"Hallow-Weeney" poetry

A brisk wind blows through
leafless branches
in The Hollow
howls a mournful cry.
While dark clouds roll
across sunless sky
I peer with squinted eyes

Rustling leaves sound
through the wilderness
As my Pony snorts
from uneasiness.
His hot breath steamed
in the cold damp air.
My collar half covered
from frost nipped ears.

I heard the thunder
not of this Earth
I felt useless
and of little worth.
With wide eyes
I peered through trees
The saddle rubbed
my shaking knees.

A loud drumming
pounding turf
energetic sound
of a fast paced heart
Appeared a black steed
in the distant mist
I tried to turn my pony
but it rare'd and hissed.

I fell to the ground
with a heavy thud
sitting in wet
knee deep mud.
My pony bolted
in a frightened flee.
While the black steed
beared down on me.

It's neck outreached
with wild waving mane
The rider was driving
as if insane
A thrash of it's whip
while kicking the flank
Vigorously shaking
at the bit and the shank.

Cape whipping
with snapping sounds
as the fabric
cracked out loud.
This dark image
that grew closer
As I reached
for my holster.

I found it empty
fear struck me
I searched through the mud
that was gritty and mucky.
A bellowing roar
came from the black steed
as it leaped
and rose above me.

Leather stretched girth
screeched under stress
As the horse sailed
then it's hooves rest.
An explosive sound came
as it touched down
Then the rider wheel'd
the Horse turned around.

My fingers pinched
through the wet earth.
To find my pistol
rapidly they searched
Then they clutched
the hardened steel
Raising it till
the trigger I could feel.

Up before me
I pointed the gun
as the steed
was back to a run.
It's shoulder clipped me
trying to run me down.
Fire from the barrel
rang out a sound.

I shot the rider
dead in the chest
I saw the destruction
of part of it's vest.
As I fell
back in the mud.
I crashed and splashed
with a mighty thud.

I looked up
and saw my pursuer
and I swear
no words are truer
this horse's rider
had no head
I knew it must be
the living dead.

The horse was wild eye'd
of foam and lather
Black as night
fifteen hands or better.
Ridden by
a ghostly sight
there in the Hollow
on Halloween night.

The Rider was capped
up to it's collar
Even without a head
it screamed and hollered,
"Let no man dare
to cross the Hollow,
You must leave
and do not follow."

Then spun the Black steed
and galloped away.
I was spared
to tell of this day.
Needless to say
I did not follow
The Headless Horseman
down in The Hollow.
I've had this posted for a while now. It seems to fit here.

The Feast of the Dead

She walked to the dark meeting,
Side by side, with her sacrifice bleating,
She chanted prayers to the dark friar.

The wind came in great clatter,
Blow by blow, rattling chatter,
Amidst leaves and thorns in the briar.

Dry refuse around them lay,
Piles and piles, in the fresh scythed hay,
In the field, on the hill, stood a pyre.

Flames licking the kindling and tinder,
Faster and faster, heating ember and cinder,
Cleansing dead souls in the fire.

Lord Samhein! Attend us now in the night!
Hand in hand, we invite you into the light,
You bless us and in us great beauty inspire.

With a swipe of her blade, she bathed all in red,
She pleaded for the spirit to take up her dead,
Her virgin daughter to royalty aspire.

The druidic priestess watched soot rise in the smoke,
More and more, writhed in shadows her folk,
Joining together in the fall mire.

Bring babes to replace the souls that you take,
Life for life, in their passion, new hope awake,
We thank you, on All Saint's our Blessed Sire.

On All Hallow's Eve, We build our great fire.
Read This Poem!

Read this poem,
but don't read it,
then count to three
and eat a spider.
If you do,
you'll surely die
in 20 years.

Read this poem
and you will know
that I shall slay you all.
You will find me
smashed and orange
on your stoops,
in your driveways,
beside the creepy tree
that you may or not have
in your back yard,
if you have a back yard.

Read this poem
and know your fate,
Mr. or Mrs. Neat-Freak.
You want to clean up that mush.
Reach for me and I shall rise up,
all glowy and orangey,
screeching like a dead pumpkin!
I shall... you got something between your teeth.
It's black like a spider.
Did you eat a spider?
You will die!
Okay, calm down.
I'm sure it won't kill you.
WickedEve said:
Okay, calm down.
I'm sure it won't kill you.
I'm not so sure. Is it bagged spinach from California? You know what they say about poopie spinach don't you?...
champagne1982 said:
I'm not so sure. Is it bagged spinach from California? You know what they say about poopie spinach don't you?...
I stuffed spinach leaves in my underwear, because I'm a crazy bitch with a death wish. Though, using spinach that way may be safe...
WickedEve said:
I stuffed spinach leaves in my underwear, because I'm a crazy bitch with a death wish. Though, using spinach that way may be safe...

That was not only scarey
but chuckleboned (~_*)
WickedEve said:
I stuffed spinach leaves in my underwear, because I'm a crazy bitch with a death wish. Though, using spinach that way may be safe...

not that you asked, but cabbage leaves inside the bra of a breastfeeding mother have a heavenly ability to heal.

Wendy's Bitchin' Broom
by My Erotic Tale ©

Wendy was at
the "Ye ole Shoppe,"
a morning of
shop till you drop.
She bought a second hand
broom and a mop.
'She needed them'
she thought.

With her arms full
she walked home along the road.
She said,
"I could use some help, I suppose."
Then her broom
came to life and arose.
Looped her bags
and carried her load.

"This is Bitchin!"
Wendy said.
As she curiously
scratched her head.
Walking along
a floating broom.
That carried her things
to her room.

The broom kissed the mop
as it laid it down.
Scattering 'goodie' bags
all around.
Wendy was amazed
at what she had found.
Tired from shopping
she decided to lay down.

The broom zoomed beside her
and laid down as well.
Wendy figured
the broom's under a spell.
She rolled over
and fondeled the tiny bristles.
The Broom began to hum
and then whistle.

Then like a hummingbird
it flew about the room.
Wendy shouted,
"Are you possesed little broom?"
The broom shot to Wendy
with a quick zoom!
The coo coo clock chimed
that it was now noon.

That sound sent the broom
into a heated frenzy.
Spread out it's bristles
that were tathered and frizzy.
The long wooden shaft
swelled and then grew.
Till it look like a penis
Wendy began to coo.

The broom knew
where to put it in.
It humped at Wendy
again and again.
The broom shaft changed
till it fit her size.
Filling her fully then
spread a bit wide.

Wendy laid back
and relished in it's pleasure.
This new gift
that was obviously a treasure.
She felt her jucies flow
and come in a gusher.
Giving her an orgasim
that was un-measured.

She laid back
with a smile like a coon.
The broom laid beside her
in one quick zoom.
Back to hard wood and bristle
whistling a tune.
Her new bed buddy
Wendy's, Bitchin Broom!
13 crows
by My Erotic Tale ©

13 Crows~

In the dead of night
I heard their flight
just above my head

13 Crows
landed in a row
gathering around the dead

Stainless drips
trick of the night
the color of blood red

13 crows
this night exposed
what they wanted fed

A shrilling call
beaks and eye balls
as 13 crows fled

A hallow eve
instructing my deed
what 13 crows had said

Calling this night
the black birds flight
13 crows in my head
Ghosts Fish too!
by My Erotic Tale ©

Ghosts fish too

Fish tales are usually exaggerated
but I will try and hold true to the facts,

"the day we made an inner tube, our raft."

Back when camping was an excuse to be together
during any kind of weather
the rainy ones were more of an excuse
to hold you for hours.

I had the urge
to do more than lay on you and purge
so I went fishing and you wanted to go this time
I said, "Great ... fine,
let's go," and away we went.

Two lovers in two inner tubes with two fishing poles
having to much fun
I don't know how many casts it took
maybe "TWO"
before you caught your inner tube.

It sprung a leak and started to seep
till it was you and me on 'my' inner tube
but we had a ton of fun on the little one.

I got to use 'Georges' very very ...
I could not write enough 'verys'
to tell how very expensive his fishing pole was
that was worth the trip just to cast
so we headed back.

We both paddled
while I tossed a few more casts
just for laughs
with your Lil fishing pole,
and "WOOH"

I got a bite,
pulling fighting,
bent that little pole
like I had a whale,
by the tail
and it was caught

"Get the net,"
I yelled and you reached around
and got the net and we bagged an eight pound bass
on two pound mono filament line
in One inner tube ...together

We started to paddle back
when we realized we sprung a leak
"Get the gear together," I said as I slipped into the water
"Where's George's fishing pole?" You asked.
I had a Heart attack, "What?"

Obviously when we caught the 8 lb bass
George wanted to go fishing
and he got his fishing pole back.
I can only assume; Ghosts fish too!
I paddled us to shore and those are the fishing tale...facts!
Happy, Jack, Frowning and Grin
by My Erotic Tail ©

Happy, Jack, Frowning and Grin
were sittin' around the patch of pumpkin.
It was late summer and early Autumn.
Just sittin' around doin' nothing.

Then they heard a truck door slam.
Sounded close, like a loud 'Bam'.
Harvested, loaded and then truckin'
was Happy, Jack, Frowning and Grin.

With out eye's pumpkins can't see
So when some were created these four were pleased.
Then placed on a porch all they could see were knee's.
Happy, Jack, Frowning and Grin were now without seed.

Cleaned out and used to make pies
where Happy, Jack, Frowning and Grin's insides.
But they sat proudly where they now reside.
On the front porch, outside.

When night finally fell
Their candles were lit and they could see well
They glowed, brightly and 'swell'
But Frowning was still unhappy you could tell.

"What's wrong Frowning?" Jack asked aloud.
Happy asked, "Why aren't you proud?"
Grin shouted, "That man's well indowed."
Happy, Jack and Grin peered through the curtain's shroud.

Frowning started grinning and grin was now a frown.
Happy was stunned and Jack was glaring round.
As this man was undressing through the shroud
Happy, Jack and Grin were looking up at the night clouds.

"Aw heck," came from Frowning
As they all looked at what he was sounding.
A woman walked in with out any clothes.
Happy, Jack and Grins noses glowed.

These four watched as the couple made love
Then came the wetness from up above.
Happy then moved from a hard nudge.
His candle went out in a wet sludge.

A dog was wizzin' and lifting it's leg.
"Don't...stop!" Jack began to beg.
Happy didn't have his big cut out smile.
the dog could be heard barking for more than a mile.

Frowning was now Happy and Happy had a frown
as they all watched the woman put on an evening gown.
The couple got in their car and headed to town.
Happy, Jack, Frowning and Grin looked around.

Ghosts and gobblin's walk the streets
Then came the kid with his kleets.
smashed poor Grin with a stomp of his feet
Because no one was home to give him a treat.

Another grabbed Frowning and gave him a throw.
Jack could hear the pumpkin say, "Oh No."
In a million pieces now in the road.
Frowning's candle never more glowed.

When the couple came home they saw the demise,
and quickly cleaned up outside.
They didn't really seemed concerned.
For they still had one Jack-o-lantern.