Halgrim's Tower (PM to join)

Emmeline's stomach stopped moving as she held her breath, stiff with fear. Good. She was learning quickly. As long as she did not even dare to breathe for fear of doing wrong in the eyes of her master, she would have an easy life here. Well, as easy as he could make it without spoiling her too much, anyway. She was already spoiled enough.

As they turned to leave, Tyann whispered into the scribe's ear: "You really are worried what is going to happen to her, are you? Well, remember how easily you broke. With any luck, she will see reason quickly. She will probably suffer less than you did. You really took the pain exceedingly well", he noted with something like pride in his voice.

Tyann saw the fear in Emmeline's eyes and smiled at her: "You can relax now, slave. I was really just on my way to take a break. The guards can take care of the torture now. I will get myself something to eat. Oh, and feed you too", he added.

They went upstairs to his room, stopping on the way to instruct one of the kitchen slaves to bring bread, cheese and wine up. When they arrived, he sat down in his chair, pointed to the ground, and threw a piece of bread and some cheese down to her.

He waited to see if she would accept the humiliation and eat off the ground. She'd better...


Her tears were enough to make even Mara put a thin, wrinkled arm around her - though she had to spoil it immediately by croaking: "Do you really think this is the worst that is going to happen to you here?"

She had not become that cold working here. Coldness was the only reason she had stayed - questionably - sane working here. Anyone who felt too much for the victims of this place of horrors went crazy over time. Even a healer here had to be half monster, or it destroyed her.

Listening to her cry like that rallied the last remains of warmth inside her. "No matter what they tell you, this is not a place of justice. They do terribly unjust things here, every day. Anyone who has even a bit of soul left goes insane here. I suppose that is why I am unharmed." She laughed joylessly, the laughter morphing into a dry cough.

"If I felt anything for the lot of you, I would be crying like you. Every day. You were a slave before... but that does not mean you are prepared for this. They taught you to have no will. If you want to survive here, you must learn to have no feelings."

It was cold, brutal advice, yet it came from the shriveled depths of her heart. She even managed to pull her into something resembling an embrace and squeeze her shoulder.
She let him lead her up to his room. Emmeline immediately went to the desk and began working on the transcripts again. She had thought perhaps he was joking when he said he was going to feed her.

She didn't want to think about the bread or cheese, heaven forbid the wine he had ordered to his room. When it arrived Emmeline forced herself to focus on the work.

She blew on the ink as Tyann sat in his chair. She frowned a little for a moment, wondering why he would throw perfectly good food onto the floor but then it dawned on her. He expected her to sit on the floor and eat the food he tossed to her. Like a dog. Like a dog begging for scrapes at its master's feet.

Emmeline looked at Tyann and then to the food. She finished blowing on the ink and then stood, crossing to where he sat.

With grace Emmeline sat, her legs tucked to her side as if she were on a picnic. She picked up the bread and cheese, holding them in her hand as she lifted each to her mouth to take small, dainty bites. It was by no means as nice as what she would actually have on a picnic but if she concentrated hard enough she could almost feel the breeze on her hair.

She said nothing as she nibbled on the food. Her stomach was happy for the nourishment.
"Do you really think this is the worst that is going to happen to you here?"

LaVonda shook her head, that guard Guntar made a vow to punish her. It was him she worried filling her with another child. No way to prevent that. Nor did LaVonda have the herbs used to prevent another accident.

"No matter what they tell you, this is not a place of justice. They do terribly unjust things here, every day. Anyone who has even a bit of soul left goes insane here. I suppose that is why I am unharmed."

LaVonda understood the healer and even The Master Jailer mentioned the evils that came with this place.

"If I felt anything for the lot of you, I would be crying like you. Every day. You were a slave before... but that does not mean you are prepared for this. They taught you to have no will. If you want to survive here, you must learn to have no feelings."

LaVonda patted the woman's arm and leaned her head on the arm as well. "Thank You, Mistress Healer."

LaVonda wondered what she shoulder do now. The two men that she wanted to make amends with were unable to answer her request. So she asked if there was a priest that could give proper rites before they would be buried.

LaVonda wished she could write better but the orphanage didnt teach the children equally . LaVonda was definitely considered illiterate despite knowing some words and each of the letters
Lark groaned as the rope tightened around her arm. She writhed helplessly in pain, held in place by one of the guards.

"What happens if I confess?" Lark asked, weighing her options. She didn't like this sensation, but she wondered what other tortures might be waiting for her. She was sure that an immediate confession and apology would be too convenient, and wouldn't be believed.
Tyann grinned when he saw how daintily Emmeline ate the food he had thrown to her. All lady, even in slavery. But at least she had understood and obeyed. It was good that her new position had not gone to her head. She still remembered she was a slave. He patted her on the head. "I think the guards have something for us to write down by now." - he poured himself a cup of wine and kissed her on the cheek - "but first, I have something for you to write down. Thom's confession"

He studied her face for a reaction. She had heard with her own ears that there had been no such thing. But to get rid of that troublesome guard, it was necessary to improve upon the truth a little. This was a true test of her loyalty, an opportunity for her to prove herself. "Write it down. The guard Thom openly and freely admitted to being the father of a slave's child after having had unlawful and immoral relations with her. Questioned, he admitted to having done so repeatedly, both during the day and during the night."

Would she do it? Would she doom the only guard who had been kind to her with an obvious lie? Or would she refuse, showing that she had still not learned that important lesson?


Mara was not used to being thanked, nor did she much care for it. Her face still expressionless, she loosened her grip. "A priest? You want me to get a priest? Do you think I am some kind of messenger girl? Who are you going to send for next, maybe a barber to fix your hair? Rites are for the dying. These things are already dead. There is nothing you can do to save their souls. Pray for them if you must. Just do not think that prayer is going to help you here."

The door unlocked and swung open. Guntar entered. Mara's answer had summoned the devil. He wasted no time in striding over to her bed and standing over her, smiling. "How is the young mother? Too bad I am not the father, but there is always a next time..."

Clearly, he was looking to have some fun. When he realized what had actually happened, he added: "Oh, that is too bad. No wonder your lover can not even get that one right. I promise you, princess: When I do that, they will be alive and well. You should have come to me first. I would have shown you a real man who can father some real children."

The bearded giant laughed so loudly even the healer could not help but glare at him.


"How the fuck should I know? You confess, you get punished. Badly, I suppose. You don't confess, we continue torturing you.", the taller of the two guards answered. They were still holding on tightly to her hands, bound with the rough rope.

The guards led her over to a hook in the wall, far above her head, and threw the rope over it, pulling until her arms were straight up and she had to stand on tiptoes, her body stretching a little bit. "Well, let's show you what happens if you don't", the guard said with a grin and took a three-tailed flogger off a shelf. He stood in front of her, shamelessly ogling her naked body as his comrade groped her breasts.

He moved his hands along her sides and between her legs, then crouched down and spread her legs a little. The guard pressed his lips onto her...lips and let his tongue dart through her pubic hair. Meanwhile, the other guard had taken careful aim at her breasts and gave her the first lash. A playful one, not yet full strength, just an attempt to see how she would react to some real pain. The eager look in his eyes made it very clear that plenty more were to follow.
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Emmeline looked up at Tyann as he kissed her cheek.

"His confession? But Thom didn't-" She frowned and shook her head. "I did not hear a confession. And the woman, she said that he couldn't possibly have been." She had enough sense not to remind him that he had also been mentioned. Emmeline knew it meant that both Thom and Tyann had bedded the woman.

She stood. "If I write that and then it is found that I wrote it falsely won't I be punished for lying?" Her eyes were wide. "Thom never said such things. I do not want to be punished for lying, Master Tyann."
"A priest? You want me to get a priest? Do you think I am some kind of messenger girl? Who are you going to send for next, maybe a barber to fix your hair? Rites are for the dying. These things are already dead. There is nothing you can do to save their souls. Pray for them if you must. Just do not think that prayer is going to help you here."

LaVonda felt ashamed for asking so much. "Forgive me Mistress . I thought that a priest would live here for the soldiers sake. "

When Guntar entered the room LaVonda froze. She didn't need his attention this soon. "How is the young mother? Too bad I am not the father, but there is always a next time..."

LaVonda lowered her head and eyes. "This one is ill "

"Oh, that is too bad. No wonder your lover can not even get that one right. I promise you, princess: When I do that, they will be alive and well. You should have come to me first. I would have shown you a real man who can father some real children."

LaVonda growled in the back of her throat softly as her eyelids began to twitch. Then a clever thought came to mind. "I would ask thee to discard such thoughts. To sit upon a spiked seat would be unwelcome to discover should you do such a thing. I would pray you never find the torture of such punishment."

Guntar laughed whether to the jab at Thom's expense or that he thought the slave was already out of her mind. Why should he believe LaVonda.

Mara was surprised the girl had been curt with the brute. Should she send another message to Tyann about Guntar's threats. She waited to see what he would do next.

It was all LaVonds could do to keep Tyann's name out of the debate
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"Please do not question the truth of what I tell you to write down."

It was incredible how these polite words from Tyann, spoken quite calmly, could sound so much like whip lashes and dungeon doors. He stared her in the eyes, trying to measure the level of fear he had caused in her, before he continued. "Slaves who question orders do not live for very long, remember that". The same tone. The same lashes in the background.

He stepped behind her and thrust his hands into the brief sleeves of her slave dress. They rested on her breasts as he leaned in from behind her. "Suppose it was a lie. What do you care? You are only the scribe. A slave. Little more than a tool. If they catch a renegade knight, tell me: Do they hang the knight - or his horse? Your duty is towards your master, and no one else. You only exist for me, and I am the only reason you are allowed to exist at all."

His fingers were playing with her nipples, almost absent-mindedly, as he leaned on her shoulders. He knew why she was objecting, and it had nothing to do with fear of punishment. She was trying anything she could to get out of writing that protocol. He was patient with her - for now. Soon, she would realize that there really was nothing she could do. Except, of course, to defy his orders, but he hoped for her sake she would not try that.


"Ah, so they had him on the pointy chair? I bet he cried his eyes out... he has probably admitted to be the father of every whore's child in the whole realm by now. Why do you fall for such a boy when you could have a real man? They would never have gotten a word out of me that way. I have slept in worse chairs than that."

Mara shot Guntar another angry glare. She could not care less about any of the slaves... but she had ordered that she be left alone for a week, and now this ogre was stomping around, doing anything but leave her alone. By the look in his eyes, he was probably about to jump her at any moment. If he did any damage to the slave, she would be blamed for it, and she was not having any of that. She rose to her feet.

"Guntar... if you do not leave her alone right now, the whole tower is going to hear about what happened in the kitchen last year. In a week, you can pound her half to death, for all I care. I will even stitch her up for you afterwards. But I have ordered a week of rest for her, and I will not let anyone break that order."

Whatever had happened in the kitchen the year before was enough to make Guntar go from insatiable lust to merely lewd ogling. "Whatever you say, old woman", he answered, still grinning.
Emmeline swallowed. She nodded at the comment. No it was a threat. It was a reminder of her place in this. She held her breath. She made a noise of surprise as Tyann's hands went into her dress. They were on her breasts. That held breath was now scared pants, her chest rising and falling in his rough palms.

Her chin trembled. His breath was on her neck. Goosebumps rose. The hairs on the back of her neck rose. Her nipples hardened of their own volition under his fingers. "Of course, Master Tyann. I will do as you have told me."

She wanted to move. The fear was once again mingling with something else and Emmeline wanted to be away from him. She needed to be away from him. She began to pull away.

"I will write out the confession."

The desk with the parchment and quill felt impossibly far all of a sudden.
"Ah, so they had him on the pointy chair? I bet he cried his eyes out... he has probably admitted to be the father of every whore's child in the whole realm by now. Why do you fall for such a boy when you could have a real man? They would never have gotten a word out of me that way. I have slept in worse chairs than that."

LaVonda sat up a little straighter."nay he did not claim to have fathered any bairn. I was with child whence I came. I did not know this was true. No man from this place fathered my sons."

LaVonda also caught the look the healer gave Guntar. There was some form of ill will between them.

"Guntar... if you do not leave her alone right now, the whole tower is going to hear about what happened in the kitchen last year.

LaVonda blinked and wondered what happened.

"In a week, you can pound her half to death, for all I care. I will even stitch her up for you afterwards. But I have ordered a week of rest for her, and I will not let anyone break that order."

"Whatever you say, old woman",

LaVonda listened to what Mara said and she knew she had a week she wouldn't have to worry about being pestered but after that she could only hope she would survive his massive attacks or die quickly to reject his manliness..

In some ways she wished the Master Jailor would at least check on her so she could at least apologize for stealing her punishment from him. That and offer a penance for her alteration of plans. LaVonda knew she could at least worship his cock correctly and he would find favor in her again
Or at least a willing mouth to enjoy.

LaVonda would make even a guardian angel shake its head in utter confusion.
Tyann could feel that Emmeline's body was doing things she probably did not want it to do. Soon, she would be longing for him. He would not rush things. Patience. He had time. The rest of her life, in fact.

He took his hands off her and let her write the protocol. When she was done, he took what she had written and read it. "Come", he eventually said to her, "we will go down to the torture chamber and find out what they have found out that is worth writing down. On the way, we will see how the slave Thom got pregnant is doing."

He slightly emphasized that last part while closely studying her face. How would she react to this obvious lie?

They went downstairs and into the cell the guards had carried LaVonda into. A booming voice from inside told him that Guntar was there, too. Of course he was. He never missed an opportunity to taunt people - especially the lover of a man he hated. As they entered, he was engaged in some kind of heated argument with Mara.

The healer stood up and greeted him. So did Guntar, in an overly military fashion that told the master jailer he had caught him in something bad, and the guard was trying to distract from it. Again, no surprise. After all, he had been alone with two women.

Mara gave her report: Triplets, all born far too early, and already dead. Well, that meant no orphans to take care of. He nodded to her advice that she be granted a week of rest. He could see that she needed some. A week seemed a little much to him, but he decided to grant it. She was a valuable slave, which made her a little less disposable. It was so rare to find a slave as eager to work as she was, so she would be allowed to live for now.

"Guntar - leave. I hope you did nothing improper, or the next time we meet it will be with you in chains."

"Oh, don't worry", croaked Mara, "I reminded the boy of the kitchen...thing. You should have seen his face. He was a good little guard. Not that he did not try, of course."

For these words, Guntar shot a glance at her that clearly said: "I will get you, old crone", but he left, grumbling quietly and slamming the door into its frame harder than necessary.

"Scribe - see if she needs any help. You know more about these womanly things than I do. And I am quite sure the slave is glad to have someone other than Mara for company."

He actually showed a little care for the slave. Well, ordering someone else to care, anyway, which was nearly the same for someone like him. Maybe he did like her a little bit more than he liked, say, his favorite tool, he had to admit to himself. She really was a rare girl in so many ways.

He bent down next to LaVonda. "Well, that is it. Your first pregnancy down here, and your first birth. I can only advise you to get accustomed to it. When a woman looks like you do, you cause...appetite. Sadly, the next of your lovers will not be as gentle as Thom. It might even be Guntar, though, in that case, I might actually grant you a quick death instead."

"Mara, thank you for your service. You did good work and may leave now. You will receive your pay as usual."
Emmeline stood and followed him out of the room. She kept her eyes down. He is going to keep up the lie. Poor Thom, that poor woman...

She practically hid behind Tyann as the other guard stood to leave, passed them and slammed the door behind him. Emmeline jumped when he called her scribe and told her to go see to the poor woman.

She knew nothing of babies or womanly things. She grew up with governess and certain things were not discussed in polite company. She swallowed. She did feel for the woman though. She went to where LaVonda laid and moved to her side. Emmeline carefully took her hand. She felt terrible for the woman. Three babies and all dead.

Emmeline patted the woman's shoulder. Tyann's words shocked Emmeline but she said nothing. He talked so flippantly about what would be done to the slave and the possibility of more pregnancies. Would that happen to her too?

She stopped patting LaVonda's shoulder for a moment as fear took hold.
She gave birth to three males . They died because they came too soon.. The girl would like to see you. I still want her to rest for a week. No using her for sex or she will end up with child again." Mara told Tyann.

LaVonda heard Mara speaking and strained to hear the voice. Was that the Master Jailer? LaVonda tossed back the cover that kept her in bed

"Guntar - leave. I hope you did nothing improper, or the next time we meet it will be with you in chains."

"Oh, don't worry", croaked Mara, "I reminded the boy of the kitchen...thing. You should have seen his face. He was a good little guard. Not that he did not try, of course."

LaVonda heard someone slamming the door. She hoped it was Guntar that left so she could stop worrying of his attempting to abuse her.

"Scribe - see if she needs any help. You know more about these womanly things than I do. And I am quite sure the slave is glad to have someone other than Mara for company."

LaVonda definitely heard his voice and saw a new girl come over to her bed. "Hello mistress."

Then LaVonda saw the Master Jailer and heart began to beat a little faster. Her face brightened as he approached.

"Well, that is it. Your first pregnancy down here, and your first birth. I can only advise you to get accustomed to it. When a woman looks like you do, you cause...appetite. Sadly, the next of your lovers will not be as gentle as Thom. It might even be Guntar, though, in that case, I might actually grant you a quick death instead."

LaVonda nodded understanding that Guntar would try to make her life a living Hell as much as he could but she would not give him an opportunity to father a child in her belly. It would die just as her three did this day.

""Mara, thank you for your service. You did good work and may leave now. You will receive your pay as usual. "

Mara nods and leaves the chamber quietly. She would say nothing if asked of what transpired afterwards.

LaVonda looked at Emmeline and patted her hand. "Do not be sad young one. It is part of living. Tis not the first I have lost."

Now LaVonda turned her attention to the Master Jailer. Tears started to fall from her eyes as she struggled to get out of the bed.

Tyann stepped back but quickly caught on as she knelt at his left foot. Her head resting on his foot as her tears streamed

"Master forgive this one. I did not take my punishment pray you would do so now. Or if Master wishes not, pray may I worship your manliness." LaVonda pleads with a softened voice.

Probably not what he expected of her. Begging for punishment or be allowed to suck upon his cock with no concern of another slave in the room
Tyann was a little disappointed to see that he had overestimated Emmeline's experience with womanly things, but she was still making a game effort to calm the other slave down. She held her hand with genuine sympathy, and he allowed himself a little smile when he saw that LaVonda would not be completely alone with her loss. Well, alone except for people who would only taunt or ignore her, or threaten to put even more babies in her. Even a pampered noble lady was better than that.

He saw the look on Emmeline's face as he talked about what awaited LaVonda. He knew why. It had to sound shocking to someone who was not used to the way these guards saw the prisoners. He knew he was telling the truth, though. Sex was just another use a slave could be put to. Impregnating one was forbidden, as Thom now knew very well, so you always took a risk when you did so.

She looked frightened. Obviously, the reality of where she was now was still sinking in piece by piece. She was still clinging on to her memories of the surface world, a world where she had rights. Poor girl. Only experience would help her let go of these memories and truly become what she was now. Her pain would only last as long as her memories would, but it was a long, terrifying path up to that point.

How different LaVonda was! As soon as she could get out of the bed, she practically threw herself at his feet, tears in her eyes. She was shedding more tears at the thought of having displeased her master than at having lost three of her children. Though his face was stern, he was proud of her. Here was one who had truly understood what life down here required. To be fair, she had so much more experience.

It took Tyann one moment to comprehend what LaVonda meant by "worshipping his manliness". Or why she felt he had done something wrong and deserved punishment. It was the first time he had a slave so eager to be disciplined that he had to barely come up with reasons himself...

Well, she was begging for it, and, honestly, he was feeling urges himself, alone in a cell with two attractive women. Besides, it would be amusing to watch Emmeline's reactions to him getting shamelessly pleasured by a slave in front of her eyes. He nodded.

He stripped naked very slowly. This was an occasion to be savored. A beautiful slave was about to "worship his manliness" while another one was forced to watch. The thought alone sent pleasant shivers down his spine as he stood in front of LaVonda, stiff penis pointing directly at her.

His tone as he spoke to Emmeline did not change one bit, almost as if he was not nude and about to be pleasured by a willing servant. "Watch closely how she does it. You can learn from a true master now." As he was complimenting LaVonda, he stroked her hair affectionately and pulled her a little bit closer.

All that was missing was some nice scenery to watch. "Scribe, stand in front of me and take off your clothes. I want to see all of you, so mind where you put your hands, will you?"


Thom was back in the guard dormitory, too angry and exhausted to do much. He was lying on his side, his backside so sore that even the light touch of his clothing made him wince every time he shifted. They had not given him back his weapons, clearly fearing he would turn on them. They would not have needed to. Even if he had been able to move, he was not the type to go out in a blaze of glory taking senseless revenge. No, he knew he would be stupid to do that.

This place was, indeed, a hell. Not because of the pain inflicted here, or even the hopelessness. It was the injustice. Anything could be done to anyone, for any reason. Innocence was not a defense, just an invitation for more torture. That was the true punishment of being here. And even the guards were not immune to it, if they showed even the slightest bit of humanity. They clearly wanted him to become like them, to become another torture instrument tormenting the slaves with injustice. Needless to say, he had other plans.
"Watch closely how she does it. You can learn from a true master now."

LaVonda looked up to the Master Jailer and before she started she asked one last question. "Master will thou grant afterwards, to place three red marks for the sons that died upon this arm. Please so I may grant names to their bodies for heaven."

She didnt wait for his reply as she eased to her knees and places kisses at the head, the lip of the head, and along both sides. She even kisses both of his balls with long silky lips. Working her way back to the top and taunting the slit with her tongue for only a moment before taking the whole head and an inch into her mouth.

Her cheeks bulged slightly as she swirled her tongue around the cap softly moaning as the head wriggled along the roof of her mouth. Slowly LaVonda lifted her left hand and encircled her fingers around the shaft and tugged upwards while suckling firmly on the cap an head of his manliness

Now she works more of the length into her mouth bobbing up and down over his cock as it moved in and out. Her hair sticking too his wet balls causing a tickling sensation at her nose while taking more of the staff in her mouth. Kissing as it comes further to the back of her mouth.

LaVonda begins to move her face back and forth a little quicker as she sucks in her cheeks causing a tight grip on Master's cock. Then LaVonda makes a loud swallowing sound and feels the head drop.

This was what Master Jailer enjoyed the first time she worshipped his.cock but this time she had more of his cock in her mouth. Deep thrusting his.cock in the back of her mouth and savoring his taste and inhaling his scent.

Deep inside she longed for his milky gift but would stave off his.orgasm as long as possible to bring Master more pleasure and perhaps be favored enough he choses names to the urns on the tableside with threads about the lid.
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Emmeline was shocked as the woman, who only had just lost babies patted her hand and then prostrated herself before Tyann.

Confusion and fear filled her. It showed clearly on her face. Worship his manliness? Emmeline was unclear what the woman meant. Then Tyann began to strip. Emmeline immediately turned her head, cheeks flushing with deep embarrassment.

He wanted her to watch? Emmeline was shocked. Why should she watch? Why would she want to learn? She backed away towards the wall, putting distance between herself and the pair.

Emmeline shook her head as he told her to undress and stand before him. She didn't want to undress. She didn't want to watch the slave do things to the jailer. A noise at the door had her fearing that the big guard was coming back in. If he did then there was no telling what would happen to her.

She needed to make a decision. She could refuse and face the punishment and it was guaranteed to be terrible or she could undress and stand there. One was sure to bring pain, the other..humiliation.

Emmeline silently wept as she moved around the wood bed that LaVonda had been laying on and stood before Tyann. She looked up, just over his head. She did not wish to see him naked or what the woman was going to do to him. Her dress was removed and she felt her shame and embarrassment turning her body red. Her hands went to her sides though she desperately wanted to cover herself from his sight.

As the tears fell, making her eyes bright and shiny she kept them focused on the wall just above Tyann's head.
She really was a master. In no time, Tyann had forgotten his dignity, moaning loudly as she pleasured him. Emmeline, meanwhile, was clearly reeling from his order, too shocked to react.

LaVonda took him deeper, and he put his hands behind her head, moving with her in the same rhythm. He shook with pleasure and felt that strange warmth rise in him... his heart pounded faster. She was drawing this out as long as she could. This was not a terrified slave doing something for fear of punishment. She had asked for, and received, his manliness, and now she was worshiping it, kissing and licking the blasphemous deity.

Emmeline was shaking her head - normally a whipping offence, but he was far too deep in paradise to care. He closed his eyes and pretended not to have seen this rebellious gesture. If she did not obey before the other slave was done, he would redefine cruelty on her poor body. She better obey soon. He was already being merciful by only requiring that she strip for him, not do as LaVonda was doing at the moment...

He could feel that he was ready to erupt... every muscle in his body was tense, a wonderful, wonderful shiver was running through his body like golden light. Behind his closed eyes, he could see a firework of colors, a warm sun shining through leaves... he threw back his head and screamed out loud, quivering groans, eager to release some of the pressure, eager to not quite come yet. Everything in him was ready.

He opened his eyes for a moment. Through a golden haze, he could see Emmeline still hesitating. Come on, girl, he thought. He would hold back until she had stripped. He would not come a second earlier than the moment he would see her perfect body again. It was the sight he wanted to end this on... the angel to complete the heaven LaVonda was sending him into with her relentless and masterful mouth.

She was clearly enjoying every minute of it, the slave kneeling at his groin. Her nostrils flared as she took on his scent. Her whole body begged for him to come. He himself could barely hold on anymore... he balled his fists, began sweating and his entire body began undulating in fast, powerful shocks every time he moaned in pleasure. Moments away... moments away... tortured by pleasure, he screamed for relief.

Finally Emmeline dropped her clothes. She stood there and even managed to have her hands at her side. Even her tears did not distract from her divine beauty, enhanced by the cloud of pure joy he was watching her through. As he kept moaning and shaking, he fixed his eyes on her, committed that sight, and that feeling to memory. He did not want to miss a single detail of this moment. It was perfect.

He came into LaVonda's mouth. His milk, held back for so long, shot out with such force it was almost painful. He nearly collapsed from relief and ecstasy, then caught himself by holding on to the slave's head. He pulled out and looked her in the eyes, smiling: "Thank you, slave. I will honor your request and will someone have the marks put on your arm."

It would not be difficult to find someone who was skilled in this. Marks of shame were one of the more common punishments.

Still naked, with semen and saliva dripping from his penis, he walked towards the fiercely blushing Emmeline. "You look wonderful. There is nothing to be ashamed of. But the next time I give you an order, I expect you to react promptly. It is not good enough for a slave to hesitate or question an order. If you think about what you have been ordered to do, you have not understand what a slave is. Be more careful about that."
LaVonda savored every second The Master Jailer's coc was in her mouth, well actually her throat. A pleasure few women could accomplish without choking.

Even as his hands held her head and kept good control over her head movements, LaVonda remained loving and moved with his direction. Her tongue swishing the underside as it moves ba k and forth along her tongue.

Soon LaVonda was fondling his balls, it was a gentle caress as she rolled her fingers along the contours of each one. Moaning softly as his cock swelled in her throat. LaVonda felt Him change the pressure of his hold making LaVonda think she wasnt suckling enough of the staff and swallowed again.

Hearing him scream made her cream herself and the mix drizzled between her thighs unseen by both of the other individus in the room.

Still it gave LaVonda a sensation of praise and worthiness. She was worshipping his flesh far better than the last time.

LaVonda felt his balls jerk upwards to his body as rich creamy man milk flooded into her eager throat. She swallowed several times trying to get all of the reward she earned. It was surprising as a few drops sprayed from her nose. Still it didnt prevent LaVonda from giving her all to her promise.

When Master pulled the pulsating penis from her mouth she started licking away remnants of semen from his manliness. Her eyes shone brightly as she spread kisses along the length.

"Thank you, slave. I will honor your request and will have someone put the marks put on your arm."

"Thank you Master " LaVonda dropped to her belly and kisses his feet before he moved away from her to speak to the other girl.

"You look wonderful. There is nothing to be ashamed of. But the next time I give you an order, I expect you to react promptly. It is not good enough for a slave to hesitate or question an order. If you think about what you have been ordered to do, you have not understand what a slave is. Be more careful about that."

LaVonda remained in place to be permitted to finish cleaning his staff. But in her mind was a swirl of names to place on those urns. .. maybe Peter, Paul, and Prince.. then she paused Thomas, Timothy, and Tobias sounded good to.
She really had not been kidding when she had spoken about worshipping it... and then him. Kissing his feet? That was the first time anyone had ever swallowed his semen so gratefully. Let alone a slave. He was left wondering, once again, whether her experiences had driven her mad, or whether she had just found the one way to find happiness in a life filled to the brim with tragedy.

He got dressed and told Emmeline: "You can get dressed, too. We are headed down to the torture chamber. But first" - he looked at LaVonda - "the reward for what you did for me. I will be back in a few moments."

He was gone for a little bit of time. While he was away, he sent someone to the court with Thom's confession. And he found Mathis, a surprisingly good artist who was normally tasked with applying the marks of shame. He would soon take care of LaVonda's request.

He came back and tapped Emmeline on the shoulder to signal her to come with him. Looking back one final time, he told LaVonda: "A guard will be on the way shortly to give you the marks you requested. It might hurt a little - he is not used to working on willing people." An evil grin rushed across his face. "Come, scribe. If these guards are any good, we will have a lot to write down by now. Some of it even might be true."

Sure enough, a short time later, a rather plump guard entered, carrying equipment that, to anyone not accustomed to the sight, would have looked like yet more torture devices. All the equipment he would need to leave a permanent reminder of this tragedy on her skin. Just as she had requested. His smile was almost friendly as he greeted her. "The master wants to give you a special treat, I hear?"

He knelt down and gently took her arm, turning it back and forth. "I see you have had these done before... though not very well. Good. That means you can hold still while I give you something to remember those poor little ones by. Something that does not look like you got attacked by a monkey with a needle and an ink bottle."

It was clear he was very passionate about this topic and took the quality of some of her marks as nearly a personal attack.
LaVonda had given her all to give him sheer pleasure and she leaned towards him for a.gentle caress.

"You can get dressed, too. We are headed down to the torture chamber. But first" - he looked at LaVonda - "the reward for what you did for me. I will be back in a few moments."

"Yes, Master." LaVonda answers softly.

"A guard will be on the way shortly to give you the marks you requested. It might hurt a little - he is not used to working on willing people." :mad:An evil grin rushed across his face. "Come, scribe. If these guards are any good, we will have a lot to write down by now. Some of it even might be true."

After The Jailer and his scribe left. LaVonda rose from the floor washed her legs of blood and quim before donning the garment Mara had left her.
When the door opened again it was another unfamiliar face but he carries a smile and winks. LaVonda.sits up and smiles back. "Hello Sire."

The stranger spoke . "The master wants to give you a special treat, I hear?"

"Yes, please Sire. ":cool:

"I see you have had these done before... though not very well. Good. That means you can hold still while I give you something to remember those poor little ones by. Something that does not look like you got attacked by a monkey with a needle and an ink bottle."

LaVonda lowered her head but replies "they were done by another slave to the brothel. She merely made what our Mistress told her to make."

The rose was actually a colored in brand, her orphan mark poorly done, the wolf was barely detailed, but the one on her abdomen was far better than the rest.

LaVonda touches the other two teardrops and spoke softly "my girl Fawn and boy Selig welcome your brothers in heaven. Until the Lord calls me to the gate"

The man was touched by her calmness about receiving the new tattoos. He even touched up the other two teardrops. LaVonda held perfectly still for him while he etched the design on her bare skin, slowly adding the pigment for the red to fill in the gap.
Still it bothered him to see the wolf bitch on her face.

LaVonda blew cool air over her new marks. They were indeed painful but would stay and not sink into her skin like another girl from the brothel had.

He decided her wolf needed professional help. He told LaVonda to lie down. He took straps from the wall and placed then around her legs and upper chest. LaVonda wasnhelpless now as he put one last strap in place, the one that would hold her head still.

LaVonda screamed as his needle poked into her face. She felt the nerves jerk with each prick until she closed her eyes from the intense pain.

She woke up late at night with her face throbbing and arm aching. At least it was over and she had a week to overcome these pains.
Mathis was used to tying people down before he worked. Now, of course, the woman he was tying down was entirely willing. And quite pretty, too, he had to admit. Her skin did need the touch of an artist. But, if he was honest, he also just enjoyed working on her.

As he strapped her down and noticed how calmly she was taking it, he smiled. "I see you have been tied up before..." Of course she had. Her marks spoke of service in a brothel, and a surprising number of customers liked that kind of thing. He knew this. He was one of those customers himself. Of course, he could have taken what he wanted for free from the prisoners, but he left that to the complete monsters. He considered himself a monster half-breed at worst.

The face was the worst part to get a tattoo... especially from someone who had been as clumsy as the original artist. That she had let that hack finish spoke volumes of her ability to endure pain. Even some men would have fled or punched their tormentor halfway through this. Well, there was no fleeing now. He knew why he had strapped her in. It was a good thing screams did not bother him much anymore, after all the things he had witnessed.

Finally, he was done. The slave was half-unconscious from pain and the exhaustion of screaming. Her face and arm were bright red. It would take quite some time for his improvements to take hold. She was a pretty girl. She deserved to have a real wolf on her face. Not some mangy thing that could just as well have been a dog. He packed up his tools, removed the straps and left, satisfied with the work she had done.

The next thing she knew, a boot was kicking her in the ribs, hard. Looming over her was the face she would probably have liked to see the least at this moment: Guntar, Staring at her with hungry eyes until he was sure she was awake and fully aware.

"You did not expect to see me again so soon, did you, slave? Expected that little threat from Mara to make me run away like a little girl? Well, does a little girl have this?"

He thrust his hips forward, showing that his penis was already exposed and quite terrifyingly erect.

"There are so many ways I can have fun with you so that that old crone will be none the wiser. And you better keep quiet about it, too. One word about it to Mara, and let her spread that story. Do you think my friends will be happy if she does that? They are good friends. They would even fuck an old hag just to punish her. And then, they will get you as a reward for being so helpful. Do you know how many friends I have? Do you want to find out?"

"I will not get anywhere near your poor, poor pussy" - he pretended to cry a little - "but Mara has not gotten any dick in such a long time that she has completely forgotten that you have other holes, too. Holes where no proper lady would want to be fucked. But you are not a lady, are you, whore? So, come on, on all fours and up with your dress. Show me that little ass of yours, and I will hit it with a stick until you are as sore as you were after that caning. I will teach you to hit me in the balls."
Emmeline was in utter shock. The slave was...licking and sucking on the jailer. The noises were obscene and yet...her nipples were hard and the muscles in her abdomen tightened strangely.

Tyann's climax was terrifying. The way he yelled out made Emmeline jump. She refused to look anywhere but the wall above his head though.

When he approached her, naked still Emmeline felt the desire to back away. Why...why was he coming towards her, naked like that? Did he expect her to...to do what the other woman had done? Her breathing increased to almost the point of hyperventilating but he stopped, complimenting her and warning her that next time she was not to hesitate. She numbly nodded as the other woman kissed his feet, thanked him.

She got dressed quickly when he told her to and then stood, head down against the wall. Why had the woman offered to do that to him? She had just lost babies, she was being treated poorly. Why would she treat him with so much revenance? She didn't dare speak though. When he returned she followed him out, a last glance cast at the other woman.

She followed Tyann to the chamber and gasped in shock at the sight of the woman being lashed and the guard between her legs. His face was pressed there and Emmeline could hear similar noises as had been made by LaVonda. She turned very red and rushed to her papers, keeping her eyes down.

Why did it both scare her and make her feel so strange? Her hand shook a little as she put the quill in the ink and prepared to write.
LaVonda felt something banging against her. When she opened her eyes there was Guntar. Fear filled her veins and she was trembling. Why did he come back so quickly, she knew he would come at her the following week but now?

"You did not expect to see me again so soon, did you, slave? Expected that little threat from Mara to make me run away like a little girl? Well, does a little girl have this?"

LaVonda gulped hard as her heart began to race in her chest. "Nay tis a man part you sport, Sir."

When he took that step closer LaVonda wanted to run, but there was no where she could go

"There are so many ways I can have fun with you so that that old crone will be none the wiser. And you better keep quiet about it, too. One word about it to Mara, and let her spread that story. Do you think my friends will be happy if she does that? They are good friends. They would even fuck an old hag just to punish her. And then, they will get you as a reward for being so helpful. Do you know how many friends I have? Do you want to find out?"

LaVonda began to tremble as more fear sets.in her chest.

"I will not get anywhere near your poor, poor pussy" -

LaVonda steeled herself for his next outlandish boast.

"but Mara has not gotten any dick in such a long time that she has completely forgotten that you have other holes, too. Holes where no proper lady would want to be fucked. But you are not a lady, are you, whore? So, come on, on all fours and up with your dress. Show me that little ass of yours, and I will hit it with a stick until you are as sore as you were after that caning. I will teach you to hit me in the balls."

LaVonda stared at him with bewilderment. Was he insane? She couldn't do what he was asking without harming her insides.
"I can not"

Oh he was furious now that she dared to refuse him. LaVonda thought with the Master Jailer's promise of rest, he didnt dare to go against his superiors.
Tyann walked in on the two guards interrogating Lark. He looked at the one who was crouching in front of her, his tongue doing something very obvious between her legs. "Having fun?", he asked in a tone that made the guard stop immediately and stand, blushing fiercely. "Nothing yet, master", the guard with the whip said. Tyann frowned. He could understand him - she was a most tempting prisoner - but they were wasting time with their personal amusement. They would receive their discipline later.

He sat Emmeline down at her usual desk, and shamelessly put an arm around her. "Well, you have seen how to do it now. What she called 'worshipping my manliness'. Do you think you could do it? You were not exactly being very attentive, were you? Did you at least remember how to basically do it. If I ordered you to show what you have learned right here, would you be able to do it?"

He did not mind the other guards and especially Lark listening to all this. So often had he seen prisoners, women especially, break from threats to their dignity where they had withstood hours of mere pain. And what would be more undignified than being forced to drink her tormentor's semen as a form of entertainment for bored guards? To see just how vulnerable Lark would be here to their desires?

He grinned as he saw a hint of fear in Emmeline's eyes. "Calm down, slave. I said 'if'. If I decided to show this one tied up over there just how little we care about a prisoner's dignity here. Would you be able to do it? Or should I bring you upstairs again for another lesson?"

She had not been very persuasive with Lark when he had asked her to show how much pain he could inflict. He was very sure she would be much more persuasive in demonstrating just how much humiliation awaited the prisoner here. Terrifyingly persuasive, even.


"You can not? Oh, it's Mara's order of rest. Not very restful, having my rod up your backside, huh? You know what, little slave? I agree. Nothing is more important than for our precious, precious slave girls to get their beauty sleep. The problem is: I am wild about you, and you must do something about it. So here is something you can do while you hardly move at all. Just the right thing for your royal highness."

He knelt down and took her hands, putting them on his penis. It was quite obvious what he wanted from her.

"Yes... that is much better, isn't it? No exhausting ramming, just some light handcrafting. But you better make it good. If I don't like it, then you will be fucked."

He laughed at what had to be a clever pun by his standards and spat in her face. "And be careful. Don't whack me in the stones again. I still need them for the likes of you. You don't want to rob them of their fun, do you? It is the only fun they have left."

"If it is not too much of a bother, princess, you might get naked for me afterwards. A pretty girl like you should not be hidden in that shapeless sack. I want to see what you have got. And I want to pleasure myself to it. That is the only thing you are good for now, so you better get good at it quickly. Who knows, I might recommend you to my friends, even. You could win yourself some very loyal customers."

He was clearly having the time of his life, showering her with threats and orders. His eyes were glowing with delight, thirsty for any sign of humiliation on her face. A fire of pure lust was burning in him, and he was already breathing heavily in anticipation of what she would be forced to do. He did not leave any doubt that the threat to return together with his friends was entirely truthful, and that he would love to do that.
"You can not? Oh, it's Mara's order of rest. Not very restful, having my rod up your backside, huh? You know what, little slave? I agree"

LaVonda is surprised by his agreeing but knew there was a but in his consension.

"Nothing is more important than for our precious, precious slave girls to get their beauty sleep. The problem is: I am wild about you, and you must do something about it. So here is something you can do while you hardly move at all. Just the right thing for your royal highness."

LaVonda shuddered at the tone of his voice. His words were only making LaVonda feel more frightened of what he had in mind.

Guntar took her hands and moved them to the sides of his cock. His leering stare sent stabs of nervousness along her heart and spine

"Yes... that is much better, isn't it? No exhausting ramming, just some light handcrafting. But you better make it good. If I don't like it, then you will be fucked."

LaVonda let her hands glide over his staff as she paid attention to his words.

"And be careful. Don't whack me in the stones again. I still need them for the likes of you. You don't want to rob them of their fun, do you? It is the only fun they have left."

"No..."LaVonda replies nervously

"If it is not too much of a bother, princess, you might get naked for me afterwards. A pretty girl like you should not be hidden in that shapeless sack. I want to see what you have got. And I want to pleasure myself to it. That is the only thing you are good for now, so you better get good at it quickly. Who knows, I might recommend you to my friends, even. You could win yourself some very loyal customers."

LaVonda.grosned slightly to his request. That meant she would have to move the fabric over her arm and face.

For the moment she needed to tend to his cock. Mentally she prayed for someone like Mara or the Master Jailer to come thru the door and give her some form of protection.

LaVonda.saw.the salve for her new marks and put some in her hands. The creaminess of the salve will make her hands move smoothly over his cock.

LaVonda looked down at his arched rod. It was engorged with need and from what she could tell from the veins that bulged out he would be easily stimulated. She even wondered if he knew that about himself.

Slowly she strokes his.cock up and down. Holding gently so it felt like feathers moving along his skin. Then she applied a small amount of pressure and was making a firm tugging without discomfort. Her fingers spread out so more of his flesh is touched by her warm hands.

As she worked on his girth and length an idea crosses her mind. A quirk of the silk seller that he taught several of the girls at the brothel. LaVonda pulls her hands away and before Guntar could start complaining, she removed the shift and repositioned her body so her chest was against his.cock.

LaVonda noticed his look of anger switched to a curious stare. She raised a little on her knees and brought her breasts to encase his cock. She carefully moved herself to stroke his flesh with her breasts. there you bastard, see my breasts.and please your eyes, it will just make you come quicker.

It was apparent he never had someone do this willingly. LaVonda would keep that in mind should he trap her again during her week of rest.

LaVonda continued to use her breasts to hold his cock formly. Now she was making long even strokes as she can hear his breathing get heavier and heavier.