"Hallow-Weeney" poetry

oh my ...scare me

eyes as big as bottle tops
with teeth longer than pencils
paper grocery bag, painted
and a t-shirt tied into a 'treat' bag

trick or treat was never so sweet.
so long ago...
I have already submitted this one,
but it soooo fits your scary ... ghoulie thread ~

13th Hour

Midnight falls,
dark eeriness
Standing upon
the moons shadow.
Creatures of the night
come out to play.

Blood thirsty vamps
snicker and snarl
their want.
Coming to feast,
on the carcasses,
of the lonely and sad.

Suckling all their life's blood.
Sharp fangs dip
again an again...
Smuggling their booty
back to the caves,
of eternal damnation.

Soulless demons
flying high.
is their lovers delight...

Seeking all
who dare to venture out,
past the thirteenth hour.

Capturing them
with a sharpened blade.
Wrapping tight
their bounteous prey.
Carrying away
to the hidden caves.



Body parts fly.
Trying to get
to the brains inside.
Blood runs over
the caves darkened floors.

Pouring out

Dripping through the grooves,
of the moons rocky surface.
So look long and hard,
my friend.
Outside your window
the moon shines bright.
Is it red

A whisper of wings
on a moonless night
answering dreams
as if an invite

through an open window
she floats into your room
your head on a pillow
unaware of your doom

she lands by your bed
licks her lips at the sight
leans down to your neck
sinks fangs in one bite

drinks deep of your blood
not spilling a drop
your taste is so good
she longs not to stop

but she shows restraint
she wants you to live
though your pulse is but faint
you'll have more nights to give

she steps to the cill
looks back with a sigh
and savors the thrill
then takes to the sky

he greets a new day
his neck a bit cricky
does not seem surprised
at his double dot hickey

closes the window
then locks it tight
smiles as he thinks
must unlock it tonight
not that i want to lower the tone or anything, but...

Help the little children
All squeeze into their costumes
Let them roam the streets
Looking for treats
Or throwing tricks
When treats run out.
Eggs will do
Eggs, raw and rotten.
Note my house is empty on Halloween.

Thanks Lil' Tom wildsweetone ...

Witches and brooms
bats hung in loom

Jack o lantern smiles
in flicker candle glow

Ghosts and gobblins
down the road hobblin'

full moon on
a haunting rising

trick or treaters
knock for suprises

spookey screams
on the streets of halloween
Dr. Heckle and Mr. Pride
by My Erotic Tail ©

Dr. Heckle was very old man
he could hardly walk
much less stand.

When the 'knock'
came at the door
Dr. Heckle hobbled
across the floor.

"Trick or treat
smell my feet
give me something good to eat."
rang out from some neighborhood kids.
As Dr. Heckle did the Halloween biz.

He dropped some candy in their sacks.
Then reached to hold his old back.
The kids ran off happy with glee
Dr. Heckle shut the door to the screen.

As he hobbled back to his chair
'Poof' came a sound
then smoke filled the air.

There before him
stood his fairy god-mother
Dr. Heckle thought she was an Angel
and said "Oh Brother."

As the fairy flew and then hovered.
"Am I going to heaven? or will it be hell?"
Dr. Heckle asked as he almost fell.

"Neither Heckle." The fairy replied.
"I'm here to give you, a night to come alive."
Dr. Heckle let out a sigh.

The Fairy waved her glistening wand
began chanting some unknown song
Dr. Heckle changed, he grew young and strong.

"Now be home by the stroke of two,
or you'll be an old man stuck out in the blue."
Then away the fairy flew
she had things, she had to do.

Dr. Heckle gleamed with pride
Feeling young, strong and revived.
He went off dancing along the drive.

He came upon a pub that was filled with cheer.
Thought he'd go in and have a beer.
Soon he was chatting with a lovely dear.

Her big eyes and robust smile
Dr. Heckle charmed her for awhile.
With his new appearance and his strong style.
Till the empty glasses were in a towering pile.

"By the way, my names Mr. Pride."
Dr. Heckle blurt his age he did hide.
The lovely lady
moved close to his side.

"Want to go to my place?"
She asked with a grin.
They started walking
she was tall and thin.

When they got to her house
she took off her clothes.
Soon Dr. Heckles manhood rose.

The two began kissing
in the bedroom with passion.
Dr. Heckle fucked her
as she was thrashing.

Their orgasims were many
as time slipped away.
Dr. Heckle was enjoying his day.

The clock rang out that it was two.
Dr. Heckle's head jerked up
what was he to do?

Then came the scream
from his new queen
Dr. Heckle thought his old self had been seen.

But as he turned
he saw his new love grow old.
Then his body grew chilly and cold.

He began to hobble
as he tried to run away.
The old woman smiled
and said, "Stay."

"We must have had
the same Halloween treat."
The woman said.
"The fairy must have known
that we would meet."

Dr. Heckle crawled back in bed
the woman soon was giving him head.
Dr. Heckle no longer
wished he was dead.

Their aniversary is now Halloween
Dr. Heckle and his new queen.
Mrs. Pride's favorite thing
Licking Mr. Prides trick or treat cream.
The night of the great pumpkin draws near
when pumkin head comes to life
on a hallow eve he will rise

From a pumpkin patch where the dead lay
coming to life on hollween night
full moons magic makes pumkins rise

Hungry for flesh he carrys a sickle
hunting for souls lost in the dark
the great pumpkin soon will embark

I wrote this a few years ago. It's based on Poe's Masque of the Red Death. Happy Halloweeny poets. :)

Red Death

Beyond these walls darkness
plummets, safety pushes
closer to the precipice,
the waiting edge of the abyss.

Shhhh! No more of this!

The forest and the town
are no concern. Abide, for surely
wealth and status earn a haven:
there is nothing one should fear
though gentlefolk would never
cast aside their sympathy.

The dying in the village might be you
or me for this invader bows
to nothing but its needs,
this terror must be satiated, feeds
on lord and serf alike

to shoot a fevered arrow true
and pour its filth inside of you
until you're torn upon a rack
of pain, reduced to no more
than a shaking wraith, a choking
stain of humours

as the world recedes, and you
slip ever farther from the spitting din,
surrendering to foe unseen
that swells within the ebon
clots upon your skin.

No more!

We've food and drink aplenty.
Look you on the sizzling joint,
the honeyed mead.

Look you on gaiety that bleeds
in spinning ladies faceted
beside their courtly partners,
moving neatly through the dance
of waiting until

midnight peals

to shocked and angry screams:
an uninvited guest reveals
its hollow grin behind the masque.
thanks grasshopper~


bubble gum and candy bars
halloween is not that far
pixie stix and pepperment
do you have a costume yet?
My Erotic Tale said:
thanks grasshopper~


bubble gum and candy bars
halloween is not that far
pixie stix and pepperment
do you have a costume yet?

So many costumes to choose
go dress up you've got nothing to lose,
though shopping need not be a task
I know some who do not need a mask!


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oops. i should have posted this in the 13 o'clock thread.
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thanks mojo

and JC~


Cindy's Scare Crow
by My Erotic Tale ©

Down the rows
in a field of corn
Cindy can be found
practicing porn

It's her dream
to be a porn queen
so she acts out
her favorite scene.

With no man around
Cindy has found
the scare crow won't
let her down.

Raising her hand
to her forehead
Cindy dramatically
begins to beg.

"Fuck me scare crow
and fuck me hard.
You know what I want
to be a porn star."

She unbuttoned her blouse
slow and sensual
Licking her lips
at the scare crows potential

Cupping her breast
she nipped at her nipples
Then let the blouse
fall sexually simple

She brushed back her pigtails
curled a farm girl smile.
Cindy's shorts fell
now the clothes were in a pile

Naked she strolled
towards the staked man
With her strap-on
in her hand.

She fastened it to
the still Scare Crow
shaking the penis
as if it would grow.

Then wrapped her arms
around the straw man
hiked her leg
and soon began humping.

"Oh Yes,"
she blurted out
then kissed him
as if he had a mouth.

Driving thrusts
she pumped at it
Her strange lover
that had a nice fit.

"Fuck me Scare Crow,
fuck me hard."
Cindy screamed
reading her script card.

Pulling straw
in feverish grasps
she pretended
he had a nice ass.

Jerking and thrashing
at the Scare Crows post.
She pressed harder
to get the most.

Then she quivered
and started to cum.
Down her leg
her juices run.

Hugging Scare Crow
with a death grip
Cindy's hand
reached to her slit.

Savoring her flavor
then offered him some.
Cindy smiled
tasting her cum.

She took the strap-on
and back to her clothes
then said to him
as she arose.

"Tomorrow I'll
put you back together,
and maybe we
will play with a feather."

Then she snickered
and blew him a kiss.
as she began
to get dressed.

She walked to the house
down the corn's row
thinking about her lover
The Scare Crow.
He lays
in an alley way
with no moon

on Halloween
that now blooms

garbage cans
by garage doors
wooden fences
shadows lured

childrens laughter
perks his ears
looking down
the alley he peers

most children
stay in the light
but maybe yet
one will stray tonight

foot steps heard
slowly he turns
there was a child
dressed as a bum

the childs eyes
grew bright
a treat they found
this wicked night

leaning down
and picked HIM up
a smile grew wide
being blessed much

a black cats's luck
a warm place to be
child takes them home
a black cat on Halloween
a bag of candy

sweet tart tooth
tootsie roll smile
gum ball balls
candy corn torn

root beer barrels
and jaw breakers
peppermint suprise
sucker lips rise

red hot tongue
jelly bean giggles
butter scotch eyes
sucking and smacking

Halloween candy

"Knock Knock"
"Trick or Treat"

"oh no. the door"
looks at the bowl
there is no more <grin>
My Halloween effort


Wait until Midnight
For the shadows
To break out of their
Cage and dance around
The fire in your house.

They'll creep upstairs
And jump in your bed
Where they'll play with
Your face until its time
To feast.

They love to cause
Mischief and love to
Mock the flames from
Which they came.

They only last a night
But the memory of them
Lasts until you die.

Let the fun begin!
cward2 said:

Wait until Midnight
For the shadows
To break out of their
Cage and dance around
The fire in your house.

They'll creep upstairs
And jump in your bed
Where they'll play with
Your face until its time
To feast.

They love to cause
Mischief and love to
Mock the flames from
Which they came.

They only last a night
But the memory of them
Lasts until you die.

Let the fun begin!

It's the bells
they ring so

the chime sounds loud
and stirs me so
I just can't comprehend
what they do to my soul

the bells that toll

the bells
the bells
the bells that toll

edgar allen poe
Mr Jack O'Lantern

Mr Jack O'Lantern
Likes to creep
Around your
Neighbourhood at

Scaring all the kids
With his great big

He likes to have
A smoke with
Dracula and

Before slicing you
Up with his great
Big knife
there is such beauty in a long, slender neck
tendril trails of loose locks curl gently brushing
as if waving, inviting, inticing a taste

to bow the neck in a backward lay
stroking fingers along its form
bringing the flesh to life

turning away the chin
inviting, groans
when bit
nothing scary, just something I wrote at church last hallowed eve's service...

Something always survives the death of winter

Tonight they have surrounded this town in flame
and fear.

Yet I will wear no disguise
to trick your spirit into leaving.
Fully dressed in familiar skin I invite you,
Come in, come in.

The trill of Chopin's keys joins the flutter of leaves
Listen Friend! I am still with you
our promises sealed in yellows and gold.

I too wear these colors of welcome,
haunt me, always
come with me now.

Never the Platter

Prepare yourself if you must
because she comes, she comes to us all.
Listen for the click of silver between her toes
the veils have already dropped,
your sermons do not impress her.

Your sermons do not impress her
save it for the mount my brother
tossing fishes into the sky
her blade flashes and the pieces
rain down on us all.

*This photo was from a challenge on another site....any takers? *
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13 Crows

In the dead of night
I heard their flight
just above my head

13 Crows
landed in a row
gathering around the dead

steel that drips
the trick of the night
the color of blood red

13 crows
this night exposed
what they wanted fed

zmp ~ river ghosts

they glide
over the river
in a slow
flowing grace

of white
in one
steady pace

above the surface
along the river
they coast

the sun rises
vapors lure
river ghosts​
flyguy69 said:
annaswirls said:
okay I have restrained myself from pasting fly's face into the elephant photo

You go to better parties than I do![/QUOTE]

no I don't
trust me
I stole the photo from someone who does
I am on my way to pre-k bash with my pumpkin mini-muffins (home made of course) and bologna bats.

of course you know anna is all rated G here
oop I keep forgetting to play the part