immediately hurried towards LaVonda. His face was brave, and only a very attentive listener would have heard the slight quiver in his voice. "Here I am, LaVonda. They falsified my confession, and here I am. According to them, I am the one who impregnated you. I am a slave now, for twenty years. Well, at least..." - he smiled slightly - "I am with you now, just as I had always wanted..."

Almost nothing about him betrayed the ordeal he had gone through in the past month. The imprisonment in the dark cells until he had almost gone insane and believed his own accusation. The trial. The thirty lashes in front of a gawking public he had been sentenced to. And then, twenty years of slavery. Really the only spark of light in this was that he was with LaVonda now. He had only that joy left.

He stood in front of her insecurely, clearly still coming to terms with the fact that, yes, he was a slave now. Not a guard. A worthless, lowly slave, condemned to work until he went mad or died. He knew this place too well to believe that he would make it through twenty years. His only consolation was that he would be with the love of his life until she was released. If she ever was released from this hole.
"You have heard her, my lord. I did nothing."

LaVonda remained quiet at Tyann's feet. She had to wait til he signalled for her to rise.

"The fair maiden has pleaded for your life" , Tyann said sarcastically, "off you go to the guardroom and let that be a warning to you."

LaVonda took a breathe and heard the door close. LaVonda was glad another was not punished for touching her intimately.

"I do not know why you are defending him, what threats or promises made you do this... but I will let him go. If you are lying, whatever he did to you will have been punishment enough."

LaVonda decided it would be best to show Tyann what they had done. See for himself that she spoke truly Guntar did not violate her cunt or ass. " Does Master Jailer, wish for this slut to do what was done?"

LaVonda fetched the salve and rubbed some on her hands, between her breasts and a light coating on his manliness. LaVonda took her hands and began to tug and fondle his staff and balls. She had done the hand arousal for some time before revealing her breasts that now was leaking milk. She presses her breasts around his cock and began stroking him back and forth between those globes of flesh. LaVonda couldn't help but let out a moan as the action was milking her heavy breasts.

LaVonda was worn out from the thunderous reaction she had from another form of worship to his manliness.

The week had passed slowly and Mara couldn't keep LaVonda to rest when the floor was getting dusty. LaVonda had cleaned the room twice before the week was up.

Another three weeks LaVonda had worked diligently as before at keeping the kitchen clean and the pots well scrubbed before they were used again. LaVonda was learning more baking tips and improving on the variations of bread she could make from the basic bread recipe.

LaVonda was making the cell slaves gruel this morning while the old deaf cook was pounding on a slab of beef to make another bland stew. The day seemed to go on for hours before they returned to their quarters.

LaVonda had moved her sleeping mat closer to the door as she tended to leave earlier to help with preparing breakfast. She noticed someone at the doorway. LaVonda squinted her eyes trying to make out the new slave between the guards. Her heart skipped a beat. It was her beloved Master Thom!

"Here I am, LaVonda. They falsified my confession, and here I am. According to them, I am the one who impregnated you. I am a slave now, for twenty years. Well, at least..." - he smiled slightly - "I am with you now, just as I had always wanted..."

Joy sprung up in her being as she hugged him excitedly. He was alive the Lord had answered her prayers for the wrongly accused man.

LaVonda spoke in hush tones. "I prayed for you Master Thom, every night since the babes died. I am so happy to see you again."

LaVonda couldn't contain her happiness and began to kiss him as her tears washed over his neck. LaVonda had missed her sweet young Master.

LaVonda took more straw and made a sleeping spot for Thom close enough for them to hold one another's hand without it look like they were a couple or lovers in the past.

LaVonda curled to his hand and finally after 11 bells drifted to sleep. 5 in the morning came too soon for her slave mates so LaVonda learned to creep out silently and not rouse the rest of the room
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A month in the dark, dark cells didn't do much to improve Lark's attitude. She spent the first few days yelling, trying to get a reaction. She got bored with that quickly, and tried to find other ways to distract herself.

The dimensions of her cell seemed to change randomly. She figured that she was being taken out when she was asleep and moved to another one, to keep her from hoarding items or working out a way to escape. There was no rhyme or reason to it, either.

She could hear rats squeaking and scurrying about, and every now and then one would cross over her foot or hand. She hated rats but she wasn't afraid of them. In some of the cells there was dripping water and small puddles, forcing her to huddle in corners.
Emmeline pressed herself as close to Tyann as she could as Guntar walked by. She would have crawled into his arms if it would have spared her the look the guard was giving her.

" Does Master Jailer, wish for this slut to do what was done?"

Emmeline backed away as the poor woman who had so soon given birth and lost her babies rubbed something on her breasts and then began to play with the master jailer. She averted her eyes but her ears picked up the sounds.


She had grown used to the action, the kick to her ribs that was enough to rouse her but not really hurt her. Her large blue eyes opened and she looked up at Tyann. He began unwrapping her thumbs and fear gripped her stomach. A month, already?

"No, no please Master Tyann...please allow me to stay here and take notes. Please..." Emmeline shifted to her knees. He wanted her to learn from the other woman how to serve and obey. "But haven't I served you well? Your papers are neat, the dictation clear and precise. Have you not had letters stating such a fact from the judges? Please. I have learned to obey, have I not? I do not question, I write everything down as you wish."

Tears filled her eyes. She did not want to work in the kitchen. Leaving here meant being at the mercy of others, the slaves and the guards. Here she was protected by his presence. He was here and she did not wish to leave his side.

Tyann was stroking her hair and Emmeline closed her eyes, leaning into his hand. She didn't know when it had happened but she felt safe with him. His touch was comforting though still confusing at times. He have never done more than touch her breasts or her body in caresses or hugs.

"Please don't make me go. I wish to stay here and continue as your scribe." Her eyes opened and the blue pools begged him to let her remain.
Tyann had expected Emmeline to be a little disappointed, not to...break down and beg. Her pleading moved him - because it showed how much of a slave she already was, but also how much of the lady was left in her. "I appreciate your work as a scribe, I really do... but I want orders followed without question. And here you are, begging me to reconsider. Do you think you can escape punishment for questioning my orders by appealing to my pity? Tell me, where is this pity you are trying to reach in me?"

He stepped closer, put a hand inside her slave shift and took one of her nipples between his fingertips. He squeezed it flat, then began idly twisting it as he spoke. "Was I not cruel enough to you? Have I made you believe that you have the right to question your orders? Or that crying will get you anywhere with me? Have I not punished you enough?" To emphasize his point, he increased the force with which he was tormenting her nipple.

He looked into her eyes and saw the tears. "Cry, slave, if you want. This tower is meant to make the likes of you cry. I know I was far too soft on you recently. I spoiled you, made you think that I cared about you. It is why you are questioning my orders and think you can get away with it. In a way, your behavior is my fault, not yours. Do you want to find out how I correct my error, or will you obey from now on?"

"I have been very affectionate with you recently. I treated you like a lapdog, and that has given you ideas. Ideas I want you to lose right now if you know what is good for you. Stop pleading and report to the kitchens, immediately, or I will send notice to the head cook notifying him that you are spoiled and soft and are to be beaten regularly. That would make your days in the kitchen a little bit unpleasant..."

Again, she was pleading. He was losing patience with her, even though he knew he should not have treated her as his pet slave in the first place. Blinded by her beauty, he had done exactly the wrong thing, and only extremely harsh treatment would improve her behavior. The kitchen was exactly the right place for that. "To the kitchen. Now."


The guards retrieved Lark from the cell, the hole in which she had been forced to lie down in total darkness for one entire month, attended to by guards who had brought her food and water, removed her waste and were strictly forbidden from speaking to or touching her. It had been perfect loneliness - a crusher of spirits that was often a hundred times stronger than torture. They were the same guards who had whipped her before, and they were looking forward to seeing what the hole had done to her.

She was freed from the chain by the older guard while the younger one wrapped her wrists in many loops of rope, encasing her hands as tightly as concrete. Then she was led, pale, shivering and tightly bound, down to the torture chamber for the second round of her interrogation. They were looking forward to playing with their favorite prisoner again.

This time, the guards dragged her over to an X-shaped frame and put her hands and wrists in the shackles on its end, spreading her out helplessly, her movements limited by what the very short chains allowed. As they chained her up, they both shamelessly groped her body, with the older guard especially fascinated by how well he could count her ribs now, after a month of extremely meager rations in the cell.

"The way I see it", the younger guard began, "you have a choice now. If you give us a full confession, that's too bad for us - we have to call the scribe, write down everything you tell us and then bring you to a much nicer cell. If you stay silent, though, we can keep you here as long as we want and fuck you in every hole. Even the ones you thought could not be fucked. Maybe whip you a little, too, so Tyann can tell that we have been hard at work on you."

The older guard was already unfurling a long bullwhip and letting it run through his hands. "You are lucky you can not see yourself now. The last time I saw someone that pale and thin, she was dead. I hope you don't die on me, too. She was no fun to fuck. No fun at all. Stay alive, at least until I have had my fun... a few days should be enough."

"I think she's a tough one. She hardly looks crazy at all, and that's after a month in the dark.", the younger guard replied.


Thom had expected LaVonda to be happy to see him...but not that happy. Her sudden hug made him smile, despite his awful situation. It also hurt a little - the marks on his back were still quite fresh, but what hurt even worse was the memory of being stripped in public, and whipped until he had been too hoarse to scream. The bastards had had their fun that day, and their laughter had been almost as bad as the agony of the whip-

"I am happy to see you, too, LaVonda", he said softly. Was he, though? He loved her, but the only reason he was seeing her again was that he was now a slave, just like she was. Like so many times before, he wondered if she was happy in spite of being a slave - or because of it. She was always so happy to obey, always so cheerful even in the worst circumstances he could think of. Could anything break her? Well, if there was, it certainly was somewhere around this damn place, he thought grimly.

The other slaves, despite being mostly dead tired, were watching with rapt attention as she showered him with kisses. He finally found a tiny reason to be happy that he was a slave now: There was nothing forbidden about their love now. He could kiss her openly now! He took her head, pulled her close and did so. Passionately.

She even made his "bed" (well, piled up straw for him), something which he found incredibly sweet, and which made him smile - again. He had been wrong about never seeing the sun again. The sun was right here, bubbly and girlish and entirely wonderful. Nothing could dim the tiny font of warmth and light. He was so lucky to have her. She seemed to be a little embarrassed about being lovers still. Was he still a guard, in her mind? Sadly, no. Fortunately, no. He would never in his miserable life get used to being a slave. But being with her made it almost bearable. Still, he respected her wish and did not kiss her again, content with quietly taking her hand once everyone else was fast asleep.

The next morning, he was assigned his position as a slave. Of course, it was not the kitchen. That would have diminished the cruelty somewhat, after all. He was assigned to clean the torture chamber.
"I am happy to see you, too, LaVonda."

Repeated in her head while she slept and she smiled and even mentally thanked the Father above for saving Thom from death

As normal she woke early and was cleaning up before she would go to the kitchen. She gave Thom a kiss on his lips before she changed her slave shift and used the bucket to pee in. LaVonda put crumpled daisy petals in the bucket so it didnt smell foul and took it out with her.

She was surprised the guard that escorted her had asked about her pleasure skills. LaVonda answered his questions as they spotted by the place waste was dumped. It was starting to smell foul again. It would need to be changed to some fresh water.

The guard gripped her arm and took her to the kitchen. He still leared at her breasts. He had heard from Guntar about the way she used her breasts to bring him to see stars. it was rumored Guntar even charged a third of pay for time with her to experience her exotic skills without sharing. Guaranteed one on one time was a luxury for anyone when it came to LaVonda

Guntar had not forgotten how she spared him a day of misery with Tyann. He had kept that part out of his bragging so none could ridicule him over being saved by a girl.

LaVonda reached the kitchen and the old dead man was fussing that he had to kill his arms dealing with the meat that came.
LaVonda looked at the crate in the corner making noise.

LaVonda took a moment and peeked at the contents

lamb's? Why would we get live lambs? she wondered.

Then the Cook ordered her to prep them for the midday meal. LaVonda nodded and looked for aplace to end their life. LaVonda had never killed a lamb before but figured it couldn't be any harder then wringing a chickens neck

Another slave took the crate and shoved it into another part of the kitchen. LaVonda didnt know about this room and noticed the blood stained walls and bones swept in a corner. LaVonda decided that she would find time to clean this room somehow today.

She watched as the other slave as she demonstrated how to ready the lamb. A simple cut and hang from a hook so there wouldn't be too much of unnecessary parts.

LaVonda did exactly as her partner, but LaVonda didnt know that sheep could scream and when three of them started screaming. LaVonda lost it and turned to run out of the room. The other slave pushed her back and locked LaVonda in the room with the death of dinner.

None of the other kitchen slaves seemed to notice the hard working one was missing until someone mentioned the lamb for stewing. The head cook sent a message to the Master Jailer saying one of the slaves was missing. The deaf man was angry and blamed the guards demanding they give her back

The report that was sent before dark was the slave was still missing but their wasn't any signs of an escape, yet..
Emmeline was as stiff as a board as Tyann pinched her nipple and lectured her on being spoiled and not doing as he said. When he released her, she practically ran from the room. Guards escorted her to the kitchen. One seemed particular interested in her but he did not touch her. He just seemed to be noticing all of her features.

In the kitchen the old man who ran it looked disgusted at the sight of her. "Onions. Chop them. Go!"

Emmeline jumped and then looked around the room. She realized she had never really set foot in a kitchen before. She looked around but didn't move. A hand smacked the back of her head. "Onions! Now!"

A teary eyed Emmeline wandered to a counter and reached out to pick up something and a wooden spoon smacked her hand. She cried out. There was a hand in her hair, dragging her to another area and a pile of onions. "Cut the onions!"

Emmeline saw LaVonda but there was no time to talk to her as she and another slave left to take care of something in the crate.

She went to pick up a knife but the hand was smacked with the wooden spoon again. "Not that knife!"

She picked up another and then tried to cut the onions. The man who ran the kitchen stood over her smacking her repeated with the wooden spoon and berating her the whole time. Eventually he was so angry that he grabbed her and dragged her to the corner. He beat her about the head and shoulders with the spoon while he was screaming at others to cut the onions up.

At the end of the day, Emmeline was sore, red and crying as she was led to the slave's quarters. She had not been permitted to eat.
Lark moaned as the hand grasped her breast. It had been so long since she had been physically touched by another person that it didn't feel real. The palm rubbed against her nipple, and she could barely remember the last time someone had held her like that. The girls she had fucked in that tavern a lifetime ago.

Her body hung from the rack, her skin tingling from the drafty air. A shiver ran down her spine as she saw the bullwhip roll through the man's hand.

"There's no reason to use something like that." Lark told them in her weak voice.

"So you're ready to confess?"

"I have no interest in living the rest of my life as a slave." Lark answered.
The guard holding the bullwhip smiled. "But that is what we are here for. To make people do things they don't want to do."

He lashed Lark once across the chest, at full strength, to drive home just where she was, and that worse would follow if she did not confess. He then stepped closer and ran his fingertips over the hot, pulsing red welt he had left on both her breasts. "We will get a confession out of you here, I don't care how."

He lightly inserted the handle of the whip into her vagina and moved it back and forth a little bit before taking position again and giving her another lash, this one over her navel.

The other guard came closer and stroked her hair while looking her in the eyes: "You know what we do if we don't get a confession out of you today? We will make sure you will not sleep until you confess. We have ways of doing that, and it normally gets them begging after two nights or so. After three, they confess anything. I sometimes like to make them confess all kinds of dirty stuff... but with you, that would just be telling the truth, wouldn't it, slut?"

He slapped her in the face, hard, then both guards took turns stroking her breasts and licking them. "Incredible how fresh she looks after a whole month in the dark", the younger one said. "You're right. Tasty, too", the other one replied before biting the side of her chest. "Delicious ribs...", he grinned, "let's tenderize that meat a little, what do you say?". He went and retrieved a light cane, placing it across her breasts.

"Joking aside, prisoner", he said to Lark, "Will you confess now, or do I have to beat your tits until they glow red? Believe me, I can keep up the caning for hours before you even start to bleed." He demonstrated by drumming a light, relentless rhythm on her breasts, "Now imagine that, but endlessly. And maybe the same on your soles next if you keep making us angry. And then we will take a break, and you will hate that, too..."


Thom began his first day as a slave, cleaning every cranny of the torture chamber. Fortunately, his former comrades had barely paid attention to him. They had a new prisoner to play with, and that was so much more fun than humiliating him. As he cleaned, he tried very hard not to imagine what the instruments would be used for. He was somewhat glad he would never have to use them on anyone...another small comfort in his miserable new life. He was just another victim of this infernal machine now.

The woman they were torturing looked pale and weak, and the two guards were clearly enjoying themselves, frightening her, beating her. He knew this was not even the beginning of what they could do. In a moment when he thought they were not watching, he whispered to her: "Confess. Please. Whatever they are claiming you did, just confess. I have seen what they can do. Do not do that to yourself."

He returned to the slave quarters to find Emmeline curled up in a corner and sobbing. And no LaVonda. Where was she? Had she done something? Was she in one of the cells somewhere? Or even worse? He knew asking the guards would be pointless. His heart sank. Would he ever see her again? None of the slaves he asked had any idea, either. Of course, they would not even tell them if she had been executed...

In order to distract himself from his own misery, he knelt down next to Emmeline and looked at her, at the tears streaming over her face which was red, and not only from crying. Her first day in the kitchen had clearly been a living nightmare. "They beat you in the kitchen, didn't you? I wish I could say anything to make you feel better, but the only thing I can really say is that you get used to it... you get used to anything."


Tyann received a message that one of the slaves was missing. The one who had been named LaVonda. Escape attempts were nothing new, so he assembled the guards in the guardroom. It was satisfying to watch them march in from all parts of the tower. For all the confusion caused in the past month by the arrival of so many beautiful women, they were still his men, and ready to do their duty for him. Especially now that a certain fool was a slave instead, and they were all merciless again.

"Men, we have reports of one of the kitchen slaves missing. Most of you probably know her. It's the eager one with the many markings on her skin..." many of the guards grinned and nodded. Of course they remembered all the entertainment she had provided them, including that time she had been forced to beat their former fellow guard unconscious... she was probably the most famous of the slaves by now.

"She was last seen in the kitchen around midday, when she was ordered to slaughter some lambs. No trace of her since then. Of course, that means she might very well still be holding a knife, so be careful. We don't know how she might react if she is cornered, so don't be fooled by how meek she seems to be. All other duties are suspended for now. Find her. You know what the reward is for finding her, so good hunting, men!"

They knew that very well, so they almost rushed out of the room, every one of them determined to find the slave. Normally, they did not make it very far, but if the castle guards caught her before the prison guards did, they would have her as a reward instead of them, and they were not about to let that happen. It would not be long, and someone would pull her out of some dark corner by her hair, kicking and screaming.
Guntar thought a few moments. It didn't sound like something she would do. Considering she lost her babes six weeks ago, she had to be somewhere cleaning and lost track of time.

Guntar headed for the kitchen and was looking for signs she had been there. A stack of clean dishes that smelled clean compared to another stack that didnt looked washed at all.

This was.puzzling but someone had to know where she was. Then in the south wall were hidden doors. Guntar wondered and began bumping around the wall to see.if a door would open

Two more guards came into the kitchen checking everywhere possible. The kitchen looked like a brawl took place as the other two went to the dining hall turning over tables and benches. Guntar walked along that wall again and thought he could hear sobbing. Did she fall in the garbage chute amid all the filth he noticed compared to her work downstairs. Guntar sent a message "I believe I found her but need a key for the storage rooms. I believe she fell into one of the garbage chutes."
Emmeline was too sore to even look up at first when a figure came near her. On instinct she shrunk away, tried to hide. She covered her head, fearing this person too would beat her. Did she lay in the wrong spot? Was she to be tortured in some way?

The voice that reached her ears was familiar and Emmeline peered out from her cover to see Thom.

"Yes. He beat me over and over again." She frowned. "You are here as punishment aren't you? Because of the slave...the one you care for. I- I am supposed to learn to be like her that is why I was sent here. To learn to serve as she does and to learn to- to-" She couldn't bring herself to tell Thom of the things she had seen the woman do. She wasn't sure if he knew how her body was used by the master jailer or the other guard.

"This place is horrible." Emmeline curled back up into a ball and wished to be back in the master jailer's room or death. Either would do.

Outside the room where the slaves slept one of the guards was paying close attention to the sounds inside. Messages had already been sent that the lady had been located. It would be a day before the message reached her father and a few more days before a plan could be made. This place could not be stormed but they might find a way to distract and sneak her out. He was one of who had infiltrated the tower as guards, as those who brought in supplies. No one knew who the others were, it was safer that way.

For now, his job was to keep an eye on her. It pained him to see her come back of the kitchen red and marked as she was. There was nothing he could do though without blowing his cover.
LaVonda thought she heard voices and crept to the place the door should be. She was still confused and her ears were ringing until.every sound was muffled.

Her voice hoarse from screaming, begging to be let out, and finally crying. Her arms weary from banging her fists at the wall.

Then she heard the heavy banging noise. With her hand against the wall she began to sob. "Masssteer ppleeasee letmeout."

Another thing that was going on was another guard was questioning every member of the kitchen slaves about LaVonda's whereabouts. Getting six with the same story, they saw her and another woman take a crate to one of the back rooms. They all confirmed they didnt see her since and three tubs of dishes were not cleaned by LaVonda either.

Tyann would receive messages about the slave , she must be somewhere in the kitchen.

Then Guntar's message came in claiming to have found her, locked in an storage room