Halloween Poetry Contest with PRIZE! Deadline 10-20

The good thing is because we have timeshare points we don't have to pay for the apartment just the flights over, Same thing when we go to Las Vegas........ if we have enough points we can go anywhere really
The good thing is because we have timeshare points we don't have to pay for the apartment just the flights over, Same thing when we go to Las Vegas........ if we have enough points we can go anywhere really

I have a friend who has had one of those type timeshares for years. She gets a book each year with all the available places. Some cost a bit more, but really not much. We had a lovely week in Cozumel once for the price of plane fare and mad money. :)
Where is Cozumel? (says she showing a deplorable lack of geography skills)

In the Carribean, a few miles off the southeast coast of Mexico (the Yucatan Penninsula, near Cancun). It's gorgeous there, great diving and snorkling.

It does look lovely but I can't say I am a lying on the beach type person but beachcombing that is a different matter, I grew up beside what could be in winter the most cold desolate beach in England and that was the time I loved it the most when more often than not it was just my beach
I've only got till next Thursday if that, I go away 17th and by then I will be in panic mode (over travel plans not poems!) and I keep editing this damn thing and it's turning into frankenstein's monster (how very apt lol)
When I read this about your poem being edited into a Frankenstein's monster, I was inspired. :) About an hour later I wrote a terzanelle, but I'm just now getting a chance to post it.

The Igors

We three gaudy gaunts dig up the grave,
in button-down drab and garish lesions.
Mangled metaphor, only part we save.

Shilling pockets of poetic perversions
fund our stout pints and kidney pie.
We drably dine, with our garish lesions.

"Arterial alliteration? In a pig's eye!"
One of us has gotten too educated.
Lord, I need my pints and kidney pie.

We know a bloody vein would be ill-fated,
but who dug up All the world's a stage?
One of us has gotten too educated.

Cracked like bones of a broken rib cage,
we shake dirt from the fractured simile
for half-shilling more than All the world's a stage.

Poems stitched together for the bourgeoisie.
Three gaudy gaunts, robbers of the grave,
we shake the dirt from a fractured simile.
No mangled metaphor for us to save.
When I read this about your poem being edited into a Frankenstein's monster, I was inspired. :) About an hour later I wrote a terzanelle, but I'm just now getting a chance to post it.

The Igors

We three gaudy gaunts dig up the grave,
in button-down drab and garish lesions.
Mangled metaphor, only part we save.

Shilling pockets of poetic perversions
fund our stout pints and kidney pie.
We drably dine, with our garish lesions.

"Arterial alliteration? In a pig's eye!"
One of us has gotten too educated.
Lord, I need my pints and kidney pie.

We know a bloody vein would be ill-fated,
but who dug up All the world's a stage?
One of us has gotten too educated.

Cracked like bones of a broken rib cage,
we shake dirt from the fractured simile
for half-shilling more than All the world's a stage.

Poems stitched together for the bourgeoisie.
Three gaudy gaunts, robbers of the grave,
we shake the dirt from a fractured simile.
No mangled metaphor for us to save.

You are my favoritist warpiest person in the world!
Well there you go warped rules .... I put on on the Dark poetry thread about wanting to commit murder just to see what it felt like!
I was confused (yeah I know it don't take much!) I didn't know if I was supposed to say I had sent one from your comment! and I still don't or whether you got it or not. It's like you have multiple personalities one bit is Eve and another bit is part of a conglomerate that is The Poets who live way up high on Mount Olympus dropping partly eaten vol au vonts on our heads
I was confused (yeah I know it don't take much!) I didn't know if I was supposed to say I had sent one from your comment! and I still don't or whether you got it or not. It's like you have multiple personalities one bit is Eve and another bit is part of a conglomerate that is The Poets who live way up high on Mount Olympus dropping partly eaten vol au vonts on our heads
The Poets is an old user name that the mods used. We also used it for submitting group poems. It comes in handy now for things like the contest.
Blah did I Funk Up?!?

Hey new to discussion boards and interested in participating in the Halloween Poetry Contest :-S
I've already sent the Poem to The Poets Mailbox but it was his Regular Mail NOT the Mail Here. Hmmmm does that make a difference?!? :-S

Can someone let me know if i gotta repost it to him here cuz if so i'll send the exact same poem in eventhough I'd revised it since i'd sent the original to The Poets mail.
Hey new to discussion boards and interested in participating in the Halloween Poetry Contest :-S
I've already sent the Poem to The Poets Mailbox but it was his Regular Mail NOT the Mail Here. Hmmmm does that make a difference?!? :-S

Can someone let me know if i gotta repost it to him here cuz if so i'll send the exact same poem in eventhough I'd revised it since i'd sent the original to The Poets mail.

I just checked the mailbox and we don't have your poem. Click on the name The Poets over the av (well except we don't have one, but you know what I mean). You'll get an option to send a private message. Click on that and you'll get the right pm reply box, and you can send your poem from there. I'll check later and make sure we have it. :)

We have six poems so far and y'all don't have much time left to send them in! Don't forget the submissions deadline is coming up soon, October 20. We'll take poems up to 11:59 PST that night, and try to get the entries posted in polls on the 21st.
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Why, in Pudendum's name, haven't more people voted on the Halloweenie Poems?

Vote, vote, vote.

I hate to nag yas, but don't you see, not voting is a choice in itself, although, it says more about you than about the candidates... Just sayin'.
Why, in Pudendum's name, haven't more people voted on the Halloweenie Poems?

Vote, vote, vote.

I hate to nag yas, but don't you see, not voting is a choice in itself, although, it says more about you than about the candidates... Just sayin'.

I just got my computer back from the shop (finally!:rolleyes:) on Friday afternoon, but haven't had a chance to really do much on it yet. But I will be looking for the poems to vote on them, honest. :)
